Participación de las personas sordas en la Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial: desafíos, logros y apoyos brindados del 2015 al 2020
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El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación era analizar los desafíos y logros de las personas sordas funcionarias y colaboradoras en la Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial de la Universidad de Costa Rica del 2015 al 2020. Para adquirir esta información se analizaron los apoyos para la inclusión laboral que se dieron a las personas sordas, así como los desafíos que experimentaron o percibieron en el tiempo indicado en la unidad académica y, con ello, las posibles acciones de mejora. Esto se estudió mediante la metodología cualitativa, desde la Fenomenología; para esto se establecieron 2 estrategias para la obtención de la información con el grupo de personas informantes sordas; uno de ellos la entrevista y el segundo el grupo focal. Todo esto apoyado por personas intérpretes, que faciliten y medien entre la comunicación oral y la lengua de señas costarricense. Asimismo, se incluyó la participación de personas administrativas que laboraron en el período entre 2015 y 2020, para obtener información desde la parte empleadora. En total se realizaron 10 entrevistas, 7 a población sorda y 3 a personal administrativo. Obtenida la información de ambos grupos de informantes, se analizó en contraposición con las políticas institucionales, normativas y reglamentos sobre inclusión, para conocer el desempeño de la Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial sobre el respeto a la diversidad, derechos humanos e inclusión laboral. Entre las conclusiones se encuentran las siguientes: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, donde se encontraron investigaciones y publicaciones académicas, tanto en Costa Rica como a nivel internacional, acerca de la educación superior y las adaptaciones necesarias para incluir a los estudiantes sordos. Sin embargo, no se logró encontrar el análisis o el impacto de las iniciativas realizadas en la educación superior por la población sorda ni su desarrollo en el rol de funcionario o docente universitario. Esto se considera como una importante limitación en la investigación, dado que se demuestra que no hay suficiente indagación científica sobre el tema. También se logra sistematizar e identificar los proyectos relacionados con la población sorda activos en la EOEE de la Universidad de Costa Rica, pero hay que destacar que las personas sordas son identificadas como colaboradoras, es decir, no hay personas sordas liderando proyectos pese a ser funcionarias activas y que los proyectos corresponden a ejes temáticos que tienen toda vinculación con la comunidad sorda: capacitación en la lengua de señas costarricense, e interpretación de la LESCO. Por ello, esta investigación se considera innovadora y sobre todo necesaria, pues la participación de la población sorda ha sido hasta ahora invisibilizada y esto no responde a los ideales pluralistas de la universidad o a la práctica inclusiva de la unidad académica.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this research project was to analyze the challenges and achievements achieved by deaf officials and collaborators at the School of Guidance and Special Education of the University of Costa Rica from 2015 to 2020. To acquire this information, the support was analyzed. for labor inclusion that were given to deaf people, as well as the challenges they experienced or perceived at the time indicated in the academic unit and, with it, the possible actions for improvement. This was studied through qualitative methodology, from Phenomenology; For this, 2 strategies were established to obtain information with the group of deaf informants; one of them the interview and the second the focus group. All this supported by interpreters, who facilitate and mediate between oral communication and Costa Rican sign language. Likewise, the participation of administrative people who worked in the period between 2015 and 2020 was included, to obtain information from the employer. In total, 10 interviews were carried out, 7 with the deaf population and 3 with administrative staff. Once the information was obtained from both groups of informants, it was analyzed in contrast to institutional policies, norms and regulations on inclusion, to know the performance of the School of Guidance and Special Education on respect for diversity, human rights and labor inclusion. Among the conclusions are the following: A bibliographic review was carried out, where research and academic publications were found, both in Costa Rica and internationally, about higher education and the adaptations necessary to include deaf students. However, it was not possible to find the analysis or impact of the initiatives carried out in higher education by the deaf population or their development in the role of university official or teacher. This is considered an important limitation in the research, since it is shown that there is not enough scientific information on the topic. It is also possible to systematize and identify the projects related to the deaf population active in the EOEE of the University of Costa Rica, but it should be noted that deaf people are identified as collaborators, that is, there are no deaf people leading projects despite being civil servants. . active and that the projects correspond to thematic axes that have any connection with the deaf community: training in Costa Rican sign language, and LESCO interpretation. By Therefore, this research is considered innovative and above all necessary, since the participation of the deaf population has until now been made invisible and this does not respond to the pluralistic ideals of the university or the inclusive practice of the academic unit.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this research project was to analyze the challenges and achievements achieved by deaf officials and collaborators at the School of Guidance and Special Education of the University of Costa Rica from 2015 to 2020. To acquire this information, the support was analyzed. for labor inclusion that were given to deaf people, as well as the challenges they experienced or perceived at the time indicated in the academic unit and, with it, the possible actions for improvement. This was studied through qualitative methodology, from Phenomenology; For this, 2 strategies were established to obtain information with the group of deaf informants; one of them the interview and the second the focus group. All this supported by interpreters, who facilitate and mediate between oral communication and Costa Rican sign language. Likewise, the participation of administrative people who worked in the period between 2015 and 2020 was included, to obtain information from the employer. In total, 10 interviews were carried out, 7 with the deaf population and 3 with administrative staff. Once the information was obtained from both groups of informants, it was analyzed in contrast to institutional policies, norms and regulations on inclusion, to know the performance of the School of Guidance and Special Education on respect for diversity, human rights and labor inclusion. Among the conclusions are the following: A bibliographic review was carried out, where research and academic publications were found, both in Costa Rica and internationally, about higher education and the adaptations necessary to include deaf students. However, it was not possible to find the analysis or impact of the initiatives carried out in higher education by the deaf population or their development in the role of university official or teacher. This is considered an important limitation in the research, since it is shown that there is not enough scientific information on the topic. It is also possible to systematize and identify the projects related to the deaf population active in the EOEE of the University of Costa Rica, but it should be noted that deaf people are identified as collaborators, that is, there are no deaf people leading projects despite being civil servants. . active and that the projects correspond to thematic axes that have any connection with the deaf community: training in Costa Rican sign language, and LESCO interpretation. By Therefore, this research is considered innovative and above all necessary, since the participation of the deaf population has until now been made invisible and this does not respond to the pluralistic ideals of the university or the inclusive practice of the academic unit.
Palabras clave
Educación, Empleo, Universidades, Investigación interdisciplinaria, Sordera, Education, Employment, Universities, Intredisciplinary research, Deafness