Congruencia de las políticas educativas vigentes aprobadas por el Consejo Superior de Educación, con los planes de estudio de formación inicial docente en las universidades.
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Esta investigación tiene como propósito determinar si la Política Educativa LA PERSONA: centro del proceso educativo y sujeto transformador de la sociedad (2017) y la Política Curricular: Educar para una nueva ciudadanía (2016) aprobadas por el Consejo Superior de Educación (CSE), se incluyen y son coherentes con los planes de formación de docentes de educación preescolar, primaria y algunas carreras de educación secundaria (Matemática, Español, Ciencias Naturales e Inglés), para lo cual se designaron tres universidades públicas y tres privadas, éstas últimas se eligieron por la cantidad de profesionales que gradúan anualmente. Se realiza un estudio mixto con un enfoque socio-crítico naturalista, y exploratorio en donde se analiza la situación de la formación inicial docente en esas universidades desde la propuesta escrita y el criterio que al respecto tiene el personal docente y las personas que coordinan estas carreras universitarias. Se hace análisis de contenido a la fundamentación teórica, al perfil de salida, así como a los cursos de los planes de estudio, y se aplica un cuestionario por internet a las personas participantes del estudio: coordinadoras de las carreras y docentes universitarios. El cuestionario se envió a 147 personas entre docentes y coordinadoras de universidades seleccionadas para este estudio. Se recibieron 77 cuestionarios, 61 de universidades públicas y 16 de universidades privadas, de una de ellas no se recibió ni un solo cuestionario y de otra solo uno.
Los resultados muestran que las universidades públicas incluyen el análisis reflexivo y crítico de la Política Educativa y de la Política Curricular en los planes de estudio de las carreras de educación, y presentan mayor coherencia con los planteamientos de estas Políticas que las universidades privadas. Se encuentra, además, que las carreras acreditadas son congruentes con las Políticas y que el profesorado de universidades públicas y privadas las conocen e indican que estas se incluyen en los planes de formación de docentes en los que trabajan. Concluido el proceso investigativo y considerando la incidencia y la repercusión que posee la calidad de la formación inicial en la vida de las personas y con mucho más razón en el proceso educativo, se considera relevante que se definan lineamientos para trabajar de forma conjunta entre el Ministerio de Educación Pública y las universidades públicas y privadas, encargadas de la formación inicial de docentes, ya que este es un tema que involucra a todos los sectores, pero que compete con mayor responsabilidad a las universidades y a los empleadores, siendo el principal el Ministerio de Educación Pública. Le corresponde a las universidades públicas y privadas participar en procesos de actualización y rediseño de planes de estudio, que incidan en la calidad de la educación costarricense, en razón de lo anterior, se hace necesario dialogar, integrar experiencias e incentivar una reflexión que invite a la construcción de una propuesta para el rediseño de los planes de estudio de las carreras de formación inicial docente con base en el Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones de las carreras de Educación, en concordancia con el escenario expuesto y en el marco de la autonomía universitaria.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to determine if the Educational Policy THE PERSON: center of the educational process and transformative subject of society (2017) and the Curricular Policy: Educate for a new citizenship (2016) approved by the Higher Education Council (CSE), they are included and are coherent with the training plans for teachers of preschool, primary education and some secondary education careers (Mathematics, Spanish, Natural Sciences and English), for which three public and three private universities were designated, the latter were chosen by the number of professionals who graduate each year. A mixed study is carried out with a socio-critical, naturalistic and exploratory approach where the situation of initial teacher training in these universities is analyzed from the written proposal and the criteria that the teaching staff and the people who coordinate these university careers have in this regard. it makes content analysis of the theoretical foundation, the exit profile, as well as the courses of the study plans, and an internet questionnaire is applied to the people participating in the study: coordinators of the careers and university professors. The questionnaire was sent to 147 people, including professors and coordinators of universities selected for this study. 77 questionnaires were received, 61 from public universities and 16 from private universities, from one of them not a single questionnaire was received and from another only one. The results show that public universities include a reflective and critical analysis of the Educational Policy and the Curricular Policy in the study plans of education careers, and are more consistent with the approaches of these Policies than private universities. It is also found that the accredited careers are consistent with the Policies and that the teaching staff of public and private universities are aware of them and indicate that they are included in the teacher training plans in which they work. Once the investigative process has been completed and considering the incidence and repercussion of the quality of initial training in people's lives and with much more reason in the educational process, it is considered relevant that guidelines be defined to work jointly between the Ministry of Public Education and the public and private universities, in charge of the initial training of teachers, since this is an issue that involves all sectors, but that is the responsibility of universities and employers, the main one being the Ministry of Education. Public education. It is up to public and private universities to participate in processes of updating and redesigning study plans, which affect the quality of Costa Rican education, due to the above, it is necessary to dialogue, integrate experiences and encourage reflection that invites the construction of a proposal for the redesign of the study plans of the initial teacher training careers based on the National Qualifications Framework for Education careers, in accordance with the exposed scenario and within the framework of university autonomy.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to determine if the Educational Policy THE PERSON: center of the educational process and transformative subject of society (2017) and the Curricular Policy: Educate for a new citizenship (2016) approved by the Higher Education Council (CSE), they are included and are coherent with the training plans for teachers of preschool, primary education and some secondary education careers (Mathematics, Spanish, Natural Sciences and English), for which three public and three private universities were designated, the latter were chosen by the number of professionals who graduate each year. A mixed study is carried out with a socio-critical, naturalistic and exploratory approach where the situation of initial teacher training in these universities is analyzed from the written proposal and the criteria that the teaching staff and the people who coordinate these university careers have in this regard. it makes content analysis of the theoretical foundation, the exit profile, as well as the courses of the study plans, and an internet questionnaire is applied to the people participating in the study: coordinators of the careers and university professors. The questionnaire was sent to 147 people, including professors and coordinators of universities selected for this study. 77 questionnaires were received, 61 from public universities and 16 from private universities, from one of them not a single questionnaire was received and from another only one. The results show that public universities include a reflective and critical analysis of the Educational Policy and the Curricular Policy in the study plans of education careers, and are more consistent with the approaches of these Policies than private universities. It is also found that the accredited careers are consistent with the Policies and that the teaching staff of public and private universities are aware of them and indicate that they are included in the teacher training plans in which they work. Once the investigative process has been completed and considering the incidence and repercussion of the quality of initial training in people's lives and with much more reason in the educational process, it is considered relevant that guidelines be defined to work jointly between the Ministry of Public Education and the public and private universities, in charge of the initial training of teachers, since this is an issue that involves all sectors, but that is the responsibility of universities and employers, the main one being the Ministry of Education. Public education. It is up to public and private universities to participate in processes of updating and redesigning study plans, which affect the quality of Costa Rican education, due to the above, it is necessary to dialogue, integrate experiences and encourage reflection that invites the construction of a proposal for the redesign of the study plans of the initial teacher training careers based on the National Qualifications Framework for Education careers, in accordance with the exposed scenario and within the framework of university autonomy.
Palabras clave
Derecho a la educación, Política educativa, Formación de docentes, Educación superior, Right to education, Right to education, Teacher training, Higher education