Seguimiento, consolidación y desarrollo de la Red Inter: Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Interculturales e Interdisciplinarios. Nodo Costa Rica
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El presente informe muestra las acciones realizadas, el avance y el cumplimiento de los objetivos del proyecto de investigación: Seguimiento, consolidación y desarrollo de la Red Inter: Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Interculturales e Interdisciplinarios. Nodo Costa Rica. Por lo tanto, se muestran los resultados obtenidos durante el periodo 2021 – 2022, los cuales corroboran el trabajo realizado, y respalda el compromiso que se asumió en la presentación, defensa y validación del proyecto para promover la
educación intercultural e interdisciplinar, desde la estabilidad de la Red Inter, como epicentro propulsor de la intercambios y encuentros investigativos del área. Algunas de las acciones realizadas para cumplir con cada uno de los objetivos planteados, fueron la elaboración de actividades académicas como talleres, simposios, conversatorios y jornadas de reflexión; así como colaboraciones en cursos de las diferentes universidades que forman parte de la Red, producciones académicas como libros y, negociaciones para la creación de alianzas y convenios entre universidades. Los principales logros del proyecto se visualizan en cada una de las acciones mencionadas, generando nuevas propuestas y posibilidades para continuar generando esos espacios de encuentro que permiten generar conocimiento más allá de las fronteras. Este aspecto representa nuevos compromisos y tareas por asumir y realizar en una nueva agenda visualizada para el año 2023.
ABSTRACT: This report shows the actions carried out, the progress and fulfillment of the objectives of the research project: Monitoring, consolidation and development of the Inter Network: Ibero-American Network of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies. Costa Rica Node. Therefore, the results obtained during the period 2021 – 2022 are shown, which corroborate the work carried out, and supports the commitment that was considered in the presentation, defense and validation of the project to promote the intercultural and interdisciplinary education, from the stability of the Inter Network, as the driving epicenter of exchanges and investigative meetings in the area. Some of the actions carried out to meet each of the stated objectives were the development of academic activities such as workshops, symposiums, discussions and reflection days; as well as collaborations in courses from the different universities that are part of the Network, academic productions such as books and negotiations for the creation of alliances and agreements between universities. The main achievements of the project are visualized in each of the aforementioned actions, generating new proposals and possibilities to continue generating those meeting spaces that allow generating knowledge beyond borders. This aspect represents new commitments and tasks to assume and carry out in a new agenda visualized for the year 2023.
ABSTRACT: This report shows the actions carried out, the progress and fulfillment of the objectives of the research project: Monitoring, consolidation and development of the Inter Network: Ibero-American Network of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies. Costa Rica Node. Therefore, the results obtained during the period 2021 – 2022 are shown, which corroborate the work carried out, and supports the commitment that was considered in the presentation, defense and validation of the project to promote the intercultural and interdisciplinary education, from the stability of the Inter Network, as the driving epicenter of exchanges and investigative meetings in the area. Some of the actions carried out to meet each of the stated objectives were the development of academic activities such as workshops, symposiums, discussions and reflection days; as well as collaborations in courses from the different universities that are part of the Network, academic productions such as books and negotiations for the creation of alliances and agreements between universities. The main achievements of the project are visualized in each of the aforementioned actions, generating new proposals and possibilities to continue generating those meeting spaces that allow generating knowledge beyond borders. This aspect represents new commitments and tasks to assume and carry out in a new agenda visualized for the year 2023.
Palabras clave
Educación, Cultura, Educación intercultural, Education, Culture, Intercultural education