Articulación de procesos de investigación en los Centros Laboratorio de la Universidad de Costa Rica con su proyecto pedagógico: informe final.
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En este informe parcial se da cuenta de los antecedentes y los primeros resultados del proyecto, elaborado como un apoyo académico a los docentes de los centros laboratorio de la Universidad de Costa Rica: la Escuela Nueva y el Liceo Laboratorio Emma Gamboa. Dentro de los objetivos que se consideran en la propuesta, se incluyen la reconceptualización del quehacer de dichos centros para permitirles llevar a cabo una investigación congruente con su filosofía y el diseño de estrategias de investigación. El marco general del estudio parte del problema de encontrar la forma en cómo se relacionan las dimensiones ontológicas, epistemológicas y metodológicas de las propuestas investigativas de los docentes de los centros con el proyecto pedagógico institucional. En la fase de diagnóstico se desprenden los siguientes resultados: se demanda mayor apoyo de la Universidad de Costa Rica, se evidencia que la normativa de las instituciones constituye un obstáculo para el funcionamiento adecuado, sale a la luz la necesidad de replantear la estructura organizativa y administrativa de estas instituciones, además de realizar una evaluación curricular. La segunda fase comprende una autoevaluación sobre la concepción de centro laboratorio y un análisis del modelo pedagógico. Las conclusiones más sobresalientes se refieren a las motivaciones de los docentes para laborar en estos centros (la flexibilidad en el trabajo posibilitada por el marco filosófico, así como la existencia de espacios de creación, experimentación y aplicación de metodologías novedosas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje), la preocupación de los profesores por la falta de una definición institucional clara (ausencia de planificación, poca claridad en los objetivos institucionales, ausencia de lineamientos administrativos), las soluciones propuestas (participación activa de los docentes para mejorar la labor), y el aporte que se espera obtener de la Universidad de Costa Rica (asesoría académica, coordinación interinstitucional y evaluación institucional). La tercera fase incluye un proyecto pedagógico y curricular del Liceo Laboratorio, en el cual se revisaron los perfiles de los estudiantes y los profesores y se encargó a los departamentos la elaboración de una propuesta curricular nueva.
ABSTRACT: In this partial report the background and the first results of the project are realized, prepared as an academic support to the teachers of the laboratory centers of the University of 52 Costa Rica: the New School and the Emma Gamboa Laboratory Lyceum. Among the objectives considered in the proposal, the reconceptualization of the work of these centers is included to allow them to carry out an investigation consistent with their philosophy and the design of research strategies. The general framework of the study starts from the problem of finding a way in which the ontological, epistemological and methodological dimensions of the research proposals of the teachers of the centers are related to the institutional pedagogical project. In the diagnostic phase, the following results emerge: greater support from the University of Costa Rica is demanded, it is evident that the regulations of the institutions constitute an obstacle for proper functioning, the need to rethink the organizational structure and administrative of these institutions, besides carrying out a curricular evaluation. The second phase includes a self-assessment on the conception of a laboratory center and an analysis of the pedagogical model. The most outstanding conclusions refer to the motivations of teachers to work in these centers (the flexibility in the work made possible by the philosophical framework, as well as the existence of spaces for creation, experimentation and application of novel methodologies in the teaching process). learning), teachers' concern about the lack of a clear institutional definition (lack of planning, lack of clarity in institutional objectives, lack of administrative guidelines), the proposed solutions (active participation of teachers to improve work), and the contribution expected from the University of Costa Rica (academic advice, inter-institutional coordination and institutional evaluation). The third phase includes a pedagogical and curricular project of the Liceo Laboratorio, in which the profiles of the students and teachers were reviewed and the departments were commissioned to prepare a new curricular proposal.
ABSTRACT: In this partial report the background and the first results of the project are realized, prepared as an academic support to the teachers of the laboratory centers of the University of 52 Costa Rica: the New School and the Emma Gamboa Laboratory Lyceum. Among the objectives considered in the proposal, the reconceptualization of the work of these centers is included to allow them to carry out an investigation consistent with their philosophy and the design of research strategies. The general framework of the study starts from the problem of finding a way in which the ontological, epistemological and methodological dimensions of the research proposals of the teachers of the centers are related to the institutional pedagogical project. In the diagnostic phase, the following results emerge: greater support from the University of Costa Rica is demanded, it is evident that the regulations of the institutions constitute an obstacle for proper functioning, the need to rethink the organizational structure and administrative of these institutions, besides carrying out a curricular evaluation. The second phase includes a self-assessment on the conception of a laboratory center and an analysis of the pedagogical model. The most outstanding conclusions refer to the motivations of teachers to work in these centers (the flexibility in the work made possible by the philosophical framework, as well as the existence of spaces for creation, experimentation and application of novel methodologies in the teaching process). learning), teachers' concern about the lack of a clear institutional definition (lack of planning, lack of clarity in institutional objectives, lack of administrative guidelines), the proposed solutions (active participation of teachers to improve work), and the contribution expected from the University of Costa Rica (academic advice, inter-institutional coordination and institutional evaluation). The third phase includes a pedagogical and curricular project of the Liceo Laboratorio, in which the profiles of the students and teachers were reviewed and the departments were commissioned to prepare a new curricular proposal.
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