Características sociopersonales de la población estudiantil de la Sede Rodrigo Facio de la Universidad de Costa Rica
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El presente estudio se realizó con el fin de conocer las características socio personales de la población estudiantil de la Sede Rodrigo Facio, así como los temas y actividades de su interés en torno al desarrollo personal. El estudio fue planteado desde el eje de desarrollo personal de la Oficina de Orientación, para buscar información reciente de los y las estudiantes, que permita enriquecer sus propuestas de trabajo.
El estudio fue planteado con una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa. Para esto, se aplicó un cuestionario a 1237 estudiantes de la sede entre los carné A& y B1. El proceso seguido para seleccionar la muestra se catalogó como una selección por cuota probabilística, y en esta se incluyeron estudiantes de las 13 facultades de la sede.
Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo seis grupos focales, uno por cada área académica de la sede. En estas sesiones grupales, se profundizó algunos d ellos puntos más relevantes del cuestionario, de acuerdo con lo planteado en los objetivos del estudio.
Entre los principales resultados destaca que la población estudiantil consultada, en su mayoría , no trabaja, es adulta joven. Soltera, y sin hijos ni hijas y no se trasladó de residencia al ingresar a la universidad. También, la mayor parte de los y las estudiantes cuenta con buenas condiciones de infraestructura para estudiar, actividad que realiza con mayor frecuencia en su hogar y en las bibliotecas de la universidad, y tiene acceso a los insumos básico necesarios mientras estudia. La tendencia de los y las estudiantes de la sede es a mostrar niveles moderados y altos de autoestima y autoeficacia, categorías predictoras del rendimiento académico.
Adicionalmente, la mayoría de los y las estudiantes no presentan dificultades personales que afecten su rendimiento académico, sin embargo, un 42.8% de ellos y ellas sí lo hace. Entre las dificultades señaladas por este 42.8% destacan problemas en el estado de ánimo, en las relaciones con otras personas, estrés y ansiedad, y limitaciones en el acceso a los recursos económicos necesarios para estudiar.
Por otra parte, en torno a los temas de interés, la población estudiantil se interesó particularmente en las actividades informativas y de difusión en los referente a trámites y normativa universitaria y al desarrollo de las habilidades necesarias para incorporarse al contexto universitario y enfrentar con éxito las demandas de la vida académica (principalmente organización del tiempo, manejo del estrés y la ansiedad, las habilidades de comunicación y relaciones interpersonales).
Además, el taller y las actividades lúdicas son las opciones metodológicas preferidas por la población estudiantil para el desarrollo e procesos de formación. Finalmente, los y las estudiantes plantean una preferencia mayoritaria por las actividades presenciales, pero ante las limitaciones de tiempo que enfrentan y las facilidades que ofrecen los medios electrónicos, consideran la modalidad virtual como una opción atractiva para que se les brinde formación e información.
ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in order to know the socio-personal characteristics of the student population of the Rodrigo Facio Campus as well as the topics and activities of their interest regarding personal development. The study focused on the personal development perspective of the Orientation Office to seek updated information from students that would enrich their work proposal. The study used qualitative and quantitative methodologies. For this, a questionnaire was applied to 1237 students of said Campus with student identifications starting with A and B1. To select the sample, it was catalogued as probabilistic quota selection, and this included students from 13 Faculties of this Campus. In addition, six focus groups were carried out; one for each academic area of the Campus. In these focus groups, some of the most relevant aspects of the questionnaire were further examined based on what was proposed in the objectives of the study. Among the main results, it is highlighted that the majority of student population consulted does not work, is a young adult, single, without children and did not move upon admission to the University. On the other hand, most of the students have good conditions in order to study which is a process that takes place frequently at home and at university libraries as they have access to basic supplies required while they study. Furthermore, the tendency is for students to display moderate and high levels of self-esteem and self-sufficiency which are predictive categories of academic performance. In addition, most students do not have personal difficulties that affect their academic performance; however, there is a 42.8% of them that do. Among the difficulties pointed out by the 42.8%, it can be emphasized problems in mood, relationships with other people, stress and anxiety, as well as the limited access to resources needed to study. Regarding the topics of interest, the student population was particularly interested in the informative and dissemination activities in relation to university procedures and regulations, and to the development of the necessary skills to join the university setting and successfully face the demands of the academic life (mainly time management, stress and anxiety management, communication skills and interpersonal relationships). The workshop and the recreational activities are also the preferred methodological options by students to develop the training processes. Finally, the students mostly prefer in-class activities, but due to time constraints they face and the facilities offered by media, they consider virtual platforms as an appealing option that provides training and information.
ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in order to know the socio-personal characteristics of the student population of the Rodrigo Facio Campus as well as the topics and activities of their interest regarding personal development. The study focused on the personal development perspective of the Orientation Office to seek updated information from students that would enrich their work proposal. The study used qualitative and quantitative methodologies. For this, a questionnaire was applied to 1237 students of said Campus with student identifications starting with A and B1. To select the sample, it was catalogued as probabilistic quota selection, and this included students from 13 Faculties of this Campus. In addition, six focus groups were carried out; one for each academic area of the Campus. In these focus groups, some of the most relevant aspects of the questionnaire were further examined based on what was proposed in the objectives of the study. Among the main results, it is highlighted that the majority of student population consulted does not work, is a young adult, single, without children and did not move upon admission to the University. On the other hand, most of the students have good conditions in order to study which is a process that takes place frequently at home and at university libraries as they have access to basic supplies required while they study. Furthermore, the tendency is for students to display moderate and high levels of self-esteem and self-sufficiency which are predictive categories of academic performance. In addition, most students do not have personal difficulties that affect their academic performance; however, there is a 42.8% of them that do. Among the difficulties pointed out by the 42.8%, it can be emphasized problems in mood, relationships with other people, stress and anxiety, as well as the limited access to resources needed to study. Regarding the topics of interest, the student population was particularly interested in the informative and dissemination activities in relation to university procedures and regulations, and to the development of the necessary skills to join the university setting and successfully face the demands of the academic life (mainly time management, stress and anxiety management, communication skills and interpersonal relationships). The workshop and the recreational activities are also the preferred methodological options by students to develop the training processes. Finally, the students mostly prefer in-class activities, but due to time constraints they face and the facilities offered by media, they consider virtual platforms as an appealing option that provides training and information.
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