Diagnóstico evaluativo de la enseñanza del español en la Educación General Básica y Educación Diversificada : rendimiento académico
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El Objetivo general de este estudio es determinar el aprovechamiento de los alumnos en Español al finalizar cada uno de los ciclos, en el quinto año de la Educación General Básica y el décimo año de la Educación Diversificada.
En el informe se reconoce que la enseñanza de la lengua materna debe ser un proceso integrador y coherente, no obstante, para efectos de evaluar el rendimiento académico que obtienen los alumnos en Español, fue necesario dividir los contenidos que se enseñan en esta asignatura de la siguiente manera: lectura-literatura, escucha, expresión escrita, gramática y ortografía.
Se presentan informes separados de cada área evaluada, en ellos se analizan los resultados de las pruebas de conocimientos mínimos de español, aplicadas a alumnos de cuarto, sexto, sétimo, décimo y undécimo años. Cada informe consta de introducción, procedimientos y métodos de trabajo, análisis de resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones.
En cada área el análisis es normativo e incluye puntajes, medias aritméticas, análisis de varianza y pruebas de contraste de medias a posteriori. En las áreas en las que se estableció dominio por objetivos, se hace un análisis con referencia criterios.
La población de este estudio la constituyen todas las instituciones oficiales de la Educación General Básica y Educación Diversificada, según la división territorial del Plan de Regionalización del Sistema Educativo Costarricense, vigente hasta diciembre de 1983.
La muestra fue escogida mediante un proceso aleatorio y estratificado por región, trabajando con un total de 43 colegios y 127 escuelas
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this study is to determine the achievement of students in Spanish at the end of each of the cycles, in the fifth year of Basic General Education and the tenth year of Diversified Education. The report recognizes that the teaching of the native language must be an integrating and coherent process, however, for the purposes of evaluating the academic performance required by students in Spanish, it is necessary to divide the contents taught in this subject of as follows: reading- literature, listening, written expression, grammar and spelling. Separate reports of each area evaluated are showed, in which the results of the tests of minimum knowledge of Spanish, applied to students in fourth, sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh years, are analyzed. Each report consists on the introduction, procedures and working methods, analysis of results, conclusions and recommendations. In each area, the analysis is normative and includes scores, arithmetic means, analysis of variance and a posteriori tests of means tests. In the areas in which domain by objectives was established, an analysis with reference criteria is elaborated. The population of this study is made up of all the official institutions of Basic General Education and Diversified Education, according to the territorial division of the Regionalization Plan of the Costa Rican Educational System, in force until December 1983. The sample was chosen through a random process and stratified by region, working with a total of 43 schools and 127 schools.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this study is to determine the achievement of students in Spanish at the end of each of the cycles, in the fifth year of Basic General Education and the tenth year of Diversified Education. The report recognizes that the teaching of the native language must be an integrating and coherent process, however, for the purposes of evaluating the academic performance required by students in Spanish, it is necessary to divide the contents taught in this subject of as follows: reading- literature, listening, written expression, grammar and spelling. Separate reports of each area evaluated are showed, in which the results of the tests of minimum knowledge of Spanish, applied to students in fourth, sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh years, are analyzed. Each report consists on the introduction, procedures and working methods, analysis of results, conclusions and recommendations. In each area, the analysis is normative and includes scores, arithmetic means, analysis of variance and a posteriori tests of means tests. In the areas in which domain by objectives was established, an analysis with reference criteria is elaborated. The population of this study is made up of all the official institutions of Basic General Education and Diversified Education, according to the territorial division of the Regionalization Plan of the Costa Rican Educational System, in force until December 1983. The sample was chosen through a random process and stratified by region, working with a total of 43 schools and 127 schools.
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