Literatura infantil y lectura recreativa en I y II ciclos de la Enseñanza General Básica.
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El presente trabajo constituye la primera de una serie de guías metodológicas, relacionadas con la Literatura y su enseñanza en el I y II Ciclos.
Se sabe lo importante que es para los niños la adquisición del hábito de la lectura; lo que algunas veces no se tiene muy claro, es el hecho de que dicho hábito, no se da por si mismo, sino que es necesario algo más que estar alfabetizado para adquirirlo, que es preciso metódica y sistemáticamente formarlo.
Esto solo puede lograrse mediante un programa que complemente la labor de desarrollo de destrezas especificas (intelectuales) de lectura, actividad ésta que el maestro comúnmente realiza en la sala de clase y en cuyo afán sacrifica y olvida muchas veces, atender aspectos inherentes a la formación de un gusto por la lectura, esto es al genuino, al auténtico deseo de leer de sus alumnos.
Por lo tanto, esta primera guía de la serie Literatura Infantil pretende brindar a maestros y estudiantes de la docencia, un plan de acción para incrementar el gusto de los niños por la lectura.
El principal propósito de un programa de literatura en los primeros ciclos, es el de obtener lectores asiduos, que gusten, disfruten de los libros y enriquezcan su personalidad con ellos.
ABSTRACT: This work constitutes the first of a series of methodological guides, related to literature and its teaching in Cycles I and II. It is known how important it is for children to acquire the habit of reading; What is sometimes not very clear is the fact that this habit does not occur by itself, but rather that something more than being literate is necessary to acquire it, that it is necessary to methodically and systematically train it. This can only be achieved through a program that complements the work of developing specific (intellectual) reading skills, an activity that the teacher performs in the classroom and in whose eagerness he sacrifices and often forgets, attending to aspects inherent in the formation of a liking for reading, this is the genuine, authentic desire of your students to read. Therefore, this first guide in the Children's Literature series aims to provide teachers and teaching students with an action plan to increase children's love for reading. The main purpose of a literature program in the first cycles is to obtain assiduous readers, who like, enjoy books and enrich their personality with them.
ABSTRACT: This work constitutes the first of a series of methodological guides, related to literature and its teaching in Cycles I and II. It is known how important it is for children to acquire the habit of reading; What is sometimes not very clear is the fact that this habit does not occur by itself, but rather that something more than being literate is necessary to acquire it, that it is necessary to methodically and systematically train it. This can only be achieved through a program that complements the work of developing specific (intellectual) reading skills, an activity that the teacher performs in the classroom and in whose eagerness he sacrifices and often forgets, attending to aspects inherent in the formation of a liking for reading, this is the genuine, authentic desire of your students to read. Therefore, this first guide in the Children's Literature series aims to provide teachers and teaching students with an action plan to increase children's love for reading. The main purpose of a literature program in the first cycles is to obtain assiduous readers, who like, enjoy books and enrich their personality with them.
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