El currículo de las escuelas nocturnas.
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Este informa presenta las conclusiones más sobresalientes a las que se llegó luego de analizar el currículo de las escuelas nocturnas de manera global.
Con base en este trabajo, se encontró que, a pesar de la antigüedad de las escuelas de este tipo, no se les reconoce una gran repercusión en la educación costarricense; de hecho, para el año de este trabajo, se venía presentando una sensible disminución en la matrícula en este tipo de centros. Probablemente, parte de este fenómeno se deba a que la educación de adultos se ha desarrollado como una suerte de plan remedial, complementario a la educación de jóvenes y niños, y no como un proyecto con fisonomía propia.
Por otro lado, en las cinco materias que se imparten en esta modalidad, prevalece el enfoque academicista, centrado en largas listas de contenidos que se presentan como importantes en sí mismos, al margen de los intereses y necesidades de los estudiantes.
Además, los maestros que atienden estas escuelas, carecen de formación adecuada en el área de educación de adultos; y a este problema se suma la escasez de recursos y materiales.
ABSTRACT: This report shows the most outstanding conclusions reached after analyzing the night school curriculum globally. Based on this work, it was found that, despite the age of schools of this type, they are not recognized as having a great impact on Costa Rican education; in fact, for the year of this work, there was a noticeable decrease in enrollment in this type of center. Probably, part of this phenomenon is debated as adult education has been developed as a kind of remedial plan, complementary to the education of young people and children, and not as a project with its own appearance. On the other hand, in the five subjects taught in this modality, the academic approach prevails, centered on long lists of contents that are presented as important in themselves, regardless of the interests and needs of the students. Furthermore, the teachers who attend these schools lack adequate training in the area of adult education; And this problem adds to the shortage of resources and materials.
ABSTRACT: This report shows the most outstanding conclusions reached after analyzing the night school curriculum globally. Based on this work, it was found that, despite the age of schools of this type, they are not recognized as having a great impact on Costa Rican education; in fact, for the year of this work, there was a noticeable decrease in enrollment in this type of center. Probably, part of this phenomenon is debated as adult education has been developed as a kind of remedial plan, complementary to the education of young people and children, and not as a project with its own appearance. On the other hand, in the five subjects taught in this modality, the academic approach prevails, centered on long lists of contents that are presented as important in themselves, regardless of the interests and needs of the students. Furthermore, the teachers who attend these schools lack adequate training in the area of adult education; And this problem adds to the shortage of resources and materials.
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