Plan de formación para el estudiante universitario.
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Aunque la finalidad principal del proyecto era evaluar un plan de formación para el estudiante universitario que permitiera disminuir la deserción y repitencia de cursos, el desarrollo de la investigación permitió también describir el perfil del estudiante de primeros años de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El plan de formación constaba de dos cursos: el primero referido al aspecto de conocimiento propio en las tres áreas humanas de inteligencia, voluntad y afectividad -corazón- y; el segundo, apuntó más a estrategias para el aprendizaje. Es una investigación cualitativa en la cual se utilizaron tres técnicas para la recolección de datos: entrevistas personales, observación en cursos impartidos y trabajos individuales y grupales. Los estudiantes que participaron en las capacitaciones fueron se ofrecieron como voluntarios cuando se les visitó en uno de los cursos de servicio de la Escuela de Física y se les presentó el proyecto. Inicialmente se anotaron 38 estudiantes, 20 firmaron un contrato y de ellos solo 10 asistieron al primer curso,de estos últimos solo dos asistieron al segundo curso.
El curso Vida creativa tuvo una duración de 20 horas reloj, dadas en 5 sesiones de 4 horas cada una, se impartió en enero de 2011. El curso Estrategias para alcanzar la autonomía en el estudio se impartió en enero y febrero del 2012 en 6 sesiones de 4 horas cada una, paraun total de 24 horas.
Al finalizar el proyecto, estas fueron algunas de las conclusiones:
• Para el estudiante que ya ingresó a la UCR, es urgente un plan de formación que le permita adquirir la madurez afectiva y volitiva requerida para enfrentar las demandas educativas universitarias.
• Concretamente, este plan de formación deberá incluir tanto una parte teórica y como otra experimental o práctica.
• La parte teórica deberá cubrir temas como los expuestos en el curso “Vida creativa” de este proyecto, los cuales, colaboran a que la persona conozca hacia donde debe dirigirse para alcanzar la perfección humana, y al mismo tiempo, descubrir sus fortalezas y debilidades.
• La parte experimental o práctica deberá consistir en la realización de acciones que lo lleven a adquirir virtudes tales como: dominio de sí, esfuerzo, responsabilidad, puntualidad y respeto.
• Los cursos acerca de las estrategias para el estudio no son prioritarios, ya que si la persona es “responsable” ella misma buscará esas estrategias necesarias para aprobar los cursos. Pues se evidenció que lo más urgente es formar la voluntad, por lo tanto, al ubicarlo en su realidad de estudiante, se responsabiliza ante sí mismo y ante la sociedad familiar y civil.
ABSTRACT: Although the main purpose of the project was to evaluate a training plan for the university student that would decrease dropout rates and course repetition. The development of the research also allowed to describe the profile of the first years student of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). The training plan consisted of two courses: the first made reference to self-awareness in the three areas of intelligence, will and affectivity (heart), and the second aimed more towards learning strategies. It is a qualitative research in which three techniques for data collection were used: personal interviews, observation of courses and individual and group work. Students who participated in the training volunteered during a visit to the service courses of the School of Physics where the project was presented. Initially, 38 students signed up; 20 signed the contract, and from those 20, only 10 attended the first course. Of the latter, only two attended the second course. The Creative Life course lasted 20 hours given in 5 sessions of 4 hours each; it was taught in January 2011. In order to achieve study autonomy, the Strategies course was taught in January and February 2012 in 6 sessions of 4 hours each for a total of 24 hours. At the end of the project, these were some of the conclusions: • For the student who is already admitted in the UCR, a training program is urgent that would allow him/her to acquire affective and volitional maturity required to tackle the university educational demands. • Specifically, this training program should include both a theoretical component and another experimental or practical. • The theoretical part should cover topics such as those presented in the course "Creative Life" which contribute to knowing the path to achieve human perfection and at the same time discover their strengths and weaknesses. • The experimental or practical aspect should consist of carrying out tasks that lead to the acquisition of virtues such as: self-control, effort, responsibility, punctuality and respect. • The courses on study strategies are not a priority because if the person is "responsible", he/she will look for those necessary strategies to pass the courses. It was evident that will was the most urgent aspect to develop; therefore, by placing it in the student's every day life, he/she becomes responsible to him/herself as well as to family and society
ABSTRACT: Although the main purpose of the project was to evaluate a training plan for the university student that would decrease dropout rates and course repetition. The development of the research also allowed to describe the profile of the first years student of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). The training plan consisted of two courses: the first made reference to self-awareness in the three areas of intelligence, will and affectivity (heart), and the second aimed more towards learning strategies. It is a qualitative research in which three techniques for data collection were used: personal interviews, observation of courses and individual and group work. Students who participated in the training volunteered during a visit to the service courses of the School of Physics where the project was presented. Initially, 38 students signed up; 20 signed the contract, and from those 20, only 10 attended the first course. Of the latter, only two attended the second course. The Creative Life course lasted 20 hours given in 5 sessions of 4 hours each; it was taught in January 2011. In order to achieve study autonomy, the Strategies course was taught in January and February 2012 in 6 sessions of 4 hours each for a total of 24 hours. At the end of the project, these were some of the conclusions: • For the student who is already admitted in the UCR, a training program is urgent that would allow him/her to acquire affective and volitional maturity required to tackle the university educational demands. • Specifically, this training program should include both a theoretical component and another experimental or practical. • The theoretical part should cover topics such as those presented in the course "Creative Life" which contribute to knowing the path to achieve human perfection and at the same time discover their strengths and weaknesses. • The experimental or practical aspect should consist of carrying out tasks that lead to the acquisition of virtues such as: self-control, effort, responsibility, punctuality and respect. • The courses on study strategies are not a priority because if the person is "responsible", he/she will look for those necessary strategies to pass the courses. It was evident that will was the most urgent aspect to develop; therefore, by placing it in the student's every day life, he/she becomes responsible to him/herself as well as to family and society
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