Elaboración de una propuesta metodológica para la selección de estudiantes para las pruebas a nivel nacional de los diferentes proyectos que contiene el programa de pruebas del IIMEC.
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Este informe de investigación presenta una propuesta metodológica, cuyo fin es normalizar no sólo el diseño muestral, sino también la selección de marcos muestrales (grupos de estudiantes) que realizarán las pruebas nacionales que se llevan a cabo en los diferentes proyectos del I.I.M.EC. La propuesta consiste en dotar al I.I.M.E.C. con programas de cómputo que lean y organicen la base de datos (tomados de información oficial suministrada por el Ministerio de Educación Pública) sobre la matrícula de todas y cada una de las instituciones públicas, privadas y subvencionadas de primaria y secundaria del país, así como sobre las distintas regiones educativas (provincia, cantón, distrito o poblado). En la elaboración del proyecto trabajaron expertos en estadística y expertos en el área sustantiva del estudio, y se puso en marcha en marzo del año 1995 con la prueba diagnóstico de conocimientos para estudiantes de primer ingreso a la Educación General Básica y con la prueba diagnóstico de conocimientos en el nivel nacional en las cuatro materias básicas para tercero, sexto y noveno años, así como con sus respectivas pruebas de seguimiento en el mismo año. El mismo procedimiento se revisó y aplicó para las pruebas del año 1996.
ABSTRACT: This research report presents a methodological proposal, the purpose of which is to normalize not only the sample design, but also the selection of sampling frames (groups of students) that carried out the national tests carried out in the different projects of the I.I.M.EC. The proposal consists of providing the I.I.M.E.C. with computer programs that read and organize the database (taken from official information provided by the Ministry of Public Education) on the enrollment of each and every one of the public, private and subsidized primary and secondary institutions in the country, as well as on the different educational regions (province, canton, district or town). Statistical experts and experts in the substantive area of the study worked in the development of the project, and it was launched in March 1995 with the diagnostic test of knowledge for students of first entry to Basic General Education and with the diagnostic test of knowledge at the national level in the four basic subjects for third, sixth and ninth grades as well as with their respective follow-up tests in the same grade. The same procedure was reviewed and applied for the 1996 tests.
ABSTRACT: This research report presents a methodological proposal, the purpose of which is to normalize not only the sample design, but also the selection of sampling frames (groups of students) that carried out the national tests carried out in the different projects of the I.I.M.EC. The proposal consists of providing the I.I.M.E.C. with computer programs that read and organize the database (taken from official information provided by the Ministry of Public Education) on the enrollment of each and every one of the public, private and subsidized primary and secondary institutions in the country, as well as on the different educational regions (province, canton, district or town). Statistical experts and experts in the substantive area of the study worked in the development of the project, and it was launched in March 1995 with the diagnostic test of knowledge for students of first entry to Basic General Education and with the diagnostic test of knowledge at the national level in the four basic subjects for third, sixth and ninth grades as well as with their respective follow-up tests in the same grade. The same procedure was reviewed and applied for the 1996 tests.
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