Propuesta pedagógica para el desarrollo de destrezas cognoscitivas en estudiantes de noveno año.
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Este documento ofrece al docente un conjunto de actividades y guías para el desarrollo de una propuesta o intervención pedagógica cuyo objetivo básico es a promoción de seis destrezas cognitivas: Categorización: Representación Icónica, Flexibilidad, Deducción, Inducción y Metacognición en estudiantes de noveno año. El correcto uso de estas destrezas está altamente ligado al éxito académico del estudiante. También, en muchos casos, el dominio de estas habilidades es requisito para lograr un mejor desempeño profesional.
En modo alguno puede considerarse éste como un "recetario" o un manual detallado de procedimientos. La intención al elaborarlo fue proveer al docente de un conjunto de directrices que aplicados con sabiduría e intuición pudieran contribuir al desarrollo de estas destrezas en los estudiantes. De manera que para poder utilizar el documento de manera apropiada es necesario que el docente participe en el proceso de capacitación diseñado por las autoras.
La organización de este manual se ha hecho tratando de seguir una secuencia lógica en la presentación de las destrezas y sus actividades asociadas, aunque excepto por metacognición (la última destreza estudiada) las destrezas, desde el punto de vista sustantivo, no llevan un orden estricto de jerarquía.
ABSTRACT: This document offers teachers a set of activities and guides for the development of a pedagogical proposal or intervention with the objective of fostering six cognitive skills: Categorization: Iconic Representation, Flexibility, Deduction, Induction and Metacognition in ninth grade students. The correct use of these skills is highly linked to students' academic success. In addition, in many cases, mastery of these skills is a requisite to achieve better professional performance. In no way can this be regarded as a "prescription" or a detailed manual of procedures. Its intent to create this was to provide the teacher with a set of guidelines that applied wisdom and intuition could contribute to the development of these skills in students. Thus, to be able to use the document appropriately, it is necessary for the teacher to participate in the training process designed by the authors. The organization of this manual has been done in an attempt to follow a logical sequence to present the skills and its attached activities, however, with the exception of metacognition, the last skill studied, the skills from a substantive point of view do not have a particular hierarchical order.
ABSTRACT: This document offers teachers a set of activities and guides for the development of a pedagogical proposal or intervention with the objective of fostering six cognitive skills: Categorization: Iconic Representation, Flexibility, Deduction, Induction and Metacognition in ninth grade students. The correct use of these skills is highly linked to students' academic success. In addition, in many cases, mastery of these skills is a requisite to achieve better professional performance. In no way can this be regarded as a "prescription" or a detailed manual of procedures. Its intent to create this was to provide the teacher with a set of guidelines that applied wisdom and intuition could contribute to the development of these skills in students. Thus, to be able to use the document appropriately, it is necessary for the teacher to participate in the training process designed by the authors. The organization of this manual has been done in an attempt to follow a logical sequence to present the skills and its attached activities, however, with the exception of metacognition, the last skill studied, the skills from a substantive point of view do not have a particular hierarchical order.
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