Educación virtual en prevención de desastres utilizando un sitio web.
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Obando Acuña, Luis Guillermo
Jiménez Araya, Carmen Enid
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Durante un proceso de inventario de actividades y proyectos de investigación con el uso de TIC y otras tecnologías digitales, se valoró la necesidad de realizar un proyecto en prevención de desastres. El proyecto enfatizó sobre la prevención de deslizamientos rayos o tormentas eléctricas, inundaciones, huracanes, tsunamis, tornados y terremotos. Asimismo, los programas de prevención, han sido orientados sistemáticamente hacia los adultos, por lo tanto, se hace necesaria la orientación de los programas de prevención de desastres hacia la población infantil. Dado que anteriormente el Ministerio de Salud había detectado que los escolares son más receptivos y efectivos en la prevención del dengue, se ha considerado oportuno, orientar la prevención de desastres hacia esta población. La población meta contará con información aplicable y práctica sobre prevención de desastres. El proyecto tiene como objetivos:
• Crear un sitio web, con tres páginas, orientado a la educación de la prevención de desastres para población escolar.
• Divulgar en los medios de comunicación colectiva y en sistema educativo nacional la existencia del sitio
• Elaborar un texto educativo y un artículo técnico respecto a la metodología de la enseñanza en prevención
de desastres para niños y niñas escolares.
El informe presenta las siguientes conclusiones:
• Sitio web 100% funcional, que contiene 90 páginas entre descriptivas e interactivas. Es importante
destacar que la propuesta inicial eran 3 páginas, con lo que se ha superado la meta ampliamente.
Se han realizado las siguientes actividades de divulgación:
• Se creó el borrador de la publicación, respecto al modelo conceptual y a la guía didáctica.
• Se ha informado a los medios de Comunicación, de la existencia del sitio web.
• Se ha informado a la Escuela de Geología de la Universidad de Costa Rica, al Centro de Investigaciones
de Ciencias Geológicas (CICG) y al Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE).
• Presentación en el Congreso Geológico de América Central IX Congreso Geológico de América Central,
6º Congreso Geológico Nacional, 2008.
• Envío de correo electrónico a las y los participantes del curso: Procesos geológicos como causa de desastres naturales. Prevención y mitigación, consistente en profesionales de entidades dedicadas a esta
temática, en diferentes países de Iberoamérica.
• Es de resaltar que el sitio web fue puesto al aire en noviembre del 2008 y a la fecha del informe, el índice
de popularidad es de alrededor de 46% de acuerdo a las estadísticas de Google.
ABSTRACT: During an inventory process of activities and research projects with the use of ICT and other digital technologies, the need to carry out a project in disasters prevention was assessed. The project emphasized the prevention of lightning or thunderstorms, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and earthquakes. Likewise, prevention programs have been systematically oriented towards adults, therefore, the orientation of disaster prevention programs towards children is necessary. The Ministry of Health had detected that school children are more receptive and effective in the prevention of dengue, it has been considered appropriate to orient disaster prevention towards this population. The target population will have applicable information and practice on disasters prevention. The project has the following objectives: • Create a website, with three pages, oriented to disasters prevention education to school population. • Publicize the existence of the website in the collective media and in the national education system. • Prepare an educational text and a technical article regarding the teaching methodology in disasters prevention to schoolchildren. The report presents the following conclusions: • 100% functional website, which contains 90 descriptive and interactive pages. It is also important to emphasize the initial proposal was 3 pages, which has exceeded the goal widely. The following dissemination activities have been carried out: • The draft of the publication was created, related to the conceptual model and the didactic guide. • The media is informed about he existence of the website. • The School of Geology at University of Costa Rica has been informed from the Research Center of Geological Sciences (CICG) and the Institute of Research in Education (INIE). • Presentation at the Geological Congress of Central America IX Geological Congress of Central America, 6th National Geological Congress, 2008. • Spreaded emails to the participants of the course: Geological processes as a cause of disasters, natural Prevention and mitigation, consisting on professionals from entities dedicated to this subject, in different countries of Ibero-America. • It is important to mention the website was publish on November 2008 and the date of the report, the popularity index is around 46% according to Google statistics.
ABSTRACT: During an inventory process of activities and research projects with the use of ICT and other digital technologies, the need to carry out a project in disasters prevention was assessed. The project emphasized the prevention of lightning or thunderstorms, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and earthquakes. Likewise, prevention programs have been systematically oriented towards adults, therefore, the orientation of disaster prevention programs towards children is necessary. The Ministry of Health had detected that school children are more receptive and effective in the prevention of dengue, it has been considered appropriate to orient disaster prevention towards this population. The target population will have applicable information and practice on disasters prevention. The project has the following objectives: • Create a website, with three pages, oriented to disasters prevention education to school population. • Publicize the existence of the website in the collective media and in the national education system. • Prepare an educational text and a technical article regarding the teaching methodology in disasters prevention to schoolchildren. The report presents the following conclusions: • 100% functional website, which contains 90 descriptive and interactive pages. It is also important to emphasize the initial proposal was 3 pages, which has exceeded the goal widely. The following dissemination activities have been carried out: • The draft of the publication was created, related to the conceptual model and the didactic guide. • The media is informed about he existence of the website. • The School of Geology at University of Costa Rica has been informed from the Research Center of Geological Sciences (CICG) and the Institute of Research in Education (INIE). • Presentation at the Geological Congress of Central America IX Geological Congress of Central America, 6th National Geological Congress, 2008. • Spreaded emails to the participants of the course: Geological processes as a cause of disasters, natural Prevention and mitigation, consisting on professionals from entities dedicated to this subject, in different countries of Ibero-America. • It is important to mention the website was publish on November 2008 and the date of the report, the popularity index is around 46% according to Google statistics.
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