Vinculación intrauniversitaria mediante tecnologías de información y comunicación.
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Esta iniciativa se generó para vincular las actividades de investigación con fines educativos que se realicen con recursos tecnológicos de la información y la comunicación, en las distintas sedes de la Universidad de Costa Rica mediante la página web ya construida para dicho propósito.
Esta actividad se realizó con un enfoque de investigación exploratorio y descriptivo, por tratarse de recopilar
y actualizar la información de los proyectos que utilizan tecnologías con fines educativos.
Esta investigación es una ampliación de la titulada “Diseño de una página web que contiene información de
actividades y proyectos en TICs como parte del desarrollo institucional de la UCR”, N° 734-A3-749.
Al finalizar la labor investigativa se sugiere darle seguimiento a esta actividad cada ciclo lectivo con el fin de
mantener la información actualizada y llevar a cabo las siguientes acciones:
• La verificación periódica de la captación de información, por lo que es probable que el uso de las Tecnologías
de la Información y la Comunicación tienda a ampliarse cada ciclo lectivo.
• Establecer el número aproximado de proyectos vigentes de la UCR vinculados con las TIC.
• Divulgar la página a través de otros medios universitarios, como la prensa, la radio y los boletines informativos.
• Poner a disposición de distintos usuarios la página para la retroalimentación.
Es importante indicar que solamente la Sede Rodrigo Facio se observa representada en la lista de proyecto, ya que de las sedes regionales no se reportaron proyectos con las características del estudio.
ABSTRACT: This initiative was created to link research activities with educational purposes that are carried out with information and communication technology resources, in the different venues of the University of Costa Rica through the website already built for that purpose. This activity was carried out with an exploratory and descriptive research approach, as it is about collecting and updating information on projects that use technologies for educational purposes. This research is an extension of the one entitled "Design of a web page that contains information on activities and projects in ICTs as part of the institutional development of the UCR", No. 734-A3-749. At the end of the research work, it is suggested that this activity must follow up each school year in order to keep the information updated and carry out the following actions: • Periodic verification of the collection of information, so it is likely that the use of Information and Communication Technologies tends to expand each school year. • Establish the approximate number of current projects of the UCR linked to ICT. • Disseminate the page through other university media, such as the press, radio and newsletters. • Make the page for feedback available to different users. It is important to indicate that only the Rodrigo Facio Headquarters is represented in the project list, since no regional projects with the characteristics of the study were reported from the regional headquarters.
ABSTRACT: This initiative was created to link research activities with educational purposes that are carried out with information and communication technology resources, in the different venues of the University of Costa Rica through the website already built for that purpose. This activity was carried out with an exploratory and descriptive research approach, as it is about collecting and updating information on projects that use technologies for educational purposes. This research is an extension of the one entitled "Design of a web page that contains information on activities and projects in ICTs as part of the institutional development of the UCR", No. 734-A3-749. At the end of the research work, it is suggested that this activity must follow up each school year in order to keep the information updated and carry out the following actions: • Periodic verification of the collection of information, so it is likely that the use of Information and Communication Technologies tends to expand each school year. • Establish the approximate number of current projects of the UCR linked to ICT. • Disseminate the page through other university media, such as the press, radio and newsletters. • Make the page for feedback available to different users. It is important to indicate that only the Rodrigo Facio Headquarters is represented in the project list, since no regional projects with the characteristics of the study were reported from the regional headquarters.
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