Estudios psicogenéticos sobre el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la matemática.
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El estudio expone información sobre la psicogenésis, seguida por una muestra de estudiantes costarricenses con respecto a las nociones matemáticas de primer año de Educación General Básica. Se comentan las acciones emprendidas con varias maestras de ese nivel escolar en el intento de enseñar la matemática dando énfasis a la abstracción reflexiva y al intercambio dinámico entre los niños. Se incluyen , además, una serie de proposiciones para actividades aritméticas en kinder, primero y segundo años de educación primaria elaboradas por dos investigadoras de la Universidad de Ginebra, quienes colaboraron para lograr llevar los beneficios de la teoría piagetiana a las escuelas del país.
En la exposición de este trabajo se seguirá el siguiente orden: se desarrollan algunos conceptos básicos de la teoría piagetiana relativos a la enseñanza de la matemática en la escuela primaria, en segundo lugar se exponen los resultados de un estudio sobre aprendizaje operatorio de la aritmética elemental en tres escuelas públicas de la micro-región 12, Región Central Sede y en tercer lugar aparecen las proposiciones para actividades aritméticas.
Algunas conclusiones de este estudio son:
El empleo del método de aprendizaje operatorio fue favorable al desarrollo mental de los alumnos que se beneficiaron del tratamiento experimental.
Hubo un progreso notable en las pruebas operatorias en los sujetos en los sujetos de los grupos experimentales de las tres escuelas que participaron del estudio.
Los instrumentos utilizados señalan una diferencia en la madurez de los niños, tanto en las pruebas pedagógicas como en las psicológicas según la escuela a la que asisten.
ABSTRACT: The study shows information on psychogenesis, followed by a sample of Costa Rican students regarding the first-year mathematical notions of Basic General Education. The actions undertaken with various teachers at that school level in the attempt to teach mathematics are discussed, emphasizing reflective abstraction and dynamic exchange among children. Also included are a series of proposals for arithmetic activities in kindergarten, first and second grades of primary education prepared by two researchers from the University of Geneva, who collaborated to bring the benefits of Piagetian theory to the country's schools. In the exposition of this work the following order will be as follow: some basic concepts of Piagetian theory related to the teaching of mathematics in primary school are developed, secondly the results of a study on operative learning of elementary arithmetic are presented in three public schools in micro-region 12, Central Headquarters Region and thirdly, proposals for arithmetic activities appear. Some conclusions of this study are: The use of the operative learning method was favorable to the mental development of the students who benefited from the experimental treatment. There was remarkable progress in the subject operative testing in the subjects of the experimental groups from the three schools that participated in the study. The instruments used indicate a difference in the maturity of children, both in the pedagogical and psychological tests according to the school they attend.
ABSTRACT: The study shows information on psychogenesis, followed by a sample of Costa Rican students regarding the first-year mathematical notions of Basic General Education. The actions undertaken with various teachers at that school level in the attempt to teach mathematics are discussed, emphasizing reflective abstraction and dynamic exchange among children. Also included are a series of proposals for arithmetic activities in kindergarten, first and second grades of primary education prepared by two researchers from the University of Geneva, who collaborated to bring the benefits of Piagetian theory to the country's schools. In the exposition of this work the following order will be as follow: some basic concepts of Piagetian theory related to the teaching of mathematics in primary school are developed, secondly the results of a study on operative learning of elementary arithmetic are presented in three public schools in micro-region 12, Central Headquarters Region and thirdly, proposals for arithmetic activities appear. Some conclusions of this study are: The use of the operative learning method was favorable to the mental development of the students who benefited from the experimental treatment. There was remarkable progress in the subject operative testing in the subjects of the experimental groups from the three schools that participated in the study. The instruments used indicate a difference in the maturity of children, both in the pedagogical and psychological tests according to the school they attend.
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