Programa experimental de niños en edad pre-escolar en familia: Plan piloto reapertura y desarrollo del programa de los hogares de cuidado diario.
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Esta investigación representa un valioso esfuerzo, el primero en su género, de este Instituto, y de las Escuelas de Antropología y Trabajo Social. Estudia un problema comunitario, especialmente importante, a fin de contribuir en su esclarecimiento y solución.
Como resultado de la investigación el informe contiene los siguientes aspectos:
Propuesta de capacitación a personas no profesionales: -Programas de capacitación a personas no profesionales – Propuesta de capacitación a las madres cuidadoras para un programa de atención integral a niños en edad pre-escolar y La educación pre-escolar.
Ensayos de interpretación sobre el cantón de Belén: - Estudio de comunidad para el desarrollo de un programa de atención integral de niños en edad pre-escolar (cantón de Belén y distrito de San Rafael de Ojo de Agua). – Cantón de Belén y su trayectoria industrial en la última década. – La influencia de la religión en el cantón de Belén . – Factores socioeconómicos que obliga a un joven de Belén a abandonar sus estudios.
El análisis de los aspectos permite plantear que las comunidades en estudio reúnen condiciones socioeconómicas que hacen viable la puesta en marcha de un programa de centros infantiles, el cual abrirá un espacio laboral para aquellas personas que no cuentan con un trabajo remunerado, un segundo aspecto pero no menos importante será la posibilidad de que las mujeres, aunque en un grupo reducido, tomen conciencia sobre el papel crucial que juegan en la sociedad.
También se concluye que los programas de educación pre-escolar tienen como fundamento favorecer el desarrollo bio-psico-social del niño, entrelazando el desenvolvimiento y su creatividad en la socialización, por lo que es necesario que se fijen objetivos para estructurar la conducta infantil con el fin de desarrollar al máximo las potencialidades del niño y brindarle una mejor adaptación social.
En el aspecto religioso se muestra que la Iglesia Católica en Belén es una iglesia activa, incorporada por completo a los problemas de la comunidad, que participa de lleno en el desarrollo sociocultural de la región promoviendo y apoyando organizaciones comunales y programas de promoción humana.
En la última parte la investigación concluye que la deserción es patente y es un problema que necesita ser investigado a profundidad para llegar a la verdadera causa de este fenómeno, que para nuestro país repercute mayormente.
ABSTRACT: This research represents a valuable effort, the first of its kind, this Institute and the Schools of Anthropology and Social Work. Study a community problem, especially important, in order to contribute to its clarification and solution. As a result of the investigation, the report contains the following aspects: Training proposal for non-professionals: -Training programs for non-professionals - Training proposal for caregivers for a comprehensive care program for preschool children and preschool educationl. Interpretation tests on the canton of Belén: - Community study for the development of a comprehensive care program for preschool children (canton of Belén and San Rafael de Ojo de Agua district). - Cantón of Belén and its industrial history in the last decade. - The influence of religion in the canton of Belén. - Socioeconomic factors that force a young man from Belén to abandon his studies. The analysis of the aspects allows the communities under study to meet the socio-economic conditions to make the implementation of a program of children's centers viable, which opens a work space for people who do not have a paid job, a second aspect but not Less important will be the possibility for women, even in a small group, become aware of the crucial role they have in society. It is also concluded that preschool education programs are based on promoting the child's bio-psycho-social development, intertwining their development and creativity in socialization, which is why it is necessary to set goals to structure children's behavior in order to develop to the maximum the potential of the child and provide a better social adaptation. In the religious aspect, the Catholic Church in Belén is shown to be an active church, fully incorporated into the problems of the community, which participates fully in the sociocultural development of the region by promoting and supporting community organizations and human promotion programs. In the last part, the investigation concludes that desertion is patent and it is a problem that needs to be investigated in depth to find the true cause of this phenomenon, which for our country has a major impact.
ABSTRACT: This research represents a valuable effort, the first of its kind, this Institute and the Schools of Anthropology and Social Work. Study a community problem, especially important, in order to contribute to its clarification and solution. As a result of the investigation, the report contains the following aspects: Training proposal for non-professionals: -Training programs for non-professionals - Training proposal for caregivers for a comprehensive care program for preschool children and preschool educationl. Interpretation tests on the canton of Belén: - Community study for the development of a comprehensive care program for preschool children (canton of Belén and San Rafael de Ojo de Agua district). - Cantón of Belén and its industrial history in the last decade. - The influence of religion in the canton of Belén. - Socioeconomic factors that force a young man from Belén to abandon his studies. The analysis of the aspects allows the communities under study to meet the socio-economic conditions to make the implementation of a program of children's centers viable, which opens a work space for people who do not have a paid job, a second aspect but not Less important will be the possibility for women, even in a small group, become aware of the crucial role they have in society. It is also concluded that preschool education programs are based on promoting the child's bio-psycho-social development, intertwining their development and creativity in socialization, which is why it is necessary to set goals to structure children's behavior in order to develop to the maximum the potential of the child and provide a better social adaptation. In the religious aspect, the Catholic Church in Belén is shown to be an active church, fully incorporated into the problems of the community, which participates fully in the sociocultural development of the region by promoting and supporting community organizations and human promotion programs. In the last part, the investigation concludes that desertion is patent and it is a problem that needs to be investigated in depth to find the true cause of this phenomenon, which for our country has a major impact.
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