Preservación, en formato digital, del histórico de informes de investigación del Instituto en Investigación en Educación (INIE) de la Universidad de Costa Rica desde 1980 hasta el 2009.
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El proyecto tiene como objetivo principal conservar los informes de investigación producidos por el Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE) de la Universidad de Costa Rica desde 1980 hasta el año 2009. Como el quehacer de esta actividad es operativo, el método consistió básicamente en ubicar el material y seleccionarlo por año; segundo escanear página por página todos los informes finales de investigación; tercero, una vez que este material estuvo escaneado, convertirlo en formato PDF o JPG; por último, la documentación digitalizada fue almacenada en carpetas con su correspondiente signatura, es decir, la misma con que se encuentra en los estantes de la Unidad de Información del INIE, para después ser almacenada en carpetas por año, con el fin de mantener un orden que permita su ubicación en un futuro repositorio.
Al cerrar el proyecto, se registraron 301 informes de investigación generados por, aproximadamente, 632 investigadores e investigadoras, entre principales colaboradores, asistentes, cuyo trabajo fue reconocido, y participaciones especiales. Fueron escaneadas y recuperadas, en formato electrónico, cerca de 25345 páginas de los informes que van desde 1981 a 2009, quedando pendiente la incorporación de los nuevos informes generados a partir de esta fecha, cuyos formatos de escritura no necesitan este tipo de procedimientos, sino, la orientación, por medio de un protocolo, para seguir entregando los informes finales de investigación en formato electrónico.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of the project is to preserve the research reports prepared by the Research Institute in Education (INIE) of the University of Costa Rica from 1980 to 2009. Since the task of this project is operational, the method used consisted basically of, first, locating the material and selecting it by year; second, scanning all the final research reports page by page; third, once the material was scanned, it was converted into a PDF or JPG format; lastly, the digital documents were saved in a file of its corresponding topic, that is, the same found in the files of the Information Department of INIE, in order to then be stored in files by year with the purpose of locating them in a future repository. At the end of the project, 301 research reports were registered which were conducted by approximately 632 researchers, main collaborators, assistants whose work received recognition, and special participation. Nearly 25345 pages of the reports from 1981 to 2009 were scanned and recovered, of which the incorporation of the new reports is still pending as of this date whose format does not require these type of procedures, but rather, the orientation through a protocol to continue delivering final research reports in electronic format.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of the project is to preserve the research reports prepared by the Research Institute in Education (INIE) of the University of Costa Rica from 1980 to 2009. Since the task of this project is operational, the method used consisted basically of, first, locating the material and selecting it by year; second, scanning all the final research reports page by page; third, once the material was scanned, it was converted into a PDF or JPG format; lastly, the digital documents were saved in a file of its corresponding topic, that is, the same found in the files of the Information Department of INIE, in order to then be stored in files by year with the purpose of locating them in a future repository. At the end of the project, 301 research reports were registered which were conducted by approximately 632 researchers, main collaborators, assistants whose work received recognition, and special participation. Nearly 25345 pages of the reports from 1981 to 2009 were scanned and recovered, of which the incorporation of the new reports is still pending as of this date whose format does not require these type of procedures, but rather, the orientation through a protocol to continue delivering final research reports in electronic format.
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