El mundo cotidiano de la alimentación infantil en familias de estudiantes universitarioos que tiene a sus hijos e hijas en la casa infantil universitaria de la sede Rodrigo Facio
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El proyecto surge como parte de los resultados obtenidos en la primera fase de investigación doctoral en la cual se realizó una caracterización de las prácticas de la crianza relacionadas con la alimentación infantil. Tiene como propósito general explorar el fenómeno de la alimentación infantil en una población de padres y madres universitarios cuyos hijos e hijas son beneficiarios de la Casa Infantil Universitaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica, en su relación con la cultura alimentaria, las prácticas de crianza cotidianas, las prácticas y creencias sobre la alimentación infantil y los estilos educativos parentales que prevalecen en las prácticas alimentarias.
Con el propósito de comprender mejor el fenómeno por estudiar se utilizó una estrategia plurimetodológica o multimetodológica con la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciones, entrevistas a profundidad y grupos focales. Se seleccionó 4 casos y se realizaron entrevistas a los padres y madres, así como observaciones y fotografías con el fin de ver y documentar las interacciones entre los padres y madres con sus hijos e hijas durante la alimentación tanto en el hogar como cuando están en la CIU. La técnica de grupo focal se utilizó con el personal de la CIU con el propósito de conocer representaciones sociales colectivas.
Entre los resultados este estudio ha permitido conocer mejor el entorno socio cultural de las prácticas alimentarias familiares de las usuarias de la Casa Infantil Universitaria comprobando que el discurso nutricional no siempre es acorde con lo que hacen. En especial hay tres factores que influyen en estas madres: falta de redes de apoyo con que cuenta la estudiante madre, medios económicos suficientes para el cuidado de sus hijos e hijas y falta de tiempo. Aunado a los anterior el ejercer múltiples roles: madre, estudiante, esposa y/o compañera les hace dejar de lado en algunas ocasiones la preparación de alimentos nutritivos tanto para ellas como para sus hijos e hijas, cambiando esta práctica por la compra de alimentos ya preparados, la mayoría de las veces con poco valor nutricional.
La CIU no cuenta con la capacidad instalada para ofrecer otros servicios como el de alimentación para los infantes, consultorías, así como un programa de formación integral de educación para padres y madres que les permita tener un apoyo en la crianza de sus hijos e hijas; es así como la Universidad no solo debe preocuparse por el rendimiento académico, la permanencia de estos en la institución educativa y dar un servicio de cuido a sus hijos e hijas, sino también por el bienestar integral de los estudiantes.
ASTRACT: The project arises as part of the results obtained in the first phase of a doctoral research in which a description of the child-rearing practices related to child nutrition was done. Its general purpose is to explore the phenomenon of child nutrition in a population of university parents, whose children are the beneficiaries of the University Daycare Center (UDC) of the University of Costa Rica, related with the food culture, parenting practices, everyday beliefs and practices on child nutrition and parenting educational styles prevalent in the food practices. In order to better understand the phenomenon to be studied, a multimethodological approach was used with the application of semistructured interviews, observations, in-depth interviews and focus groups. 4 cases were selected, and interviews with parents were carried out as well as observations and photographs with the purpose of observing and documenting the interaction between parents and their children during feeding time in both their homes and the UDC. The focus group technique was used with the UDC personnel to meet collective social representations. The results of this study have allowed to become better acquainted with the socio-cultural environment of the family dietary practices of the users of the University Daycare Center by confirming that the nutritional discourse is not always in line with what they do. There are three factors in particular that influence these mothers: lack of support networks for student mothers, sufficient economic resources for the care of their children, and lack of time. In addition to the aforementioned, having multiple roles of mother, student, wife and or partner makes them set aside in some instances the preparation of nutritious meals for themselves and for their children which is why this practice changes for the purchase of prepared food, most of the time with little nutritional value. The UDC does not have the capacity to offer other services such as meals for infants, consultation, as well as a comprehensive training program for parents that allows them to have a support system in the upbringing of their children. This is how the University should not only worry about academic performance, the permanence of them in the institution, and provide a care service to their children, but it should also be concerned with the overall well-being of students.
ASTRACT: The project arises as part of the results obtained in the first phase of a doctoral research in which a description of the child-rearing practices related to child nutrition was done. Its general purpose is to explore the phenomenon of child nutrition in a population of university parents, whose children are the beneficiaries of the University Daycare Center (UDC) of the University of Costa Rica, related with the food culture, parenting practices, everyday beliefs and practices on child nutrition and parenting educational styles prevalent in the food practices. In order to better understand the phenomenon to be studied, a multimethodological approach was used with the application of semistructured interviews, observations, in-depth interviews and focus groups. 4 cases were selected, and interviews with parents were carried out as well as observations and photographs with the purpose of observing and documenting the interaction between parents and their children during feeding time in both their homes and the UDC. The focus group technique was used with the UDC personnel to meet collective social representations. The results of this study have allowed to become better acquainted with the socio-cultural environment of the family dietary practices of the users of the University Daycare Center by confirming that the nutritional discourse is not always in line with what they do. There are three factors in particular that influence these mothers: lack of support networks for student mothers, sufficient economic resources for the care of their children, and lack of time. In addition to the aforementioned, having multiple roles of mother, student, wife and or partner makes them set aside in some instances the preparation of nutritious meals for themselves and for their children which is why this practice changes for the purchase of prepared food, most of the time with little nutritional value. The UDC does not have the capacity to offer other services such as meals for infants, consultation, as well as a comprehensive training program for parents that allows them to have a support system in the upbringing of their children. This is how the University should not only worry about academic performance, the permanence of them in the institution, and provide a care service to their children, but it should also be concerned with the overall well-being of students.
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