Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Investigación educativa: Incidencia política con equidad e inclusión
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El Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa, titulado "Incidencia Política con Equidad e Inclusión," se llevó a cabo de manera virtual los días 2, 3 y 4 de marzo de 2021. Este congreso continuó con el compromiso histórico del Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE) en promover la equidad y la inclusión en la educación. En particular, se destacó la internacionalización de INIE en los últimos cinco años y la búsqueda de experiencias y estrategias que permitieran que la investigación tuviera un impacto político significativo.
Esta publicación se organiza en torno a los cinco ejes temáticos abordados en el IV Congreso. 1 - Políticas públicas en educación: Se propone dar seguimiento a las contribuciones que el Estado costarricense está desarrollando para orientar la educación del siglo XXI, así como señalar los ámbitos en los que se requiere impulsar nuevas políticas educativas. 2 - Evaluación de la educación: La educación involucra procesos de evaluación en el ámbito micro y macro, así como sistémico, por lo que este tema abordará los aportes en esta línea que pueden contribuir con su discusión y conceptualización, puesta en práctica y valoración de sus implicaciones tanto para sectores como para procesos de aprendizaje y gestión educativa. 3 - Aportes a la inclusión social, equidad y derechos humanos: La investigación en educación apunta al fortalecimiento de una sociedad más justa y equitativa, para la cual se apuesta a la inclusión social y a los derechos humanos.4 - Formación inicial y permanente de profesionales en educación: Este tema es trascendental para el cambio y la innovación de los procesos educativos, se destaca que el cuerpo docente y otros actores fundamentales requieren ser considerados como protagonistas en la transformación de los sistemas educativos, desde lo macro y lo micro. 5 - Alfabetización mediática e informacional en la educación: Este tema da cuenta de los retos de la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento, porque a las discusiones sobre acceso y brecha generacional se une la preocupación por el uso y la apropiación digital, así como la comprensión y la evaluación de los contenidos presentes en los medios tecnológicos.
El documento reúne un total de 25 artículos que fueron presentados en esta actividad académica. Estos artículos recibieron una evaluación previa de pares académicos y para la publicación de la memoria se realizó también otra valoración por parte del comité editorial. Esta producción académica recoge únicamente los documentos que finalmente fueron entregados por las personas autoras para su publicación.
ABSTRACT: The Fourth International Educational Research Congress, titled “Political Advocacy with Equity and Inclusion,” was held virtually on March 2, 3, and 4, 2021. This conference continued the historic commitment of the Education Research Institute (INIE) to promote equity and inclusion in education. In particular, the internationalization of the INIE in the last five years and the search for experiences and strategies that allowed the research to have a significant political impact were highlighted. This publication is organized around the five thematic axes addressed at the IV Congress. 1 - Public policies in education: It is proposed to monitor the contributions that the Costa Rican State is developing to guide 21st century education, as well as to point out the areas in which it is necessary to promote new educational policies. 2 - Evaluation of education: Education involves evaluation processes at the micro and macro level, as well as systemic, so this topic will address the contributions in this line that can contribute to its discussion and conceptualization, implementation and assessment of its implications both for sectors and for learning processes and educational management. 3 - Contributions to social inclusion, equity and human rights: Research in education aims to strengthen a more just and equitable society, for which there is a commitment to social inclusion and human rights.4 - Initial and permanent training of professionals in education: This topic is transcendental for the change and innovation of educational processes, it is highlighted that the teaching staff and other fundamental actors need to be considered as protagonists in the transformation of educational systems, from the macro and the micro. 5 - Media and information literacy in education: This topic reflects the challenges of the Information and Knowledge Society, because the discussions about access and generation gap are joined by concern about digital use and appropriation, as well as the understanding and evaluation of the content present in technological media. The document brings together a total of 25 articles that were presented in this academic activity. These articles received a prior evaluation by academic peers and for the publication of the report, another evaluation was also carried out by the editorial committee. This academic production includes only the documents that were finally delivered by the authors for publication.
ABSTRACT: The Fourth International Educational Research Congress, titled “Political Advocacy with Equity and Inclusion,” was held virtually on March 2, 3, and 4, 2021. This conference continued the historic commitment of the Education Research Institute (INIE) to promote equity and inclusion in education. In particular, the internationalization of the INIE in the last five years and the search for experiences and strategies that allowed the research to have a significant political impact were highlighted. This publication is organized around the five thematic axes addressed at the IV Congress. 1 - Public policies in education: It is proposed to monitor the contributions that the Costa Rican State is developing to guide 21st century education, as well as to point out the areas in which it is necessary to promote new educational policies. 2 - Evaluation of education: Education involves evaluation processes at the micro and macro level, as well as systemic, so this topic will address the contributions in this line that can contribute to its discussion and conceptualization, implementation and assessment of its implications both for sectors and for learning processes and educational management. 3 - Contributions to social inclusion, equity and human rights: Research in education aims to strengthen a more just and equitable society, for which there is a commitment to social inclusion and human rights.4 - Initial and permanent training of professionals in education: This topic is transcendental for the change and innovation of educational processes, it is highlighted that the teaching staff and other fundamental actors need to be considered as protagonists in the transformation of educational systems, from the macro and the micro. 5 - Media and information literacy in education: This topic reflects the challenges of the Information and Knowledge Society, because the discussions about access and generation gap are joined by concern about digital use and appropriation, as well as the understanding and evaluation of the content present in technological media. The document brings together a total of 25 articles that were presented in this academic activity. These articles received a prior evaluation by academic peers and for the publication of the report, another evaluation was also carried out by the editorial committee. This academic production includes only the documents that were finally delivered by the authors for publication.
Palabras clave
Educación, Investigación educativa, Conferencia, Education, Educational research, Conference