La marginalidad de las mujeres trabajadoras sexuales activas o no de la zona roja de San José: un espacio sociocultural e histórico en sus historias de vida.
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El proyecto tiene como propósito visibilizar la construcción sociohistórica y cultural de las mujeres trabajadoras o extrabajadoras sexuales desde las perspectivas institucionales y de sí mismas. El estudio propicia una reflexión previa en torno a los siguientes aspectos: a) la categoría “puta”; b) la experiencia de marginalización y vulnerabilidad social en el trabajo sexual y c) los derechos humanos de las mujeres adultas trabajadoras sexuales. Por tratarse de un proyecto de investigación que se realiza en el marco de un Trabajo Comunal Universitario, y que cuenta con una participación directa de los responsables de la investigación, se propone un modelo de acción que responde a cada uno de los objetivos específicos, a saber:
1) Desarrollar un proyecto de trabajo comunal universitario para dar apoyo a las acciones investigativas:
• I fase. Proceso de sensibilización.
• II fase: Proceso de desarrollo del proyecto del Trabajo comunal específico para cada participante o
equipos interdisciplinarios de trabajo.
• III fase: Proceso de seguimiento.
• IV fase: Culminación del proyecto de TCU.
• V fase: Evaluación y sistematización de la experiencia desarrollada.
2) Propiciar la recuperación de las experiencias de vida de las mujeres trabajadoras o extrabajadoras
sexuales que asisten a la Asociación la Sala en San José.
• I fase: Negociación y desarrollo de historias de vida.
• II fase: Análisis de las historias de vida.
• III fase: Devolución de los resultados a las personas participantes.
• IV fase: Producción de un libro.
• V fase: Divulgación
Se propició la transdisciplinariedad en el abordaje de los temas y las líneas de acción. Participaron estudiantes de las siguientes disciplinas: Filosofía, Enseñanza de la filosofía, Antropología, Sociología, Dirección de empresas, Psicología, Enfermería, Comunicación colectiva, Medicina, Historia y Derecho. Se identificaron líneas de acción para la participación de estudiantes en el marco del TCU, estas líneas fueron: educación, salud integral, derechos humanos y fundamentales, recreación y expresión artística. Se escogieron tres mujeres que asisten a La Sala para participar en el proceso de narración de su historia de vida, se reconstruyeron tres historias, ellas narran las expectativas, las experiencias y las proyecciones que las mujeres tienen de sí mismas en relación con el trabajo sexual.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the project is to make visible the sociohistorical and cultural construction of working women or extra-sex workers from the institutional and self-perspectives. The study encourages a previous reflection on the following aspects: a) the category "whore"; b) the experience of marginalization and social vulnerability in sex work and c) the human rights of adult women sex workers. Since it is a research project that is carried out in the framework of a University Community Work, and that has a direct participation of those responsible for the research, a model of action is proposed that responds to each of the specific objectives, to know: 1) Develop a communal university work project to give support to the investigative actions: • I phase. Awareness process. • Phase II: Development process of the specific community work project for each participant or interdisciplinary work teams. • III phase: Follow-up process. • IV phase: Completion of the TCU project. • V phase: Evaluation and systematization of the experience developed. 2) Promote the recovery of the life experiences of working women or extra-sex workers who attend the Sala Association in San José. • Phase I: Negotiation and development of life stories. • Phase II: Analysis of life histories. • Phase III: Return of the results to the participants. • IV phase: Production of a book. • V phase: Disclosure The transdisciplinarity was fostered in the approach of the themes and lines of action. Students from the following disciplines participated: Philosophy, Philosophy Teaching, Anthropology, Sociology, Business Management, Psychology, Nursing, Collective Communication, Medicine, History and Law. Lines of action were identified for the participation of students in the framework of the TCU, these lines were: education, integral health, human and fundamental rights, recreation and artistic expression. Three women who attend The Room were chosen to participate in the process of narrating their life story, three stories were reconstructed, they narrate the expectations, experiences and projections that women have of themselves in relation to sex work .
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the project is to make visible the sociohistorical and cultural construction of working women or extra-sex workers from the institutional and self-perspectives. The study encourages a previous reflection on the following aspects: a) the category "whore"; b) the experience of marginalization and social vulnerability in sex work and c) the human rights of adult women sex workers. Since it is a research project that is carried out in the framework of a University Community Work, and that has a direct participation of those responsible for the research, a model of action is proposed that responds to each of the specific objectives, to know: 1) Develop a communal university work project to give support to the investigative actions: • I phase. Awareness process. • Phase II: Development process of the specific community work project for each participant or interdisciplinary work teams. • III phase: Follow-up process. • IV phase: Completion of the TCU project. • V phase: Evaluation and systematization of the experience developed. 2) Promote the recovery of the life experiences of working women or extra-sex workers who attend the Sala Association in San José. • Phase I: Negotiation and development of life stories. • Phase II: Analysis of life histories. • Phase III: Return of the results to the participants. • IV phase: Production of a book. • V phase: Disclosure The transdisciplinarity was fostered in the approach of the themes and lines of action. Students from the following disciplines participated: Philosophy, Philosophy Teaching, Anthropology, Sociology, Business Management, Psychology, Nursing, Collective Communication, Medicine, History and Law. Lines of action were identified for the participation of students in the framework of the TCU, these lines were: education, integral health, human and fundamental rights, recreation and artistic expression. Three women who attend The Room were chosen to participate in the process of narrating their life story, three stories were reconstructed, they narrate the expectations, experiences and projections that women have of themselves in relation to sex work .
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