Los procesos empáticos en las prácticas formativas en la Universidad de Costa Rica: un estudio empírico en las ciencias de la salud, las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales.
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El estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar la dinámica de los comportamientos empáticos en la relación docente-estudiantes, lo cual se llevó a cabo en el marco de los procesos de formación universitarios en las áreas de las ciencias de la salud, las ciencias sociales y las ciencias naturales de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El estudio se realizó entre el 2015 y el 2017; asimismo, se recolectó información desde la perspectiva de los docentes y estudiantes mediante protocolos de opinión, grupos focales y procesos de observación con una matriz de carácter etológico; de igual forma, se realizaron 30 entrevistas protocolizadas a docentes y otras 30 a estudiantes; el grupo focal se aplicó a 15 docentes, 5 de cada área académica seleccionada; por otro lado, se contó con una guía semiestructurada que usó como estructura las categorías de estudio; además, se realizaron 3 observaciones únicas en 3 clases, una por cada área académica. Finalmente, el enfoque teórico utilizado fue el de la etología cognitiva humana, psicología cognitiva, pedagogía universitaria, ciencias cognitivas y el constructivismo cibernético de segundo orden. Entre las conclusiones a las que llegó el estudio están las siguientes:
La empatía como recurso vincular docente-estudiante en el contexto formativo universitario es visto como deseable y necesario tanto en docentes como estudiantes.
Los profesores(as) estuvieron de acuerdo al afirmar que, sin duda alguna, la empatía es fundamental en el hecho educativo, pese a no ser evaluado de esa forma según ellos por muchos docentes en la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Los estudiantes valoran también la empatía en los docentes y hacia ellos y aunque de los participantes 9 se orientaron a ver la empatía como una cualidad obligatoria para un “buen servicio docente” o sea como una cualidad para la acción docentes en su reducción más funcional mercantil, 6 estudiantes indicaron también que debe ser un asunto recíproco entre docentes y estudiantes montándose conciencia del hecho educativo como un proceso formativo comunitario.
Es quizá la falta de conciencia o desconociendo que proporciona el modelo tradicional educativo lo que hace que estudiantes y docentes planteen la empatía como algo más funcional que vincular humano, en donde el hecho educativo es parte de esas relaciones culturales humanas.
Para los docentes en su mayoría “no hay proceso formativo universitario exitoso sin elementos como la empatía puesto que esta permite acceder al estudiante y entender cómo este está llevando a cabo su proceso formativo con el fin de potenciar sus capacidades personales.”
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to analyze the dynamic of empathetic behaviors present in the teacher-student relationship, which was carried out with in the framework of the university training processes in the Health Science, Social Science and Natural Science areas of the University of Costa Rica. The study was conducted between 2015 and 2017. Information was collected from a teacher and student perspective through opinion protocols, focus groups and observation processes with an ethological matrix. Likewise, 30 protocoled interviews with teachers and 30 additional interviews with students; the focus group was conducted with 15 teachers, 5 from each of the selected academic area. On the other hand, a semi-structured guide was used as a structure for the categories of the study; in addition, only 3 observations in 3 classes, one per academic area. Finally, the theoretical approach used was that of human cognitive ethology, cognitive psychology, university pedagogy, cognitive sciences and second-order cybernetic constructivism. Among the conclusions reached by the study, the following are: Empathy as a resource to link teacher-student in the university formative context is seen as desirable and necessary for both teachers and students. Professors agreed that, without a doubt, empathy is a fundamental educational aspect despite not being evaluated by many teachers at the University of Costa Rica according to them. Students also value empathy in teacher and towards them, and although the 9 participants consider empathy as a necessary quality for a "good teacher service", that is a quality for teaching reduced to its most commercial function. 6 students also pointed out that it must be reciprocal between teachers and students while creating awareness on education as collective formative process. It is perhaps the lack of awareness or knowledge of what the traditional educational model provides, that makes students and teachers consider empathy as something more functional than bonding, where education is part of cultural relationships among humans. For the majority of teachers "there is no successful formative university process without elements such as empathy since it allows for access to the student and to understand how the student is carrying out its formative process in order to develop his or her personal capabilities.”
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to analyze the dynamic of empathetic behaviors present in the teacher-student relationship, which was carried out with in the framework of the university training processes in the Health Science, Social Science and Natural Science areas of the University of Costa Rica. The study was conducted between 2015 and 2017. Information was collected from a teacher and student perspective through opinion protocols, focus groups and observation processes with an ethological matrix. Likewise, 30 protocoled interviews with teachers and 30 additional interviews with students; the focus group was conducted with 15 teachers, 5 from each of the selected academic area. On the other hand, a semi-structured guide was used as a structure for the categories of the study; in addition, only 3 observations in 3 classes, one per academic area. Finally, the theoretical approach used was that of human cognitive ethology, cognitive psychology, university pedagogy, cognitive sciences and second-order cybernetic constructivism. Among the conclusions reached by the study, the following are: Empathy as a resource to link teacher-student in the university formative context is seen as desirable and necessary for both teachers and students. Professors agreed that, without a doubt, empathy is a fundamental educational aspect despite not being evaluated by many teachers at the University of Costa Rica according to them. Students also value empathy in teacher and towards them, and although the 9 participants consider empathy as a necessary quality for a "good teacher service", that is a quality for teaching reduced to its most commercial function. 6 students also pointed out that it must be reciprocal between teachers and students while creating awareness on education as collective formative process. It is perhaps the lack of awareness or knowledge of what the traditional educational model provides, that makes students and teachers consider empathy as something more functional than bonding, where education is part of cultural relationships among humans. For the majority of teachers "there is no successful formative university process without elements such as empathy since it allows for access to the student and to understand how the student is carrying out its formative process in order to develop his or her personal capabilities.”
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