Modelo de capacitación: la incorporación de las TIC como herramientas tecnológicas de uso formativo en la preparación académica del profesorado de Educación Especial y Orientación.
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La presente investigación propone y desarrolla un modelo de capacitación cuyo objetivo es ofrecer alternativas de capacitación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) a los docentes de la Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, para brindarles estrategias que faciliten la incorporación de las herramientas tecnológicas en la didáctica universitaria, desde su uso tanto instrumental como formativo. Este estudió se realizó en un marco de investigación acción colaborativa y se enfoca en las prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje desde los aportes de las TIC en la formación docente. Las técnicas de recogida de información utilizadas fueron la observación participante, diarios de campo, cuestionarios, foros y grabaciones de las sesiones y grupos focales,para documentar y analizar las experiencias de los docentes al incorporar formativamente las TIC al quehacer docente.
Este modelo de capacitación plantea tres aspectos básico: un primer proceso de inducción que contempla las sensibilización, motivación, tutorías y prácticas en el manejo de las TIC, un segundo proceso de capacitación que amplíe y transforme el uso instrumental de las TIC en un uso formativo, y un tercer proceso que propicia la apropiación de las TIC en la docencia universitaria mediante la reasignificación y pertinencia en la construcción del conocimiento.
Las principales conclusiones son el aporte de los participantes sobre sus vivencias de apropiación de las TIC desde un modelo de capacitación que les ha permitido incorporar herramientas tecnológicas con fines didácticos a su quehacer profesional.
Algunas de las herramientas que ha incorporado el profesorado en el ejercicio de la docencia universitaria, desde las sesiones individualizadas de aprendizaje de TIC que plantea el modelo de capacitación en sus fases de implementación, son Dropbox, plataforma virtual de la Universidad de Costa Rica, prezi, uso de blog, aula y foros virtuales, wikispaces, teléfono celular inteligente, aplicaciones tecnológicas, chat, correo electrónico grupal, subir documentos al sitio de interés, Google documents, respaldo virtual, búsqueda y acceso a videos y películas educativos, facebook, mendeley, equipo multimedia en general, así como recuperación de claves, uso de Google académico, acceso a Apps, descarga de información, conversión de formatos, guardado de información en la nube, libre office y otros.
ABSTRACT: This research proposes and develops a training model with the objective to offer training alternatives in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to teachers of the School of Orientation and Special Education of the University of Costa Rica in order to give them strategies that allow the incorporation of technological tools in university training from instrumental and formative use. This study was conducted in a collaborative action research framework and focused on teaching-learning practices from the inputs of ICT in teacher training. The information gathering techniques used were participant observation, field diaries, questionnaires, forums and recordings of the sessions and focus groups in order to document and analyze the experiences of teachers by incorporating a formative ICT to the teaching task. This training model proposes three basic aspects: a first induction process that includes awareness, motivation, tutorials and practices on ICT management; a second training process that expands and transforms the instrumental use of ICT in a formative use; and a third process that promotes the appropriation of ICT in university teaching through reassigning and continuing in the construction of knowledge. The main conclusions are the contribution of the participants on their experiences of adopting ICT from a training model that has allowed them to incorporate technological tools for didactic purposes to their professional work. Some of the tools that the faculty has incorporated in the exercise of the university teaching from the individualized sessions of learning of ICT that the model of training proposes in its phases of implementation are: Dropbox, the University of Costa Rica's virtual platform, Prezi, blog use, classroom and virtual forums, Wikispaces, smart cell phone, technology applications, chat, group email, upload documents to the site of interest, Google documents, virtual backup, search and access to educational videos and movies, Facebook, Mendeley, multimedia equipment in general, as well as key recovery, Google academic use, access to Apps, downloading information, converting formats, saving information in the cloud, free office and others.
ABSTRACT: This research proposes and develops a training model with the objective to offer training alternatives in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to teachers of the School of Orientation and Special Education of the University of Costa Rica in order to give them strategies that allow the incorporation of technological tools in university training from instrumental and formative use. This study was conducted in a collaborative action research framework and focused on teaching-learning practices from the inputs of ICT in teacher training. The information gathering techniques used were participant observation, field diaries, questionnaires, forums and recordings of the sessions and focus groups in order to document and analyze the experiences of teachers by incorporating a formative ICT to the teaching task. This training model proposes three basic aspects: a first induction process that includes awareness, motivation, tutorials and practices on ICT management; a second training process that expands and transforms the instrumental use of ICT in a formative use; and a third process that promotes the appropriation of ICT in university teaching through reassigning and continuing in the construction of knowledge. The main conclusions are the contribution of the participants on their experiences of adopting ICT from a training model that has allowed them to incorporate technological tools for didactic purposes to their professional work. Some of the tools that the faculty has incorporated in the exercise of the university teaching from the individualized sessions of learning of ICT that the model of training proposes in its phases of implementation are: Dropbox, the University of Costa Rica's virtual platform, Prezi, blog use, classroom and virtual forums, Wikispaces, smart cell phone, technology applications, chat, group email, upload documents to the site of interest, Google documents, virtual backup, search and access to educational videos and movies, Facebook, Mendeley, multimedia equipment in general, as well as key recovery, Google academic use, access to Apps, downloading information, converting formats, saving information in the cloud, free office and others.
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