Miradas múltiples: psicología escolar en las escuelas de atención prioritaria en el sistema educativo público costarricense.
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El presente libro es el resultado del proyecto de investigación "Miradas múltiples: psicología escolar en las escuelas de atención prioritaria en el sistema educativo costarricense" (2013-2015), inscrito en el Instituto de Investigación en Educación de la Universidad de Costa Rica. La persona que da lectura a este material se encuentra con un texto diverso, con un énfasis en los primeros apartados sobre aspectos más de orden conceptual, pasando por la reseña de casos, que es un aporte significativo, pues parten del trabajo sistematizado de las compañeras y surgen del impacto que les promociona la experiencia de cada uno de ellos. Por un lado, en el capítulo segundo se menciona lo que es el Programa de Atención Prioritaria, haciendo un recorrido particular por los documentos oficiales, también se señalan y argumentan contextualizados. Por otro lado, el marco general de la investigación se incluye en el tercer capítulo, tratando de colocar la reflexión acerca de aspectos generales de la educación y la psicología escolar, los cuales se consideran puntos de partida esenciales para un encuadre de lo psicosocial. De igual manera, en el capítulo cuarto se presentan algunas de las conclusiones, reflexiones y hallazgos que parten del trabajo empírico, entrelazando ideas y comentarios que nos dan cuenta de cuestionamientos y situaciones que se dan en lo cotidiano. Asimismo, el capítulo cinco es muy apreciado y relevante para la investigación y la disciplina, ya que surge de la casuística, en la cual se trata de mostrar un estilo de intervención que las profesionales en Psicología han venido construyendo a lo largo de su experiencia y que son el producto del ir y venir en sus años de experiencia laboral. Se incluyen estrategias y valoraciones construidas en la práctica y que habían permanecido de alguna manera "engavetadas" en la práctica cotidiana. En el sexto capítulo se incluyen experiencias concretas de estrategias colectivas e interdisciplinarias con ejemplos concretos sobre proyectos específicos, los cuales se podrían considerar extra curriculares. Y, finalmente, un último capítulo donde se ofrecen algunas reflexiones finales que surgieron a raíz de los encuentros con una psicología escolar situada y contextualizada, producto de nuestro paso por la "aventura" investigativa.
ABSTRACT: This book is the result of the research project: "Multiple Views: School Psychology in School Requiring Priority Attention in the Costa Rican Public Education System" (2013-2015), registered at the Research Institute in Education of the University of Costa Rica. The reader of this material finds a diverse text with emphasis on the first sections dealing with aspects of a conceptual order followed by a review of cases which is a significant contribution because they stem from the systematic work those involved, and arises from the impact that each ones experience carries. On the other hand, the second chapter mentions what the Priority Attention Program is by giving a particular overview of the official documents; they are also contextually pointed out and argumented. However, the general framework of this research appears in chapter three while trying to give a reflection on the general aspects of education and school psychology, which are considered essential starting points for framing of the psychosocial. Likewise, chapter four presents some conclusions, reflections and findings that stem from empirical work intertwining ideas and comments that account for everyday questions and situations. In addition, chapter five is highly valued and relevant for the research and discipline as it arises from the cases in which a style of intervention is shown that professionals in Psychology have been building through experience, and are a product of the comings and goings in their years of work experience. They include strategies and assessments based on field work and that had remained in some way "shelved" in everyday practice. Chapter six includes concrete experiences of collective and interdisciplinary strategies with specific examples of specific projects which could be considered extra curricular. Finally, the last chapter offers some final reflections that arose from specific and contextualized meetings with a school psychologist as a result of our investigative "adventure".
ABSTRACT: This book is the result of the research project: "Multiple Views: School Psychology in School Requiring Priority Attention in the Costa Rican Public Education System" (2013-2015), registered at the Research Institute in Education of the University of Costa Rica. The reader of this material finds a diverse text with emphasis on the first sections dealing with aspects of a conceptual order followed by a review of cases which is a significant contribution because they stem from the systematic work those involved, and arises from the impact that each ones experience carries. On the other hand, the second chapter mentions what the Priority Attention Program is by giving a particular overview of the official documents; they are also contextually pointed out and argumented. However, the general framework of this research appears in chapter three while trying to give a reflection on the general aspects of education and school psychology, which are considered essential starting points for framing of the psychosocial. Likewise, chapter four presents some conclusions, reflections and findings that stem from empirical work intertwining ideas and comments that account for everyday questions and situations. In addition, chapter five is highly valued and relevant for the research and discipline as it arises from the cases in which a style of intervention is shown that professionals in Psychology have been building through experience, and are a product of the comings and goings in their years of work experience. They include strategies and assessments based on field work and that had remained in some way "shelved" in everyday practice. Chapter six includes concrete experiences of collective and interdisciplinary strategies with specific examples of specific projects which could be considered extra curricular. Finally, the last chapter offers some final reflections that arose from specific and contextualized meetings with a school psychologist as a result of our investigative "adventure".
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