Recopilación de las investigaciones educativas en Costa Rica.
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El presente informe expone los resultados de la actividad de investigación “Recopilación de las investigaciones educativas en Costa rica”, la cual fue desarrollada en el Instituto de Investigación en Educación. En ésta se plantearon tres objetivos generales, con los que se pretendió recopilar las investigaciones educativas producidas en el país en el período de 2002-2008, elaborar una base de datos digital con las mismas, y analizar el contenido de un subgrupo de estas investigaciones.
Las instituciones consultadas para recopilar los estudios fueron las universidades públicas, el Ministerio de
Educación Pública, la fundación Omar Dengo y el programa del Estado de la Educación. Se encontró una
gran variedad temática en las investigaciones educativas recopiladas, en donde destacan los temas de educación preescolar, las necesidades educativas especiales y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación aplicadas a la enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se detectó una debilidad en los procesos de sistematización y divulgación de las investigaciones educativas en el país. El subgrupo de investigaciones que se estudió a profundidad corresponde al tema de rendimiento académico.
En la primera parte del informe, se presentan los objetivos y la metodología empleada para el desarrollo del
estudio. Posteriormente, se ofrecen los principales resultados, tanto de la elaboración de la base de datos, así como el análisis de las tendencias temáticas de la misma. Finalmente, se expone el producto del análisis de veintidós investigaciones sobre rendimiento académico, en el cual se definieron las tendencias temáticas, metodológicas y los principales aportes expuestos en las mismas. En cuanto a éstas, se encontró que predominan las propuestas de estudio sobre los factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de manera directa e indirecta, y aquellas que indagan sobre las causas del bajo rendimiento. Además, la mayoría de los trabajos corresponden a propuestas metodológicas descriptivas.
En este documento no se incluye la base de datos con las investigaciones educativas recopiladas, debido a su extensión, pero se adjunta un archivo digital para que esta pueda ser consultada.
ABSTRACT: This report presents the results of the research activity "Compilation of educational research in Costa Rica", which was developed at the Institute for Research in Education. In this work, three general objectives were proposed, with which it was intended to compile the educational research produced in the country in the period of 2002-2008. It was developed a digital database , and also analyzed the content of a subgroup of these investigations. The institutions consulted to collect the studies were the public universities, the Ministry of Public Education, the Omar Dengo Foundation and the State of Education program. A great thematic variety was found in the educational research compiled, which highlights the subjects of preschool education, special educational needs and information and communication technologies applied to teaching and learning. A weakness was detected in the processes of systematization and dissemination of educational research in the country. The research subgroup that was depth studied corresponds to the subject of academic performance. In the first part of the report, the objectives and methodology used for the development of the study are presented. Subsequently, the main results are offered, both in the elaboration of the database, as well as the analysis of its thematic tendencies . Finally, the product of the analysis of twenty research studies on academic performance is exposed, in which the thematic and methodological trends and the main contributions were presented and defined. Regarding these, it was found that the study proposals on the factors which intervene in academic performance directly or indirectly predominate, and those that inquire about the causes of low performance. In addition, most of the works correspond to descriptive methodological proposals. This document does not include the database with the educational research compiled, due to its extension, but a digital file is attached which can be consulted.
ABSTRACT: This report presents the results of the research activity "Compilation of educational research in Costa Rica", which was developed at the Institute for Research in Education. In this work, three general objectives were proposed, with which it was intended to compile the educational research produced in the country in the period of 2002-2008. It was developed a digital database , and also analyzed the content of a subgroup of these investigations. The institutions consulted to collect the studies were the public universities, the Ministry of Public Education, the Omar Dengo Foundation and the State of Education program. A great thematic variety was found in the educational research compiled, which highlights the subjects of preschool education, special educational needs and information and communication technologies applied to teaching and learning. A weakness was detected in the processes of systematization and dissemination of educational research in the country. The research subgroup that was depth studied corresponds to the subject of academic performance. In the first part of the report, the objectives and methodology used for the development of the study are presented. Subsequently, the main results are offered, both in the elaboration of the database, as well as the analysis of its thematic tendencies . Finally, the product of the analysis of twenty research studies on academic performance is exposed, in which the thematic and methodological trends and the main contributions were presented and defined. Regarding these, it was found that the study proposals on the factors which intervene in academic performance directly or indirectly predominate, and those that inquire about the causes of low performance. In addition, most of the works correspond to descriptive methodological proposals. This document does not include the database with the educational research compiled, due to its extension, but a digital file is attached which can be consulted.
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