Análisis del potencial de la gamificación como estrategia didáctica para promover competencias de Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional (AMI)
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El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el potencial de la gamificación para la promoción de competencias de Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional en estudiantes de secundaria (tercer ciclo de Educación General Básica) en Costa Rica. El proyecto contempla la realización de 2 talleres con estudiantes de tercer ciclo de Educación General Básica del Gran Área Metropolitana. Estos talleres se realizaron en dos instituciones distintas, pero con estudiantes del mismo nivel educativo y características sociodemográficas similares. Los grupos fueron de 10 a 15 estudiantes voluntarios que permitieron un mejor manejo de las actividades de los talleres y un seguimiento individualizado. En lo que respecta a la selección de las y los participantes de los talleres, se escogió a estudiantes de tercer ciclo de Educación General Básica, el cual comprende el 7º, 8º y 9º año de colegio, y que típicamente cubre el rango de 12 a 15 años de edad. En cuanto a los talleres en sí, estos consistieron en al menos 1 sesión semanal de 2 horas, fuera del horario lectivo, por un plazo no mayor a 5 meses (aproximadamente la mitad del periodo lectivo). Es durante el desarrollo de estos talleres que se realizó el trabajo de campo que exige la etnografía educativa. Se utilizaron las siguientes técnicas de recolección de datos: Observación participativa, cuestionarios, grupos focales y actividades evaluativas. El estudio buscó analizar esta experiencia piloto, sus resultados y compartir hallazgos que faciliten e impulsen futuras implementaciones de procesos similares de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta iniciativa es relevante en contextos como el actual, en el que las/los adolescentes se desenvuelven en entornos altamente digitales, mediatizados y ludificados. Entre los hallazgos del estudio se encuentran los siguientes: Esta experiencia específica de investigación reveló un desconocimiento generalizado de su público meta sobre el concepto de la Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional. Esto, desde luego, no equivale a ignorancia de los distintos conocimientos y habilidades prácticas relacionadas a la AMI. Al contrario, las y los participantes evidenciaron un buen nivel general de competencias de manejo de herramientas digitales; definición de necesidades y criterios de búsqueda de información; y análisis crítico de medios y contenidos, entre otros. No obstante, la falta de claridad sobre la categoría teórica de la Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional es un punto que merece atención a nivel académico, pues se trata de un concepto que busca conjuntar diversos tipos de formación para guiar un proceso articulado e integral de desarrollo. El hecho de que este concepto no esté adecuadamente definido y posicionado dentro del contexto educativo sugiere que el desarrollo de las distintas competencias que lo conforman se da de manera fragmentada, donde distintas materias elaboran ciertos conocimientos y habilidades relacionadas a su campo, pero sin un espacio de diálogo que las enlace y enmarque dentro de un mismo proceso y objetivo. Evidentemente, la consolidación de la AMI como proyecto o línea concreta dentro de la oferta educativa es un asunto académico y administrativo complejo, que va más allá de lo que la gamificación por sí sola puede lograr. No obstante, estudios como este muestran que se trata de una estrategia didáctica capaz de aportar a futuras iniciativas que apunten en esa dirección. De hecho, uno de los hallazgos más significativos de la investigación es el aumento en la comprensión percibida del concepto de AMI por parte de los participantes tras concluir el taller gamificado.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of gamification for the promotion of Media and Information Literacy study skills in high school students (third cycle of Basic General Education) in Costa Rica. The project contemplates the realization of 2 workshops with students of the third cycle of Basic General Education of the Greater Metropolitan Area. These workshops were carried out similarly in two different institutions, but with students of the same educational level and sociodemographic characteristics. The groups were from 10 to 15 student volunteers that allowed a better management of the workshop´s activities and an individualized follow-up. Regarding the selection of the workshop participants, students from the third cycle of Basic General Education were chosen, which includes the 7th, 8th and 9th grade of school, and which normally covers the range of 12 to 15 years of age. As for the workshops themselves, they consisted of at least 1 weekly session of 2 hours, outside school hours, for a period of no more than 5 months (approximately half of the school period). It is during the development of these workshops that the field work required by educational ethnography was carried out. The following data collection techniques were used: participatory observation, questionnaires, focus groups and evaluation activities. The study sought to analyze this pilot experience, its results and share results that facilitate and promote future implementations of similar teaching-learning processes. This initiative is relevant in contexts such as the current one, in which teenagers function in highly digital, mediated and gamified environments. Among the findings of the study are the following: This specific research experience reveals a general knowledge of its target audience about the concept of Media and Information Literacy. This, of course, does not equate to ignorance of the various knowledge and practical skills related to AMI. On the contrary, the participants showed a good general level of skills in managing digital tools; definition of needs and information search criteria; and critical analysis of media and content, among others. However, the lack of clarity about the theoretical category of Media and Information Literacy is a point that deserves attention at an academic level, since it is a concept that seeks to combine various types of training to guide an articulated and comprehensive development process. The fact that this concept is not adequately defined and positioned within the educational context suggests that the development of the different competencies that comprise it occurs in a fragmented manner, where different subjects develop certain knowledge and skills related to their field, but without a space for dialogue that links and frames them within the same process and objective. Obviously, the consolidation of the AMI as an specific project or line within the educational offer is a complex academic and administrative matter, which goes beyond what gamification alone can achieve. However, studies such as this one shows that it is a didactic strategy capable of contributing to future initiatives that point in this direction. In fact, one of the most significant findings of the research is the increase in the perceived understanding of the AMI concept by the participants after concluding the gamified workshop.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of gamification for the promotion of Media and Information Literacy study skills in high school students (third cycle of Basic General Education) in Costa Rica. The project contemplates the realization of 2 workshops with students of the third cycle of Basic General Education of the Greater Metropolitan Area. These workshops were carried out similarly in two different institutions, but with students of the same educational level and sociodemographic characteristics. The groups were from 10 to 15 student volunteers that allowed a better management of the workshop´s activities and an individualized follow-up. Regarding the selection of the workshop participants, students from the third cycle of Basic General Education were chosen, which includes the 7th, 8th and 9th grade of school, and which normally covers the range of 12 to 15 years of age. As for the workshops themselves, they consisted of at least 1 weekly session of 2 hours, outside school hours, for a period of no more than 5 months (approximately half of the school period). It is during the development of these workshops that the field work required by educational ethnography was carried out. The following data collection techniques were used: participatory observation, questionnaires, focus groups and evaluation activities. The study sought to analyze this pilot experience, its results and share results that facilitate and promote future implementations of similar teaching-learning processes. This initiative is relevant in contexts such as the current one, in which teenagers function in highly digital, mediated and gamified environments. Among the findings of the study are the following: This specific research experience reveals a general knowledge of its target audience about the concept of Media and Information Literacy. This, of course, does not equate to ignorance of the various knowledge and practical skills related to AMI. On the contrary, the participants showed a good general level of skills in managing digital tools; definition of needs and information search criteria; and critical analysis of media and content, among others. However, the lack of clarity about the theoretical category of Media and Information Literacy is a point that deserves attention at an academic level, since it is a concept that seeks to combine various types of training to guide an articulated and comprehensive development process. The fact that this concept is not adequately defined and positioned within the educational context suggests that the development of the different competencies that comprise it occurs in a fragmented manner, where different subjects develop certain knowledge and skills related to their field, but without a space for dialogue that links and frames them within the same process and objective. Obviously, the consolidation of the AMI as an specific project or line within the educational offer is a complex academic and administrative matter, which goes beyond what gamification alone can achieve. However, studies such as this one shows that it is a didactic strategy capable of contributing to future initiatives that point in this direction. In fact, one of the most significant findings of the research is the increase in the perceived understanding of the AMI concept by the participants after concluding the gamified workshop.
Palabras clave
Educación, Alfabetización, Alfabetización informacional, Educación sobre medios de comunicación, Enseñanza, Enseñanza multimedia, Juego educativo, Tecnología educativa, Juegos, Tecnología de la información, Tecnología de las comunicaciones, Education, Literacy, Information Literacy, Media Education, Teaching, Multimedia Teaching, Educational Game, Educational Technology, Games, Information Technology, Communications Technology