Percepciones sobre la calidad académica de programas en procesos de autoevaluación
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La presente investigación se centra en el análisis de las percepciones vinculadas a la calidad académica, abordando las perspectivas de distintos sectores de la población, tales como estudiantes, docentes, empleadores y graduados. Estas percepciones fueron recopiladas en el marco de procesos de autoevaluación dirigidos a obtener la acreditación ante el Sistema Nacional de Acreditación de la Educación Superior (SINAES) para programas académicos de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) culminados en los años 2019 y 2020. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de datos fue un cuestionario elaborado por el SINAES y adaptado por cada programa académico, abordando aspectos que incluyen la infraestructura, el plan de estudios, los servicios proporcionados y la gestión de la carrera, entre otros. El propósito fundamental de este cuestionario es evaluar los criterios de calidad propuestos por el SINAES en el marco del modelo de autoevaluación de carreras de 2009 (SINAES, 2009). La investigación realiza una comparación entre diez programas académicos pertenecientes a cuatro áreas de conocimiento específicas: Salud, Artes y Letras, Ciencias Agroalimentarias y Ciencias Sociales. La aplicación de los cuestionarios se llevó a cabo en línea, a través de la plataforma de evaluación LimeSurvey, gestionada por el Centro de Evaluación Académica (CEA), durante el período comprendido entre 2018 y 2020.Entre los hallazgos más significativos destaca que las evaluaciones proporcionadas por el estudiantado respecto a la formación recibida, aspectos relacionados con el plan de estudios, la satisfacción con el cuerpo docente y los servicios brindados por el programa están fuertemente correlacionadas con la valoración global que otorgan a la carrera. Por su parte, tanto los graduados como los empleadores miden la calidad académica considerando dimensiones como la relevancia de la carrera en el contexto disciplinario, social y laboral, la evaluación de la formación recibida en términos de conocimientos, actitudes y destrezas, así como un constructo adicional vinculado a la satisfacción con la carrera. En el análisis, se toma en cuenta la percepción de la satisfacción de los graduados con la carrera y la calificación global otorgada a la misma.
ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the analysis of perceptions linked to academic quality, addressing the perspectives of different sectors of the population, such as students, teachers, graduates and graduates. These perceptions were compiled within the framework of self-evaluation processes aimed at obtaining accreditation before the National Higher Education Accreditation System (SINAES) for academic programs of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) completed in the years 2019 and 2020. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire developed by SINAES and adapted for each academic program, addressing aspects that include infrastructure, the study plan, the services provided and career management, among others. The fundamental purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the quality criteria proposed by SINAES within the framework of the 2009 career self-assessment model (SINAES, 2009). The research makes a comparison between ten academic programs belonging to four specific areas of knowledge: Health, Art. Letters, Agri-Food Sciences and Social Sciences. The application of the questionnaires was carried out online, through the LimeSurvey evaluation platform, managed by the Center for Academic Evaluation (CEA), during the period between 2018 and 2020. Among the most significant findings, it stands out that the evaluations provided by the students regarding the training received, aspects related to the study plan, satisfaction with the teaching staff and the services provided by the program are strongly correlated with the overall assessment they give to the degree. For their part, both graduates and employers measure academic quality considering dimensions such as the relevance of the degree in the disciplinary, social and work context, the evaluation of the training received in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills, as well as a construct additional linked to satisfaction with the career. In the analysis, the perception of graduates' satisfaction with the degree and the overall grade given to it is taken into account.
ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the analysis of perceptions linked to academic quality, addressing the perspectives of different sectors of the population, such as students, teachers, graduates and graduates. These perceptions were compiled within the framework of self-evaluation processes aimed at obtaining accreditation before the National Higher Education Accreditation System (SINAES) for academic programs of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) completed in the years 2019 and 2020. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire developed by SINAES and adapted for each academic program, addressing aspects that include infrastructure, the study plan, the services provided and career management, among others. The fundamental purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the quality criteria proposed by SINAES within the framework of the 2009 career self-assessment model (SINAES, 2009). The research makes a comparison between ten academic programs belonging to four specific areas of knowledge: Health, Art. Letters, Agri-Food Sciences and Social Sciences. The application of the questionnaires was carried out online, through the LimeSurvey evaluation platform, managed by the Center for Academic Evaluation (CEA), during the period between 2018 and 2020. Among the most significant findings, it stands out that the evaluations provided by the students regarding the training received, aspects related to the study plan, satisfaction with the teaching staff and the services provided by the program are strongly correlated with the overall assessment they give to the degree. For their part, both graduates and employers measure academic quality considering dimensions such as the relevance of the degree in the disciplinary, social and work context, the evaluation of the training received in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills, as well as a construct additional linked to satisfaction with the career. In the analysis, the perception of graduates' satisfaction with the degree and the overall grade given to it is taken into account.
Palabras clave
Calidad de la educación, Evaluación de la educación, Análisis estadístico, Acreditación (Educación), Quality of education, Evaluation of education, Statistical analysis, Accreditation (Education)