Experiencias de inserción profesional de docentes extranjeros (as) en la Universidad de Costa Rica.
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La investigación parte de una revisión bibliográfica sobre constructos para entender el proceso de inserción profesional en un contexto de aculturación. Tiene como objetivo general conocer las dificultades específicas y las necesidades de acompañamiento expresadas por un grupo de seis docentes extranjeros(as) que laboran en la Universidad de Costa Rica. En cuanto al tipo de investigación esta es exploratoria, por la escasez de datos previos que den cuenta del proceso de introducción al trabajo de docentes extranjeros(as), en América Latina o en el país. El abordaje metodológico escogido es de enfoque cualitativo: se escogió realizar seis entrevistas semi estructuradas. Sobre los criterios de exclusión, se escogieron a docentes extranjeras de la Universidad de Costa Rica que tenían más de tres años de trabajar en la misma. Las profesoras se entrevistaron para conocer acerca de su proceso de inserción laboral. Emerge la relación con el estudiantado y consideraciones sobre la exigencia de la universidad, que las docentes europeas consideran muy baja. En el primer impacto cultural de las docentes destacan los y las colegas como fuente de información pero a la vez, y sorprendentemente, de desconcierto, competencia, conflicto. En todas las historias de las docentes que no estudiaron en Costa Rica emerge como un momento muy impactante el trámite burocrático para el reconocimiento de títulos de estudio extranjero. Los docentes están de acuerdo sobre la necesidad de una inducción al trabajo docente en Costa Rica. Se sugiere promover la mediación cultural en la Universidad de Costa Rica y estudiar su relación con la figura docente.
ABSTRACT: The research is based on the review of the literature of constructs to understand the professional integration process in an acculturation context. Its general objective is to know the specific problems and the assistance needs expressed by a group of six foreign professors working at the University of Costa Rica. As for the type of the research, it is exploratory due to the scarcity of previous data that account for the introduction process to the work for foreign professors in Latin America o the country. Regarding the methodological approach chosen, a qualitative approach was selected: six semi-structured interviews were conducted. On the deferral criteria, foreign professors from the University of Costa Rica who had more than three years of working for said institution were chosen. The professors were interviewed in order to learn about their insertion process into the job market. Consequently, rapport with the student body and considerations about the university requirements, which the European professors consider as very low, emerge. In terms of the cultural impact of teacher's, they highlight colleagues as a source of information, but surprisingly at the same time a source of confusion, competition and conflict. In all the stories told by teachers, who did not study in Costa Rica, the bureaucratic procedure for the recognition of foreign degrees is a moment of great impact. This is how teachers agree on the need for an induction into teaching in Costa Rica; therefore, cultural mediation in the University of Costa Rica is suggested, as well as to study its relationship with the teacher.
ABSTRACT: The research is based on the review of the literature of constructs to understand the professional integration process in an acculturation context. Its general objective is to know the specific problems and the assistance needs expressed by a group of six foreign professors working at the University of Costa Rica. As for the type of the research, it is exploratory due to the scarcity of previous data that account for the introduction process to the work for foreign professors in Latin America o the country. Regarding the methodological approach chosen, a qualitative approach was selected: six semi-structured interviews were conducted. On the deferral criteria, foreign professors from the University of Costa Rica who had more than three years of working for said institution were chosen. The professors were interviewed in order to learn about their insertion process into the job market. Consequently, rapport with the student body and considerations about the university requirements, which the European professors consider as very low, emerge. In terms of the cultural impact of teacher's, they highlight colleagues as a source of information, but surprisingly at the same time a source of confusion, competition and conflict. In all the stories told by teachers, who did not study in Costa Rica, the bureaucratic procedure for the recognition of foreign degrees is a moment of great impact. This is how teachers agree on the need for an induction into teaching in Costa Rica; therefore, cultural mediation in the University of Costa Rica is suggested, as well as to study its relationship with the teacher.
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