Fase No.2. Seguimiento a la consolidación de la participación de estudiantes con trabajos finales en el campo de la educación del grado y posgrado de la UCR en el INIE
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Este informe corresponde a la fase 2 del proyecto: Consolidación de la participación de estudiantes con trabajos finales en el campo de educación de grado y posgrado de la UCR en el INIE, cuyo objetivo fue consolidar la participación de estudiantes de grado y posgrado de la Universidad de Costa Rica en la realización de investigaciones en el campo educativo articuladas a los programas de investigación del Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE). En esta segunda fase se vincularon dos proyectos: voces múltiples, las cuales son trayectorias profesionales y personales de ingenieras e ingenieros de la Universidad de Costa Rica y la opinión de sus parejas a partir de estudios de caso y el segundo proyecto llamado Escuela – lenguaje SMS es sobre la influencia de la mensajería instantánea en la ortografía de la población estudiantil de sexto grado en centros educativos de la región de Occidente. En resumen, el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos fue del 100%, las personas becarias se incorporaron a los diferentes programas del investigación del Instituto y recibieron la retroalimentación de sus proyectos por parte de las coordinadoras de los programas; además, los comités asesores también colaboraron con el grupo de estudiantes y, por ende, conocieron los beneficios, las motivaciones y los recursos con los que han contado las y los estudiantes en esta vinculación e iniciativa del INIE. Como resultados se presentaron dos actividades académicas de la universidad, una ponencia en el XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género desarrollado en julio del 2016 y otra ponencia en las XI Jornadas de Investigación, Generación del Conocimiento en Occidente.
ABSTRACT:This report corresponds to phase 2 of the project: Promoting student participation with final papers in the education field for graduates and postgraduates of the UCR in the INIE with the objective of consolidating the participation of graduate and postgraduate students of the University of Costa Rica to conduct research in the educational field articulated to the research programs of the Institute of Research in Education (INIE). In this second phase, two projects were linked: Multiple voices, which are professional and personal trajectories of engineers of the University of Costa Rica and the opinion of their partners from case studies, and the second project called School – SMS language is about the influence of instant messaging on the spelling of the sixth-grade student population in schools in the western region. In summary, the degree of fulfillment of the objectives was 100%; the scholarship recipients joined the different programs of the Research Institute and received feedback from the program coordinators on their projects. In addition, the advisory committees also collaborated with the group of students, and thus became aware of the benefits, motivations and resources available to students connected with the INIE initiative. As a result, two academic activities from the university were presented: a presentation at the XI Ibero-American Congress of Science, Technology and Gender developed in July 2016 and the other are the XI Research Conference, Generation of Knowledge in the West.
ABSTRACT:This report corresponds to phase 2 of the project: Promoting student participation with final papers in the education field for graduates and postgraduates of the UCR in the INIE with the objective of consolidating the participation of graduate and postgraduate students of the University of Costa Rica to conduct research in the educational field articulated to the research programs of the Institute of Research in Education (INIE). In this second phase, two projects were linked: Multiple voices, which are professional and personal trajectories of engineers of the University of Costa Rica and the opinion of their partners from case studies, and the second project called School – SMS language is about the influence of instant messaging on the spelling of the sixth-grade student population in schools in the western region. In summary, the degree of fulfillment of the objectives was 100%; the scholarship recipients joined the different programs of the Research Institute and received feedback from the program coordinators on their projects. In addition, the advisory committees also collaborated with the group of students, and thus became aware of the benefits, motivations and resources available to students connected with the INIE initiative. As a result, two academic activities from the university were presented: a presentation at the XI Ibero-American Congress of Science, Technology and Gender developed in July 2016 and the other are the XI Research Conference, Generation of Knowledge in the West.
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