Onceavo Congreso Iberoamericano: Ciencia, Tecnología y Género: Memoria.
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El XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género es impulsado por una red constituida por académicas y académicos de América Latina y de Europa (España y Portugal) provenientes de diferentes universidades y organizaciones. El Congreso se planteó como objetivos generales motivar la inclusión de género en la ciencia y la tecnología y contribuir en la búsqueda de sociedades más justas y equitativas. Entre los objetivos específicos se encuentra elaborar una memoria que contenga las participaciones de las personas ponentes nacionales e internacionales. Este trabajo presenta dicha memoria, la cual está conformada por los siguientes ejes temáticos:
Currículo educativo en ciencia y tecnología desde la perspectiva de género.
Espacios de acceso a la ciencia, la tecnología y la infotecnología en la socialización.
Bioética: Usos y abusaos de la ciencia y la tecnología en salud.
Políticas públicas de ciencia y tecnología desde la perspectiva de género.
Ambiente y género.
Inserción laboral de las mujeres en la ciencia y tecnología desde una perspectiva de género.
Diseños tecnológicos con enfoque de género.
Epistemología e historia feminista de la ciencia.
Galería: Mujeres en la ciencia y la tecnología.
ABSTRACT: The XI Ibero-American Congress on Science, Technology and Gender are promoted by a network made up of academicals from Latin America and Europe (Spain and Portugal) from different universities and organizations. The Congress stablish as general objectives to motivate the inclusion of gender in science and technology and to contribute to the search for fairer and more equitable societies. Among the specific objectives is a report that contains the participation of the national and international speakers. This work presents said report, which is made up of the following thematic axes: • Educational curriculum in science and technology from a gender perspective. • Spaces for access to science, technology and infotechnology in socialization. • Bioethics: Uses and abuses of science and technology in health. • Public science and technology policies from a gender perspective. • Environment and gender. • Labor insertion of women in science and technology from a gender perspective. • Technological designs with a gender focus. • Feminist epistemology and history of science. • Gallery: Women in science and technology.
ABSTRACT: The XI Ibero-American Congress on Science, Technology and Gender are promoted by a network made up of academicals from Latin America and Europe (Spain and Portugal) from different universities and organizations. The Congress stablish as general objectives to motivate the inclusion of gender in science and technology and to contribute to the search for fairer and more equitable societies. Among the specific objectives is a report that contains the participation of the national and international speakers. This work presents said report, which is made up of the following thematic axes: • Educational curriculum in science and technology from a gender perspective. • Spaces for access to science, technology and infotechnology in socialization. • Bioethics: Uses and abuses of science and technology in health. • Public science and technology policies from a gender perspective. • Environment and gender. • Labor insertion of women in science and technology from a gender perspective. • Technological designs with a gender focus. • Feminist epistemology and history of science. • Gallery: Women in science and technology.
Palabras clave
Educación, Investigación, Conferencia, Mujeres, Ciencia y tecnología, Género, Redes académicas, Iberoamérica, Education, Research, Conferences, Women, Science and technology, Gender, Academic networks, Ibero-America