La práctica docente del profesor universitario: un análisis de los cursos y asesorías del DEDUN
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Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo principal, analizar los ámbitos conceptual y metodológico, de la práctica
docente del profesor de la Universidad de Costa Rica, a partir de su reflexión en los cursos de docencia
que ofrece el DEDUN para impulsar procesos de comprensión y mejoramiento de la docencia en el nivel
En esta investigación no se partió de una radicalización de los enfoques cualitativos o cuantitativos. El empleo
de criterios de selección, responde a criterios de comprensión y no restrictivamente a criterios de representatividad
estadística. Esto no excluye el número. Simplemente no es esencial. De allí algunas precisiones para
aclarar la acción que permite plantear los procedimientos que finalmente se registraron (no prediseñaron).
En este trabajo, la recolección de la información se realizó por medio de tres maneras: la observación, la
entrevista y la revisión documental que aunada a la técnica de análisis de contenido como recurso metodológico para el análisis global de la información, forman parte del recurso metodológico privilegiado en la investigación.
Entre las conclusiones de esta investigación se indican las siguientes:
• La práctica del docente universitario se mantiene como un campo todavía virgen en cuanto a su conocimiento y desarrollo teórico. A la luz de los conocimientos que demanda la época actual, especialmente
en el marco de los contextos de trabajo multimediado, parece necesario conocer cómo es que asume el
profesorado su ejercicio docente, toda vez que las demandas pedagógicas se han complejizado y abierto.
Esto significa que es importante para asumir proceso de mejoramiento, que el profesorado acceda a
una acción reflexiva muy bien impulsada y dirigida para que aquellos aspectos que esta investigación
ha señalado como tópicos importantes en la docencia, puedan realmente abonar al mejoramiento de
las prácticas y su transformación.
• Por lo tanto, es recomendable que quienes tienen puestos de dirección de unidades académicas, impulsen
de manera más organizada los procesos de reflexión docente, no solo al calor de procesos de
autoevaluación para caminar hacia la acreditación de carreras, sino como parte de una cultura docente
que aspira a la excelencia y a la transformación. Se recomienda compartir estas aportaciones mediante
actividades de difusión y colaboración promovidas por el DEDUN y el CEA.
• No está por demás resaltar que los docentes universitarios manejan una serie de creencias y de ideas que
se vierten en el clima organizacional, otorgándole a cada unidad académica particularidades o singularidades que obligarían a explotar mucho más estos trabajos, de manera que las unidades académicas se dirijan a conocer mejor sus propias tradiciones y creencias, sus propios idearios e imaginarios y en esa vía, superen y amplíen la visión profesional de la docencia universitaria.
• La noción de práctica docentes corre aparejada a una serie de creencias acerca de cómo enseñar, cómo
manejar las situaciones de aula, cómo usar los recursos, cómo organizar la lección, cómo evaluar. Probablemente este capo tan propio de la didáctica nos esté mostrando los mil rostros de la conceptualización que han ido construyendo los distintos actores por los que las mismas personas han pasado en sus procesos formativos y ahora en calidad de formadores, reproducen. No obstante es solo una tesis susceptible de ser probada en estudios posteriores. La noción de práctica se mantiene en los estrechos márgenes de un activismo que no da visos de abordajes conceptuales más profundos. Es decir, no están sustentados en explícitas teorías o fundamentaciones conceptuales, lo que conduce a valorar la permanencia de enfoques clásicos de formación pedagógica al interior de la Universidad y un apenas emergente germen de teoría pedagógica conscientemente interioriza en los docentes. Al respecto, no parece haber evidencia aún del nivel de apropiación que los docentes pudieran estar haciendo desde el curso de Didáctica Universitaria de un referencial teórico explícito para sustentar su ejercicio docente, lo cual
habría que confrontarse con otros docentes que han aprobado el curso y tienen más tiempo de laborar
en docencia.
• Finalmente, el territorio de teoría y práctica funciona totalmente amalgamado en el ejercicio docente
pero oculto tras la noción de práctica que prevalece. Sería necesario un sistemático proceso de reflexión
docente para que estos aspectos propios de la conceptualización sobre la teoría y práctica como dimensiones del quehacer docente, tengan el asidero teórico necesario para hacer de la docencia una práctica más cercana a la condición científica.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this project was to analyze the conceptual and methodological scopes of the teaching practice of the University of Costa Rica professors, basing the reflection in the teaching courses offered by the DEDUN to promote processes of understanding and improvement of the teaching at the university level. This research did not start with a radicalization of qualitative or quantitative approaches. The use of selection criteria responds to criteria of understanding and not restrictively to criteria of statistical representativeness. This does not exclude the numbers. It just is not essential. From there some precisions to clarify the action that allows to raise the procedures that were finally registered (not predesigned). In this work, the collection of information was carried out in three ways: observation, interview and the documentary review that together with the technique of content analysis as a methodological resource for the global analysis of information, form part of the privileged methodological resource in research. Among the conclusions of this investigation are the following: • The practice of the university teacher remains a field still virgin in terms of knowledge and theoretical development. In the light of the knowledge demanded by the current era, especially in the context of multimedia work contexts, it seems necessary to know how teachers assume their teaching practice, since the pedagogical demands have become more complex and open. This means that it is important to assume the process of improvement, that the teacher has access to a reflective action very well impelled and directed so that those aspects that this investigation has pointed out as important topics in teaching, can really pay to the improvement of the practices and their transformation. • Therefore, it is recommended that those who hold management positions in academic units promote in a more organized manner, teacher reflection processes, not only in the heat of academic processes. self-assessment to walk towards the accreditation of careers, but as part of a teaching culture that aspires to excellence and transformation. It is recommended to share these contributions through dissemination and collaboration activities promoted by the DEDUN and the CEA. • It is not very important to emphasize that university professors handle a series of beliefs and ideas that are poured into about how to teach, how to handle classroom situations, how to use resources, how to organize the lesson, how to evaluate. Probably this so typical of didactics is showing us the thousand faces of the conceptualization that have been built by the different actors that the same people have gone through in their formative processes and now as trainers, they reproduce. However, it is only a thesis that can be proven in later studies. The notion of practice is maintained in the narrow margins of an activism that does not reveal any deeper conceptual approaches. This mean, they are not supported by explicit theories or conceptual foundations, which leads to assess the permanence of classical approaches to pedagogical training within the University and a barely emerging germ of pedagogical theory consciously internalized in teachers. In this regard, it does not seem to be any evidence yet of the level of appropriation that teachers may have been making since the University Didactic course of an explicit theoretical framework to support their teaching, which would have to be confronted with other teachers who have passed the course and have more time working in teaching • Finally, the territory of theory and practice works totally amalgamated in the teaching exercise but hidden behind the notion of practice that prevails. A systematic process of reflection would be necessary for teachers so these aspects of the conceptualization of theory and practice as dimensions of teaching, have the theoretical basis necessary to make teaching a practice closer to the scientific condition.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this project was to analyze the conceptual and methodological scopes of the teaching practice of the University of Costa Rica professors, basing the reflection in the teaching courses offered by the DEDUN to promote processes of understanding and improvement of the teaching at the university level. This research did not start with a radicalization of qualitative or quantitative approaches. The use of selection criteria responds to criteria of understanding and not restrictively to criteria of statistical representativeness. This does not exclude the numbers. It just is not essential. From there some precisions to clarify the action that allows to raise the procedures that were finally registered (not predesigned). In this work, the collection of information was carried out in three ways: observation, interview and the documentary review that together with the technique of content analysis as a methodological resource for the global analysis of information, form part of the privileged methodological resource in research. Among the conclusions of this investigation are the following: • The practice of the university teacher remains a field still virgin in terms of knowledge and theoretical development. In the light of the knowledge demanded by the current era, especially in the context of multimedia work contexts, it seems necessary to know how teachers assume their teaching practice, since the pedagogical demands have become more complex and open. This means that it is important to assume the process of improvement, that the teacher has access to a reflective action very well impelled and directed so that those aspects that this investigation has pointed out as important topics in teaching, can really pay to the improvement of the practices and their transformation. • Therefore, it is recommended that those who hold management positions in academic units promote in a more organized manner, teacher reflection processes, not only in the heat of academic processes. self-assessment to walk towards the accreditation of careers, but as part of a teaching culture that aspires to excellence and transformation. It is recommended to share these contributions through dissemination and collaboration activities promoted by the DEDUN and the CEA. • It is not very important to emphasize that university professors handle a series of beliefs and ideas that are poured into about how to teach, how to handle classroom situations, how to use resources, how to organize the lesson, how to evaluate. Probably this so typical of didactics is showing us the thousand faces of the conceptualization that have been built by the different actors that the same people have gone through in their formative processes and now as trainers, they reproduce. However, it is only a thesis that can be proven in later studies. The notion of practice is maintained in the narrow margins of an activism that does not reveal any deeper conceptual approaches. This mean, they are not supported by explicit theories or conceptual foundations, which leads to assess the permanence of classical approaches to pedagogical training within the University and a barely emerging germ of pedagogical theory consciously internalized in teachers. In this regard, it does not seem to be any evidence yet of the level of appropriation that teachers may have been making since the University Didactic course of an explicit theoretical framework to support their teaching, which would have to be confronted with other teachers who have passed the course and have more time working in teaching • Finally, the territory of theory and practice works totally amalgamated in the teaching exercise but hidden behind the notion of practice that prevails. A systematic process of reflection would be necessary for teachers so these aspects of the conceptualization of theory and practice as dimensions of teaching, have the theoretical basis necessary to make teaching a practice closer to the scientific condition.
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