Factores que promueven el desarrollo profesional en Orientación: etapa de perfeccionamiento
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Este estudio está dirigido a conocer la opinión de profesionales en Orientación que se encuentran en la etapa del perfeccionamiento, acerca de los indicadores prioritarios de los factores de carácter personal y social que facilitan el desarrollo profesional. El paradigma es positivista, con metodología cuantitativa y, un alcance de tipo descriptivo, debido a que su propósito principal lo constituye el describir situaciones y eventos, tal y como lo afirman Hernández; Fernández y Baptista (2010). La muestra elegida fue por conveniencia y para su mejor delimitación, se optó por la asesoría de una persona especialista en estadística; al ser la población activa relativamente pequeña, se recomendó la aplicación a la totalidad de la lista, es decir 90 profesionales en Orientación que se encuentran laborando para instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. Se elaboró un cuestionario que responde a los objetivos, a la variable de la investigación a saber: factores de carácter personal y social que promueven el desarrollo profesional y, a sus indicadores de carácter personal: componentes motivación laboral, experiencia laboral, madurez personal, formación inicial y formación continua. A los indicadores de carácter social: recursos y condiciones necesarias para realizar el trabajo, salario económico y emocional, clima institucional, valoración social y las tecnologías de información y comunicación (Tic). El cuestionario contiene preguntas de respuesta cerrada, con una escala de Likert de opinión según el grado de importancia (1= totalmente en desacuerdo; 2=en desacuerdo; 3=ni de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo; 4=de acuerdo; 5=totalmente de acuerdo). Posteriormente aplicado el cuestionario, se realizó la rotación Varimax al primer instrumento, para determinar las cargas factoriales de acuerdo con los diez ítems de cada dimensión y subdimensión para conocer las medidas de cada uno de los 100 ítems. De este análisis resultaron con una óptima medición 80 ítems, que son las respuestas a los ítems que se toman en cuenta para realizar el análisis de los datos. Mediante los resultados de esta investigación, se logra impactar en el desarrollo profesional de la persona orientadora y, por ende, el mercado laboral mediante la identificación de los factores de carácter personal y social, de acuerdo con la opinión de las personas orientadoras encuestadas, lo que permite contar con los insumos para promover estos factores. Lo que incide en la práctica orientadora ampliando las habilidades de autoafirmación profesional, para un desempeño competente en una sociedad cada vez más demandante.
ABSTRACT: This study is aimed at knowing the opinion of Guidance professionals who are in the improvement stage, about the priority indicators of personal and social factors that facilitate professional development. The paradigm is positivist, with quantitative methodology and a descriptive scope, because its main purpose is to describe situations and events, as stated by Hernández; Fernández and Baptista (2010). The sample chosen was for convenience and for better delimitation, the advice of a person specialized in statistics was chosen; Since the active population is relatively small, the application was recommended to the entire list, that is, 90 Guidance professionals who are working for governmental and non-governmental institutions. A questionnaire was developed that responds to the objectives, the research variable, namely: personal and social factors that promote professional development, and its personal indicators: work motivation components, work experience, personal maturity, training. initial and continuous training. To social indicators: resources and conditions necessary to carry out the work, economic and emotional salary, institutional climate, social valuation and information and communication technologies (ICT). The questionnaire contains answer questions closed, with a Likert scale of opinion according to the degree of importance (1 = totally disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neither agree nor disagree; 4 = agree; 5 = totally agree). Subsequently, the questionnaire was applied, the Varimax rotation was performed on the first instrument, to determine the factor loadings according to the ten items of each dimension and subdimension to know the measurements of each of the 100 items. From this analysis, 80 items resulted with an optimal measurement, which are the responses to the items that are taken into account to carry out the data analysis. Through the results of this research, it is possible to impact the professional development of the counselor and, therefore, the labor market by identifying personal and social factors, according to the opinion of the counselors surveyed, which which allows us to have the inputs to promote these factors. Which affects the guiding practice by expanding the skills of professional self-affirmation, for competent performance in an increasingly demanding society.
ABSTRACT: This study is aimed at knowing the opinion of Guidance professionals who are in the improvement stage, about the priority indicators of personal and social factors that facilitate professional development. The paradigm is positivist, with quantitative methodology and a descriptive scope, because its main purpose is to describe situations and events, as stated by Hernández; Fernández and Baptista (2010). The sample chosen was for convenience and for better delimitation, the advice of a person specialized in statistics was chosen; Since the active population is relatively small, the application was recommended to the entire list, that is, 90 Guidance professionals who are working for governmental and non-governmental institutions. A questionnaire was developed that responds to the objectives, the research variable, namely: personal and social factors that promote professional development, and its personal indicators: work motivation components, work experience, personal maturity, training. initial and continuous training. To social indicators: resources and conditions necessary to carry out the work, economic and emotional salary, institutional climate, social valuation and information and communication technologies (ICT). The questionnaire contains answer questions closed, with a Likert scale of opinion according to the degree of importance (1 = totally disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neither agree nor disagree; 4 = agree; 5 = totally agree). Subsequently, the questionnaire was applied, the Varimax rotation was performed on the first instrument, to determine the factor loadings according to the ten items of each dimension and subdimension to know the measurements of each of the 100 items. From this analysis, 80 items resulted with an optimal measurement, which are the responses to the items that are taken into account to carry out the data analysis. Through the results of this research, it is possible to impact the professional development of the counselor and, therefore, the labor market by identifying personal and social factors, according to the opinion of the counselors surveyed, which which allows us to have the inputs to promote these factors. Which affects the guiding practice by expanding the skills of professional self-affirmation, for competent performance in an increasingly demanding society.
Palabras clave
Formación profesional, Orientación profesional, Formación, Consejero de educación, Vocational training, Vocational guidance, Training, Education counselo