Estudio psicogenético del concepto de descomposición de la materia orgánica, en niños de 8 a 12 años de la región de San Ramón, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
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Investigación interdisciplinaria, en la que participaron investigadoras de las áreas de Biología, de Tecnología Educativa y de Psicología, cuya finalidad es contribuir a la teoría psicogenética, con el estudio de la evolución de conceptos básicos de Ciencias en niños de 8 a 12 años. Se fundamenta en una filosofía constructivista, inspirada en la psicología y la epistemología genética originadas en la escuela de Ginebra por Jean Piaget. Su principal objetivo es solucionar algunos problemas que se presentan en la Enseñanza de las Ciencias en la Educación General Básica, concretamente en lo que respecta al tema de la descomposición de la materia, concepto abstracto (de difícil comprensión para los estudiantes), que implica además la comprensión de que la materia cumple un ciclo del cual dependen otros procesos importantes. Se trabajó con una muestra de 350 estudiantes de segundo a sexto grado de dos escuelas del cantón de San Ramón de Alajuela. Una de ellas es una escuela urbana y semi-oficial, cuyos estudiantes proceden de un estrato social medio o medio alto; la otra es una institución rural y agrícola, sus estudiantes proceden de un estrato social medio o medio bajo. Para la recolección de los datos se diseñaron tres instrumentos con el propósito de conocer las ideas que los niños de 8 a 12 años manejan sobre temas ecológicos. Dos de estos instrumentos fueron elaborados por las investigadoras a cargo del estudio. El primero consistió en la observación de dos troncos, cada uno en diferente estado de descomposición, los cuales debían ser descritos por los niños al responder a preguntas abiertas elaboradas para este propósito; además, debían realizar un dibujo de cada tronco con el fin de que las investigadoras pudieran determinar cómo perciben los niños el proceso de descomposición. El segundo instrumento fue un cuestionario con preguntas de selección y con preguntas abiertas relacionadas con la definición de algunos conceptos y fue elaborado para determinar la influencia del hogar, de la escuela y de los medios de comunicación en la construcción de los conceptos relacionados con el proceso de descomposición y el ciclo de la materia orgánica. El tercero fue diseñado por la Dra. Bonnie Shapiro, de Calgari (Canadá); se trata de una encuesta-video en la que se observa el proceso de descomposición de frutas en un platón. Con los resultados de este último instrumento se realizó una comparación inter-cultural sobre los conocimientos de temas ecológicos de los niños costarricenses con respecto a los conocimientos, sobre el mismo tema, de los niños canadienses. Del estudio se concluye que los niños están familiarizados con el proceso de descomposición, aunque no comprenden el proceso en sí. Además, a pesar de que relacionan los hongos y las bacterias con este proceso, desconocen qué es un hongo y qué es una bacteria.
Tampoco relacionan el proceso de fotosíntesis y el de la descomposición con el ciclo de la materia, con lo cual se evidencia que estos procesos se enseñan aisladamente y no en forma integral. Ello sugiere la necesidad de un cambio curricular en los programas de Ciencias de la Educación General Básica.
ABSTRACT: Researchers from the areas of Biology, Educational Technology and Psychology were the participants, which purpose is to contribute to psychogenetic theory, with the study of the evolution of basic science concepts in children from 8 to 12 years old. It is based on a constructivist philosophy, inspired by the psychology and genetic epistemology originated in the Geneva school by Jean Piaget. Its main objective is to solve some problems that appear in the Teaching of Sciences in Basic General Education, specifically related to the subject of the decomposition of matter, an abstract concept (difficult for students to understand), which also implies the understanding that matter fulfills a cycle on which other important processes depend. We worked with a sample of 350 students from second to sixth grade from two schools in the canton of San Ramón de Alajuela. One of them is an urban and semi-official school, whose students come from a middle or upper middle social class; the other is a rural and agricultural institution, its students come from a middle or lower middle social class. To collect the data, three instruments were designed with the purpose of knowing the ideas that children from 8 to 12 years old handle on ecological issues. Two of these instruments were developed by the researchers in charge of the study. The first consisted on observing two aspects each one in a different state of decomposition, which had to be described by the children when answering open questions developed for this purpose; In addition, they had to draw a picture of each state so that the researchers could determine how children perceive the decomposition process. The second instrument was a questionnaire with selection questions and with open questions related to the definition of some concepts and was developed to determine the influence of home, school and the media in the construction of concepts related to the decomposition process and the cycle of organic matter. The third was designed by Dr. Bonnie Shapiro, from Calgari (Canada); It is a video-survey in which the decomposition process of fruits on a plate is observed. With the results of this last instrument, an inter-cultural comparison was made on the knowledge of ecological issues of Costa Rican children with respect to the knowledge on the same topic of Canadian children. The study concludes that children are familiar with the decomposition process, although they do not understand the process itself. Furthermore, despite the fact that fungi and bacteria are related to this process, they do not know what a fungus is and what a bacterium is. Neither do they relate the process of photosynthesis and that of decomposition with the cycle of matter, which shows that these processes are taught in isolation and not in an integral way. This suggests the need for a curricular change in the Basic General Education Sciences programs.
ABSTRACT: Researchers from the areas of Biology, Educational Technology and Psychology were the participants, which purpose is to contribute to psychogenetic theory, with the study of the evolution of basic science concepts in children from 8 to 12 years old. It is based on a constructivist philosophy, inspired by the psychology and genetic epistemology originated in the Geneva school by Jean Piaget. Its main objective is to solve some problems that appear in the Teaching of Sciences in Basic General Education, specifically related to the subject of the decomposition of matter, an abstract concept (difficult for students to understand), which also implies the understanding that matter fulfills a cycle on which other important processes depend. We worked with a sample of 350 students from second to sixth grade from two schools in the canton of San Ramón de Alajuela. One of them is an urban and semi-official school, whose students come from a middle or upper middle social class; the other is a rural and agricultural institution, its students come from a middle or lower middle social class. To collect the data, three instruments were designed with the purpose of knowing the ideas that children from 8 to 12 years old handle on ecological issues. Two of these instruments were developed by the researchers in charge of the study. The first consisted on observing two aspects each one in a different state of decomposition, which had to be described by the children when answering open questions developed for this purpose; In addition, they had to draw a picture of each state so that the researchers could determine how children perceive the decomposition process. The second instrument was a questionnaire with selection questions and with open questions related to the definition of some concepts and was developed to determine the influence of home, school and the media in the construction of concepts related to the decomposition process and the cycle of organic matter. The third was designed by Dr. Bonnie Shapiro, from Calgari (Canada); It is a video-survey in which the decomposition process of fruits on a plate is observed. With the results of this last instrument, an inter-cultural comparison was made on the knowledge of ecological issues of Costa Rican children with respect to the knowledge on the same topic of Canadian children. The study concludes that children are familiar with the decomposition process, although they do not understand the process itself. Furthermore, despite the fact that fungi and bacteria are related to this process, they do not know what a fungus is and what a bacterium is. Neither do they relate the process of photosynthesis and that of decomposition with the cycle of matter, which shows that these processes are taught in isolation and not in an integral way. This suggests the need for a curricular change in the Basic General Education Sciences programs.
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