Condición laboral de las personas graduadas de la carrera de educación preescolar, sede Rodrigo Facio, de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
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Mediante este estudió se analizó la situación laboral de las personas graduadas en la Carrera de Bachillerato y Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar de la Universidad de Costa Rica en el período 2009-2012. Para alcanzar los objetivos de esta investigación fue necesario utilizar una metodología cuantitativa. Lo anterior por que, dada la naturaleza del proyecto, fue necesaria la recolección de información y datos para luego crear y desarrollar el resto del estudio de una manera intencional. La población de este estudio fueron las personas graduadas del Bachillerato y Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar de la Universidad de Costa Rica, en la Sede Rodrigo Facio; quienes obtuvieron el título entre el año 2009 y 2012.
Dado que la población total era de 126 graduados se recomendó pasar el instrumento a la totalidad de los individuos, de los cuales, se recibieron las respuestas de 57 egresadas. Entre las conclusiones se exponen las siguientes:
Para comprender de forma integral la situación laboral de las personas egresadas de la carrera de Educación Preescolar de la Universidad de Costa Rica, resulta imprescindible el diseño de perfiles profesionales y sociales; dentro de los cuales categorizarles. Esta caracterización, siguiendo los objetivos de la presente investigación, contempla aspectos sociodemográficos y académicos; y facilita el manejo de la información. Lo anterior, al mismo tiempo, permite predecir y establecer relaciones causales entre los factores interpretados; aspectos propios de la investigación cuantitativa.
Inicialmente, dentro de los descubrimientos en cuanto a la caracterización sociodemográfica de las personas graduadas del Bachillerato y la Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar desde el 2009 hasta el 2012, se puede señalar que la población es femenina, su mayoría se encuentra entre los 30 y 33 años; la mitad de las mismas casadas, y las demás en diferentes estados civiles (solteras y en unión libre) y provenientes de centros educativos públicos.
En cuanto a las características académicas, la mayoría de la población egresada cuenta con el título de licenciatura. El siguiente nivel académico que posee la gran parte de la población es la maestría; siendo diferente para el grado de doctorado, el cual posee la minoría de la muestra. Con respecto a los títulos obtenidos posterior al bachillerato universitario, se revela que estos y su pregrado están altamente relacionados; tal como se muestra en el apartado de discusión de resultados. Finalmente, más de la tercera parte de la población cuenta con nivel alto o avanzado del idioma inglés; siendo minoría de la población la cual revela que cuenta con nivel bajo o nulo.
ABSTRACT: Through this study, the employment situation of graduates in the Bachelor degree in Preschool Education of the University of Costa Rica, in the period from 2009 to 2012 was analyzed. To achieve the objectives of this research, it was necessary to use a quantitative methodology. Due to the above and the given nature of the project, it was necessary to collect information and data to create and develop the rest of the study in an intentional way. The population of this study were people graduated of the Bachelor degree of Preschool Education from University of Costa Rica, at the Rodrigo Facio Headquarters; who obtained the degree between 2009 and 2012. Since the total population was 126 graduates, it was recommended to give the instrument to all the individuals, of which, the responses of 57 graduates were received. Among the conclusions are the following: To fully understand the employment status of people graduated from the Preschool Education career of the University of Costa Rica, the design of professional and social profiles is essential; in order to categorized them. This characterization, following the objectives of the present investigation, contemplates sociodemographic and academic aspects; and facilitates information management. The above, at the same time, allows predicting and establishing causal relationships between the interpreted factors; aspects of quantitative research. Initially, within the findings regarding the sociodemographic characterization of graduates of the the Bachelor of Preschool Education from 2009 to 2012, it can be noted that the population is female, mostly between 30 and 33 years ; half of them married, and the others in different civil states (single and in free union) and from public educational centers. As for the academic characteristics, the majority of the graduated population has a bachelor's degree. The next academic level that the majority of the population possesses is mastery; being different for the doctorate degree, which owns the minority of the sample. Regarding to the degrees obtained after the university Bachelors, it is revealed that these and their undergraduate are highly related; as shown in the discussion of results section. Finally, more than a third of the population has a high or advanced level of English; being a minority of the population which reveals that it has a low or zero english level.
ABSTRACT: Through this study, the employment situation of graduates in the Bachelor degree in Preschool Education of the University of Costa Rica, in the period from 2009 to 2012 was analyzed. To achieve the objectives of this research, it was necessary to use a quantitative methodology. Due to the above and the given nature of the project, it was necessary to collect information and data to create and develop the rest of the study in an intentional way. The population of this study were people graduated of the Bachelor degree of Preschool Education from University of Costa Rica, at the Rodrigo Facio Headquarters; who obtained the degree between 2009 and 2012. Since the total population was 126 graduates, it was recommended to give the instrument to all the individuals, of which, the responses of 57 graduates were received. Among the conclusions are the following: To fully understand the employment status of people graduated from the Preschool Education career of the University of Costa Rica, the design of professional and social profiles is essential; in order to categorized them. This characterization, following the objectives of the present investigation, contemplates sociodemographic and academic aspects; and facilitates information management. The above, at the same time, allows predicting and establishing causal relationships between the interpreted factors; aspects of quantitative research. Initially, within the findings regarding the sociodemographic characterization of graduates of the the Bachelor of Preschool Education from 2009 to 2012, it can be noted that the population is female, mostly between 30 and 33 years ; half of them married, and the others in different civil states (single and in free union) and from public educational centers. As for the academic characteristics, the majority of the graduated population has a bachelor's degree. The next academic level that the majority of the population possesses is mastery; being different for the doctorate degree, which owns the minority of the sample. Regarding to the degrees obtained after the university Bachelors, it is revealed that these and their undergraduate are highly related; as shown in the discussion of results section. Finally, more than a third of the population has a high or advanced level of English; being a minority of the population which reveals that it has a low or zero english level.
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