Hacia una caracterización del concepto de tropa prostética: una aproximación desde un estudio empírico de campo
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar una tropa prostética, proveyendo información importante para lograr una mejor caracterización sobre la misma. El enfoque fue de las ciencias cognoscitivas desde el modelo teórico de la Teoría de dinámica de tropas. Se estudiaron dos grupos docentes desde una metodología de observación etológica. A un grupo se le ha llamado G1 de naturaleza homogéneo y, un segundo grupo heterogéneo denominado G2
G1 estuvo conformado por 15 sujetos( 6 mujeres y 9 varones), docentes universitarios, pertenecientes a la misma Facultad y con afinidad profesional, poseen grados académicos similares (doctores). En este grupo solo una mujer pertenece a una escuela diferente a la de los demás, aunque forma parte de la misma facultad y todos se encuentran en régimen académico.
G2 estuvo conformado por 20 docentes universitarios (11 varones y 9 mujeres), constituido por profesores de diversas áreas y unidades académicas (licenciados, máster, doctores), y con diversos campos de conocimiento (como medicina, biología, educación física, educación, ect.). Los sujetos de G2 menos de la mitad están en régimen, mientras que los otros no lo están. Los sujetos de ambos grupos trabajan en la Universidad de Costa Rica.
En este trabajo se trató la tropa prostética, partiendo de una caracterización básica, la cual se utilizó como parámetros para determinar si los grupos observados podrían concebirse como tropas prostéticas o no. En el desarrollo de esta investigación se pudo identificar que uno de los grupos cumplía con los criterios de la misma y se comprobó empíricamente que algunas de estas características eran esenciales pero no suficientes para comprender la complejidad de este tipo de estructuras, de tal forma que algunas robustecieron y otras emergieron hasta llegar a una caracterización más clara y precisa de lo que es una tropa prostética.
El otro grupo que se observó empezó a tener características de tropa prostética luego de 18 sesiones de observación, ya cuando el ciclo de estudio había terminado, lo cual evidencia que la variable tiempo en la constitución de una tropa prostética heterogénea resulta importante.
Estas características requieren de mayor exploración, sin embargo ofrece datos muy relevantes sobre la dinámica, la organización, la estructura e incluso los procesos que se dan en la tropa prostética.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to characterize a prosthetic troop by providing important information for a better characterization of them. The focus was on cognitive sciences from a the theoretical model of the Theory of Troop Dynamic. Two groups of teachers were studied from a methodology of ethological observation; one group was called G1 which was homogeneous, and a second heterogeneous group was called G2. G1 was formed by 15 subjects (6 women and 9 men), university professors of the same Faculty and with professional affinity, similar academic degrees (doctorates). In this group, only one woman works for a different school, although, it is part of the same Faculty, and they are all ascribed to an academic regime. G2 was composed of 20 university professors (11 men and 9 women) of different areas and academic units (graduates, masters and doctorates), and with different fields of knowledge (such as Medicine, Biology, Physical Education, Education, etc). Less than half the G2 subjects are part of the academic regime while others are not. Subjects from both groups work at the University of Costa Rica. In this work, the prosthetic troop was dealt with from a basic characterization which was used as parameters to determine if the observed groups could be considered as prosthetic troops or not. During the development of this research, it was possible to identify that one of the groups met the criteria, and to empirically verify that some of these characteristics were essential but insufficient to understand the complexity of this type structure in such a way that some were strengthened and other emerged in order to achieve a the most precise and clear characterization of what a prosthetic troop is. The other observed group began developing prosthetic troop characteristics after 18 observation sessions by the time the study had ended which demonstrated that the time variable is important when a heterogeneous prosthetic troop is formed. These characteristics require further exploration; however, it provides very relevant data on the dynamic, organization, structure and even the processes that occur in a prosthetic troop.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to characterize a prosthetic troop by providing important information for a better characterization of them. The focus was on cognitive sciences from a the theoretical model of the Theory of Troop Dynamic. Two groups of teachers were studied from a methodology of ethological observation; one group was called G1 which was homogeneous, and a second heterogeneous group was called G2. G1 was formed by 15 subjects (6 women and 9 men), university professors of the same Faculty and with professional affinity, similar academic degrees (doctorates). In this group, only one woman works for a different school, although, it is part of the same Faculty, and they are all ascribed to an academic regime. G2 was composed of 20 university professors (11 men and 9 women) of different areas and academic units (graduates, masters and doctorates), and with different fields of knowledge (such as Medicine, Biology, Physical Education, Education, etc). Less than half the G2 subjects are part of the academic regime while others are not. Subjects from both groups work at the University of Costa Rica. In this work, the prosthetic troop was dealt with from a basic characterization which was used as parameters to determine if the observed groups could be considered as prosthetic troops or not. During the development of this research, it was possible to identify that one of the groups met the criteria, and to empirically verify that some of these characteristics were essential but insufficient to understand the complexity of this type structure in such a way that some were strengthened and other emerged in order to achieve a the most precise and clear characterization of what a prosthetic troop is. The other observed group began developing prosthetic troop characteristics after 18 observation sessions by the time the study had ended which demonstrated that the time variable is important when a heterogeneous prosthetic troop is formed. These characteristics require further exploration; however, it provides very relevant data on the dynamic, organization, structure and even the processes that occur in a prosthetic troop.
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