Educación secundaria: análisis de las funciones y carga docente. El caso del personal docente agremiado a la ANDE
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El presente informe contiene los principales resultados de la investigación Educación secundaria: análisis de funciones y carga docente. El caso del personal docente agremiado a la ANDE. A partir del primer estudio que se realizó a la Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE), denominado Análisis de las funciones y valoración de la carga laboral del puesto docente a nivel de primaria, de las agremiadas y los agremiados de la Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE) se estableció la necesidad de realizar otra investigación para las y los profesionales de secundaria. Esta fue desarrollada por un equipo de investigadoras del Instituto de Investigación en Educación de la Universidad de Costa Rica, durante el 2011 y 2012.
El objetivo central de este trabajo fue establecer las funciones que desempeñan los y las docentes de educación secundaria tanto en horas lectivas como fuera del horario contratado. El estudio se desarrolló con docentes de educación secundaria públicas, correspondientes a las siete provincias del país.
Entre los principales resultados señalados en este informe destaca que el personal docente de secundaria posee una sobrecarga laboral de 22 lecciones por semana. Asimismo, entre las tareas que el cuerpo docente asume en horarios extemporáneos resaltan el planeamiento, la elaboración y evaluación de exámenes, participación en comisiones institucionales, entre otras.
Otro aspecto que resalta en el marco del estudio es que las disposiciones implementadas por el Ministerio de Educación Pública en los últimos cinco años implican una significativa inversión de tiempo laboral del personal docente de secundaria. En cuanto a estas disposiciones sobresalen aspectos como el “adelantamiento” de materias, la aplicación de las adecuaciones curriculares, el seguimiento a las becas y subsidios económicos, la evaluación del trabajo cotidiano, entre otros.
Se concluye con recomendaciones brindadas por las y los docentes del personal de secundaria, quienes abogan por un mayor número de horas para planeamiento, contar con profesionales para realizar las adecuaciones curriculares, entre otras.
ABSTRACT: This report contains the main results of research in secondary education: analysis of tasks and teaching load. The Case of the teaching staff who are members of the ANDE. From the first study carried out by the National Association of Educators (ANDE) entitled Analysis of the Tasks and Evaluation of the Work load of the Teaching Post at the Primary Level of the members of the National Association of Educators (ANDE), the need to carry out another research for secondary school professionals was established. This was developed by a team of researchers from the Research Institute in Education of the University of Costa Rica during 2011 and 2012. The main objective of this work was to establish the task that teachers of secondary education perform in both teaching hours and outside working hours. The study was done by teachers of public secondary education from seven provinces from the country. Among the main results highlighted in this report, it is pointed out that the secondary school teachers have a workload of 22 lessons per week. Furthermore, among the task the faculty takes on after work hours, planning, create and evaluate exams, participation in institutional commissions, among others. Another relevant aspect within the framework of the study is the provisions implemented by the Ministry of Public Education in the last five years involve a significant investment of work of the secondary school teachers. With regard to these provisions, aspects such as "advance" subjects, the application of curricular adaptations, the follow-up to scholarships and economic subsidies, the evaluation of daily tasks stand out. It is concluded with recommendations given by the teachers of the secondary staff, who advocate for a greater number of hours for planning, to have professionals make the curricular adjustments, among others.
ABSTRACT: This report contains the main results of research in secondary education: analysis of tasks and teaching load. The Case of the teaching staff who are members of the ANDE. From the first study carried out by the National Association of Educators (ANDE) entitled Analysis of the Tasks and Evaluation of the Work load of the Teaching Post at the Primary Level of the members of the National Association of Educators (ANDE), the need to carry out another research for secondary school professionals was established. This was developed by a team of researchers from the Research Institute in Education of the University of Costa Rica during 2011 and 2012. The main objective of this work was to establish the task that teachers of secondary education perform in both teaching hours and outside working hours. The study was done by teachers of public secondary education from seven provinces from the country. Among the main results highlighted in this report, it is pointed out that the secondary school teachers have a workload of 22 lessons per week. Furthermore, among the task the faculty takes on after work hours, planning, create and evaluate exams, participation in institutional commissions, among others. Another relevant aspect within the framework of the study is the provisions implemented by the Ministry of Public Education in the last five years involve a significant investment of work of the secondary school teachers. With regard to these provisions, aspects such as "advance" subjects, the application of curricular adaptations, the follow-up to scholarships and economic subsidies, the evaluation of daily tasks stand out. It is concluded with recommendations given by the teachers of the secondary staff, who advocate for a greater number of hours for planning, to have professionals make the curricular adjustments, among others.
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