Comunicación alternativa y aumentativa: Acciones y reflexiones para romper el silencio en las aulas.
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Este documento es el resultado de una investigación llevada a cabo en el Instituto de Investigación en Educación de la Universidad de Costa Rica, la cual constituyó una parte de la tesis doctoral de la autora en la Universidad Nacional de Educación Estatal con sede en España. En esta investigación, participaron dos escuelas de Educación Especial costarricenses, sin embargo en el Instituto de Investigación en Educación, se inscribió el trabajo que competió solo a uno de ambos centros educativos, mientras que en la tesis doctoral se incorporan ambas instituciones. Las personas participantes, fueron específicamente trabajadoras y trabajadores del Centro de Educación Especial de Heredia, en el que participaron 24 personas y el Centro de Educación Especial y Atención Integral de Guadalupe, en el que participaron 37 personas. El trabajo de campo con estas poblaciones se desarrolló a lo largo de los años 2015 y 2016.
El proyecto constituyó una investigación-acción participativa, en la que se vinculan docentes de Educación Especial, profesionales en terapia física, ocupacional y del lenguaje, Psicología, docentes de Enseñanza de la Música, de Educación Física y de Artes que laboran con población estudiantil en condición de discapacidad que enfrenta barreras de la comunicación.
Se compone de 6 capítulos, el primero ofrece información teórica sobre temas vinculantes con la comunicación alternativa y aumentativa, así como su impacto en la educación inclusiva. Los siguientes capítulos incluyendo el II, III, IV y V, brindan información sobre las necesidades que manifestó el personal participante, las acciones que ejecutaron, las reflexiones realizadas y los aprendizajes que se obtuvieron en cada categoría. El orden en el que se presentan en el texto, es el siguiente:
• Capítulo I: Conceptos teóricos de la comunicación alternativa
y aumentativa
• Capítulo II: Alta tecnología para la comunicación alternativa
• Capítulo III: Estrategias de baja tecnología para la comunicación
• Capítulo IV: Evaluación de la comunicación alternativa y
• Capítulo V: Manejo de documentación y registros de la
comunicación alternativa
• Capítulo VI: Reflexiones finales de cada categoría.
ABSTRACT: This document is the result of a research conducted by the Research Institute in Education of the University of Costa Rica which was part of a doctoral thesis of the author at the National University of Distance Education headquartered in Spain. Two Costa Rica special education schools participated in this research, however, the project that included one of the two educational centers was registered with the Research Institute in Education while the doctoral thesis includes both institutions. The participants were specifically employees at the Special Education Center in Heredia from which 24 people participated and the Special Education and Comprehensive Care Center in Guadalupe from which 37 people participated. Fieldwork with these populations took place throughout 2015 and 2016. The project was a participatory action-research which connected Special Education teachers, physical, occupational and language therapy professionals, Psychology, teachers with degrees in Teaching Music, Physical Education and Arts who work with the student population with a disability facing communication barriers. It is comprised of 6 chapters; the first provides theoretical information on topics related to alternative and augmentative communication as well as its impact in inclusive education. The following chapters, including II, III, IV and V, give information on the need expressed by the participating staff, the actions they carried out, the reflections made, and what was learned from each category. The order presented on the text is the following: • Chapter I: Theoretical concepts of alternative and augmentative communication • Chapter II: High technology for alternative communication • Chapter III: Low technology strategies for alternative communication • Chapter IV: Evaluation of alternative and augmentative communication • Chapter V: Management of documentation and alternative communication records • Chapter VI: Final reflection of each category.
ABSTRACT: This document is the result of a research conducted by the Research Institute in Education of the University of Costa Rica which was part of a doctoral thesis of the author at the National University of Distance Education headquartered in Spain. Two Costa Rica special education schools participated in this research, however, the project that included one of the two educational centers was registered with the Research Institute in Education while the doctoral thesis includes both institutions. The participants were specifically employees at the Special Education Center in Heredia from which 24 people participated and the Special Education and Comprehensive Care Center in Guadalupe from which 37 people participated. Fieldwork with these populations took place throughout 2015 and 2016. The project was a participatory action-research which connected Special Education teachers, physical, occupational and language therapy professionals, Psychology, teachers with degrees in Teaching Music, Physical Education and Arts who work with the student population with a disability facing communication barriers. It is comprised of 6 chapters; the first provides theoretical information on topics related to alternative and augmentative communication as well as its impact in inclusive education. The following chapters, including II, III, IV and V, give information on the need expressed by the participating staff, the actions they carried out, the reflections made, and what was learned from each category. The order presented on the text is the following: • Chapter I: Theoretical concepts of alternative and augmentative communication • Chapter II: High technology for alternative communication • Chapter III: Low technology strategies for alternative communication • Chapter IV: Evaluation of alternative and augmentative communication • Chapter V: Management of documentation and alternative communication records • Chapter VI: Final reflection of each category.
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