Estrategias educativas inclusivas para la formación del profesorado en educación especial.
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El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las estrategias educativas inclusivas que impacten la formación del profesorado de la carrera de Educación Especial para que se conviertan en reproductores de las mismas en su desarrollo profesional.
En los años 2013 - 2014, la investigación se centró en la construcción de la perspectiva de estudiantes, personas graduadas y profesores de la carrera del Bachillerato de Educación Especial relacionada con la temática de la inclusión y posibles estrategias educativas y evaluativas que atiendan a esta filosofía en el contexto de la educación superior. En los años 2014 - 2015, la investigadora se concentró a una fase inductiva - deductiva de investigación bibliográfica para la construcción y validación, desde el criterio de personas expertas y la visión del estudiantado, de una propuesta de manual.
La población informante en la primera parte de la investigación correspondió al estudiantado matriculado en los cursos de la carrera de Educación Especial de I a IV año en el período del I Ciclo lectivo 2009 al I Ciclo lectivo 2012. Para los fines de esta investigación no se determinó la cantidad de estudiantes, porque el análisis de los datos se hizo a partir de la cantidad de respuestas que se recopilaron en cada ciclo lectivo. En el 2013 los informantes correspondieron al estudiantado de cuarto año de carrera, personas graduadas y profesorado de la carrera de Educación Especial.
Para el logro de los objetivos de este informe se utilizó el “Cuestionario de evaluación de cursos” que ha utilizado la carrera. Para la producción de la información se utilizaron las técnicas del grupo focal, la entrevista enfocada y el diario de campo. A partir de la revisión teórica realizada por la investigadora y la revisión de otras propuestas de manuales se decidió estructurar una propuesta que contenga ejes transversales, operacionalizados que permitan el desarrollo de contenidos teóricos propios del currículo correspondiente a la formación del docente de Educación Especial. Se solicitó a 11 personas expertas que realizarán la validación de la propuesta. Además, se contó con la colaboración de una persona experta internacional de amplia trayectoria en el tema de inclusión educativa. Entre las conclusiones del estudio se mencionan las siguientes:
Las dos estrategias educativas de mayor uso en la carrera de Educación Especial entre I Ciclo del 2009 al I Ciclo del 2012 son la clase magistral y la exposición de grupos, sin embargo, el grupo de estudiantes no valoran esta última estrategia como una forma para promover el trabajo de grupo.
Parece necesario incorporar estrategias educativas como la investigación por tratarse de Educación Superior. En este sentido Botaccio y Acosta (2007) indican que para acortar la distancia entre lo que sucede en la escuela y la formación del profesorado, según el interés de los objetivos y los contenidos, es necesario realizar un análisis de las prácticas y de sus transformaciones.
Las estrategias de evaluación que usa el profesorado de Educación Especial frecuentemente son la asignación de tareas, los trabajos grupales y la realización de exámenes. Esto último tiene total coherencia con los hallazgos en las estrategias metodológicas. Al parecer el profesorado de la carrera utiliza las mismas estrategias tanto para enseñar como para evaluar.
ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to analyze inclusive educational strategies that will impact the teacher training of the Special Education major to apply them through their professional development. In the years 2013 - 2014, the research focused on the construction of the perspective of students, graduates and professors of the Special Education major which is related to the topic of inclusion and possible educational and evaluation strategies that reflect this philosophy in the context of higher education. In the years 2014 - 2015, the research focused on an inductive-deductive literature research phase for construction, and validation of a proposal for a manual from the criterion of experts and the vision of students. The population participating in the first part of the research were students enrolled in courses of the Special Education major from I to IV year during the period of the I semester 2009 to I semester 2012. For the purposes of this research, the amount of students was not determined because the analysis of the data was made from the number of responses that were collected in each semester. In 2013, the informants were fourth year students, graduates and faculty of the Special Education major. In order to achieve the objectives of this report, the “Course Evaluation Questionnaire” that the major has used was applied. For the production of the information, the focus group, the focused interview and the field diary techniques were used. Based on the theoretical review carried out by the researcher and a review of other proposals of manuals, it was decided to structure a proposal that contains cross-cutting themes put into operation to allow for the development of the theoretical contents specific to the curriculum corresponding to the training of Special Education teachers. 11 experts were asked to carry out the validation of the proposal. In addition, an international expert with ample experience on the topic of inclusion in education collaborated with the proposal. Among the conclusions of the study the following are mentioned: • The two most used educational strategies in the Special Education major between the I semester 2009 to the I semester 2012 are lectures and group presentations, however, the group of students do not value this last strategy as a way to promote group work. • It seems necessary to incorporate educational strategies such as research since the topic revolves around Higher Education. In this sense, Botaccio and Acosta (2007) indicate that in order to shorten the gap between what is happening at school and teacher training, according to the interest of the objectives and the contents, it is necessary to analyze the practices and their transformations. • The assessment strategies used by Special Education teachers are frequently homework assignments, group work and tests. This final topic is consistent with the findings in the methodological strategies. Apparently the professors of the major use the same strategies both to teach and to assess.
ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to analyze inclusive educational strategies that will impact the teacher training of the Special Education major to apply them through their professional development. In the years 2013 - 2014, the research focused on the construction of the perspective of students, graduates and professors of the Special Education major which is related to the topic of inclusion and possible educational and evaluation strategies that reflect this philosophy in the context of higher education. In the years 2014 - 2015, the research focused on an inductive-deductive literature research phase for construction, and validation of a proposal for a manual from the criterion of experts and the vision of students. The population participating in the first part of the research were students enrolled in courses of the Special Education major from I to IV year during the period of the I semester 2009 to I semester 2012. For the purposes of this research, the amount of students was not determined because the analysis of the data was made from the number of responses that were collected in each semester. In 2013, the informants were fourth year students, graduates and faculty of the Special Education major. In order to achieve the objectives of this report, the “Course Evaluation Questionnaire” that the major has used was applied. For the production of the information, the focus group, the focused interview and the field diary techniques were used. Based on the theoretical review carried out by the researcher and a review of other proposals of manuals, it was decided to structure a proposal that contains cross-cutting themes put into operation to allow for the development of the theoretical contents specific to the curriculum corresponding to the training of Special Education teachers. 11 experts were asked to carry out the validation of the proposal. In addition, an international expert with ample experience on the topic of inclusion in education collaborated with the proposal. Among the conclusions of the study the following are mentioned: • The two most used educational strategies in the Special Education major between the I semester 2009 to the I semester 2012 are lectures and group presentations, however, the group of students do not value this last strategy as a way to promote group work. • It seems necessary to incorporate educational strategies such as research since the topic revolves around Higher Education. In this sense, Botaccio and Acosta (2007) indicate that in order to shorten the gap between what is happening at school and teacher training, according to the interest of the objectives and the contents, it is necessary to analyze the practices and their transformations. • The assessment strategies used by Special Education teachers are frequently homework assignments, group work and tests. This final topic is consistent with the findings in the methodological strategies. Apparently the professors of the major use the same strategies both to teach and to assess.
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