Más allá del libro móvil. Aplicaciones de realidad aumentada y 3D para la educación basada en problemas: el caso de los borucas en Costa Rica
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El propósito del estudio fue Desarrollar una plataforma para el despliegue de realidad aumentada que complemente la propuesta del Museo Inmersivo de Culturas Antiguas de Costa Rica y que a la vez enriquezca la experiencia museográfica de exhibiciones permanentes en museos nacionales. En este proyecto se usó una metodología denominada ABP Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas. Este enfoque metodológico le da al estudiante un papel más activo en investigar y discernir criterios para encontrar la solución a retos o problemas presentados en la situación educativa. Se trabajó con grupos focales con usuarios potenciales (tres grupos focales realizados a lo largo del primer semestre del 2018. Los participantes se reclutaron entre familiares y conocidos de la investigadora principal y cursaban entonces el primer ciclo de primaria en escuelas privadas y públicas de Costa Rica. La técnica fue muestreo por bola de nieve. Participaron 13 individuos (7 varones (4 del área metropolitana y tres de la provincia de Atenas) y 6 mujeres (3 del area área metropolitana y 3 de la provincia de Atenas) a quienes se les hizo un pretest ante de la exposición al estímulo, luego se realizó un focus group informal o estilo inglés donde la investigadora les hizo algunas preguntas sobre el juego mientras comían pizza y una semana después del estímulo un posttest telefónico para comprobar recordación y aprendizaje de contenidos sobre la cultura Boruca. Los principales hallazgos han sido satisfactorios y se enumeran a continuación: • Los usuarios disfrutan del diseño meticuloso del ambiente. De los movimientos de Carlos al saltar o caminar. Se asombran por la calidad gráfica. • Un usuario boruca (adulto) a quien se le mostró UMBRALES, indica que Cuasrán debe ser más viejito, pero eso da pie para conversaciones extrajuego de quién y cómo es el cacique Cuasrán. Hasta puede derivarse en una guía didáctica complementaria a Umbrales donde los usuarios dibujen a Cusrán tal y como lo imaginan. • La introducción es corta y algunos usuarios tienden a saltársela, de todas maneras, aún así las pruebas de pretest y postest de conocimientos sobre los boruca indican que estar expuesto a Umbrales siempre resulta en un mayor conocimiento de tradiciones y lengua boruca y genera interés de parte de los usuarios sobre querer continuar la historia. • El juego resultante se juega en menos de 10 minutos por lo que lo hace perfecto para estar en espacios de exhibición como salas de museos. Generalmente los usuarios, dependiendo de cuán “gamers” sean logran terminar el juego entre 10 y 15 minutos. Luego de jugarlo manifestaron que les gustaría aprender más sobre el juego. • Los menú de diálogos al principio no son muy comprensibles, especialmente cómo avanzar en ellos, pero una vez que se dan cuenta de cómo proseguir no enfrentan problema alguno. • A una semana de haber sido expuestos a UMBRALES los usuarios recuerdan el nombre de Carlos, algunas palabras en boruca de frutas y animales, el nombre del cacique Cuasrán y la historia del Rey de los Chanchos. Además queda la idea de que hay una planta que se come y que es también medicinal, pero solo dos usuarios recordaron su nombre en boruca.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to develop a platform for the deployment of augmented reality that complements the proposal of the Immersive Museum of Ancient Cultures of Costa Rica and at the same time enriches the museum experience of permanent exhibitions in national museums. In this project a methodology called ABP Learning Based on Problems was used. This methodological approach gives the student a more active role in investigating and discerning criteria to find the solution to challenges or problems presented in the educational situation. We worked with focus groups with potential users (three focus groups conducted during the first semester of 2018. Participants were recruited among relatives and acquaintances of the principal investigator and then completed the first cycle of primary school in private and public schools in Costa Rica The technique was snowball sampling, 13 individuals (7 men (4 from the metropolitan area and three from the province of Athens) and 6 women (3 from the metropolitan area and 3 from the province of Athens) participated. she made a pretest before the exposure to the stimulus, then an informal or English-style focus group was conducted where the researcher asked them some questions about the game while eating pizza and a week after the stimulation a telephone posttest to check remembrance and learning of content about Boruca culture The main findings have been satisfactory and are listed below: • Users enjoy the meticulous design of the environment. From Carlos' movements when jumping or walking. They are amazed by the graphic quality. • A boruca (adult) user who was shown THRESHOLDS, indicates that Quasrán should be older, but that gives rise to extra-game conversations of who and how the chief Quasrán is. It can even be derived in a complementary educational guide to Thresholds where users draw Cusrán as they imagine it. • The introduction is short and some users tend to skip it, however, even the pretest and posttest tests of knowledge about the Boruca indicate that being exposed to Thresholds always results in a greater knowledge of traditions and Boruca language and generates interest in part of the users about wanting to continue the story. • The resulting game is played in less than 10 minutes making it perfect to be in exhibition spaces such as museum halls. Generally users, depending on how "gamers" are able to finish the game between 10 and 15 minutes. After playing it they said they would like to learn more about the game. • The dialogues menu at the beginning are not very understandable, especially how to advance in them, but once they realize how to proceed they face no problem. • One week after being exposed to THRESHOLDS, users remember Carlos' name, some words in fruit and animal boruca, the name of the Quasran chieftain and the story of the King of the Pigs. There is also the idea that there is a plant that is eaten and that is also medicinal, but only two users remembered its name in boruca.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to develop a platform for the deployment of augmented reality that complements the proposal of the Immersive Museum of Ancient Cultures of Costa Rica and at the same time enriches the museum experience of permanent exhibitions in national museums. In this project a methodology called ABP Learning Based on Problems was used. This methodological approach gives the student a more active role in investigating and discerning criteria to find the solution to challenges or problems presented in the educational situation. We worked with focus groups with potential users (three focus groups conducted during the first semester of 2018. Participants were recruited among relatives and acquaintances of the principal investigator and then completed the first cycle of primary school in private and public schools in Costa Rica The technique was snowball sampling, 13 individuals (7 men (4 from the metropolitan area and three from the province of Athens) and 6 women (3 from the metropolitan area and 3 from the province of Athens) participated. she made a pretest before the exposure to the stimulus, then an informal or English-style focus group was conducted where the researcher asked them some questions about the game while eating pizza and a week after the stimulation a telephone posttest to check remembrance and learning of content about Boruca culture The main findings have been satisfactory and are listed below: • Users enjoy the meticulous design of the environment. From Carlos' movements when jumping or walking. They are amazed by the graphic quality. • A boruca (adult) user who was shown THRESHOLDS, indicates that Quasrán should be older, but that gives rise to extra-game conversations of who and how the chief Quasrán is. It can even be derived in a complementary educational guide to Thresholds where users draw Cusrán as they imagine it. • The introduction is short and some users tend to skip it, however, even the pretest and posttest tests of knowledge about the Boruca indicate that being exposed to Thresholds always results in a greater knowledge of traditions and Boruca language and generates interest in part of the users about wanting to continue the story. • The resulting game is played in less than 10 minutes making it perfect to be in exhibition spaces such as museum halls. Generally users, depending on how "gamers" are able to finish the game between 10 and 15 minutes. After playing it they said they would like to learn more about the game. • The dialogues menu at the beginning are not very understandable, especially how to advance in them, but once they realize how to proceed they face no problem. • One week after being exposed to THRESHOLDS, users remember Carlos' name, some words in fruit and animal boruca, the name of the Quasran chieftain and the story of the King of the Pigs. There is also the idea that there is a plant that is eaten and that is also medicinal, but only two users remembered its name in boruca.
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