Uso del software libre como medio para democratizar la educación
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Este proyecto tiene como fin elaborar un insumo que, al visibilizar los elementos democratizadores que están aparejados al uso del software libre o sistemas de código abierto, sirvan de base para que fortalezca la gestión de las instituciones públicas en Costa Rica y permita la toma de decisiones equitativas, solidarias y económicas, tanto en el ámbito académico, caso de las Universidades, como en el gobierno en general.
La metodología empleada fue la indagación y recopilación de los diversos documentos externos e internos a la Universidad, que respalden el contenido del documento o documentos que se elaboren. Se dió seguimiento mediante las autoevaluaciones periódicas por parte del INIE Además, se realizó una recopilación de diversas fuentes y recursos bibliográficos como libros de texto, artículos de publicaciones periódicas de Europa y América, noticias periodísticas, ponencias, conferencias brindadas por diversas personalidades académicas especialistas en el tema. También, debido a que el tema de la investigación concierne al tema de propiedad intelectual, fueron consultadas las bases de datos y sitio web de la OMPI.
Algunas de las conclusiones de la investigación son las siguientes:
En Costa Rica, el uso del software libre por parte de entidades gubernamentales como las Universidades Públicas y otras instituciones, entre ellas las corporaciones municipales, hace que para los próximos años, no solo se potencie el uso del software libre, sino que también las discusiones sobre temas como neutralidad tecnológica, interoperabilidad, brecha digital y gobierno digital se agudicen, debido a la natural reacción de las compañías representantes del software privativo.
Se requiere un replanteamiento del concepto de Propiedad Intelectual con el propósito de disminuir o atenuar el efecto no deseado que este fenómeno causa sobre la libertad de accesar el conocimiento.
Uno de los principales aportes del presente proyecto es la revisión y actualización del concepto de software libre esbozado en el artículo titulado Qué es realmente el software libre?. Dicho concepto logra armonizar elementos sociales, tecnológicos, éticos y económicos.
Valores agregados del presente proyecto que han sido productos adicionales de difusión de este concepto, han sido las conferencias, conversatorios, vídeo.
conferencia con la Universidad Luterana de El Salvador, entrevistas en los medios de comunicación, elaboración de un documental y un vídeo sobre instalación de software libre junto a otro sistema operativo en una misma computadora y la participación en el Encuentro Centroa mericano de Software Libre.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this project is to develop material by which shedding light on the democratizing elements liked to the free software or open source systems, it is a basis for strengthening the management of Costa Rican public institutions and allowing for fair, joint and economic decisions in both academia in the case of universities and government in general. The methodology was research and compilation of various documents published by the University and otherwise that support the content of the document or documents to be done. The INIE monitored the project through periodic self-assessments; in addition, a compilation of several sources and bibliographical resources such as texts, articles of European and American periodicals, newspaper articles, papers, journals and lectures from various well-known scholars who specialize in the topic. Also, since the subject of the research related to intellectual property, the WIPO's databases and website were consulted. Some of the conclusions of the research are the following: • In Costa Rica, the use of free software by government entities such as public universities and other institutions including municipal corporations allow that for the next few years, not only the use of free software be boosted, but also the discussion of topics like technological neutrality, interoperability, digital and governance divide be heightened due to the natural reaction of companies representing proprietary software. • Redefining intellectual property is required in order to lessen or mitigate the unwanted effect that this phenomenon causes on the freedom to access knowledge. • One of the main contributions of this project is the revision and updating of concept of free software outlined in the article: "What is Really Free Software?" This concept manages to harmonize social, technological, ethical and economic elements. • Added value to this project which have been additional products from disseminating this concept have been the conferences, discussions, and videos. For example, the conference with the Lutheran University of El Salvador, the interviews with media, the production of a documentary, a video on installing free software with another operating system in the same computer, and the participation in the Central American Free Software Conference.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this project is to develop material by which shedding light on the democratizing elements liked to the free software or open source systems, it is a basis for strengthening the management of Costa Rican public institutions and allowing for fair, joint and economic decisions in both academia in the case of universities and government in general. The methodology was research and compilation of various documents published by the University and otherwise that support the content of the document or documents to be done. The INIE monitored the project through periodic self-assessments; in addition, a compilation of several sources and bibliographical resources such as texts, articles of European and American periodicals, newspaper articles, papers, journals and lectures from various well-known scholars who specialize in the topic. Also, since the subject of the research related to intellectual property, the WIPO's databases and website were consulted. Some of the conclusions of the research are the following: • In Costa Rica, the use of free software by government entities such as public universities and other institutions including municipal corporations allow that for the next few years, not only the use of free software be boosted, but also the discussion of topics like technological neutrality, interoperability, digital and governance divide be heightened due to the natural reaction of companies representing proprietary software. • Redefining intellectual property is required in order to lessen or mitigate the unwanted effect that this phenomenon causes on the freedom to access knowledge. • One of the main contributions of this project is the revision and updating of concept of free software outlined in the article: "What is Really Free Software?" This concept manages to harmonize social, technological, ethical and economic elements. • Added value to this project which have been additional products from disseminating this concept have been the conferences, discussions, and videos. For example, the conference with the Lutheran University of El Salvador, the interviews with media, the production of a documentary, a video on installing free software with another operating system in the same computer, and the participation in the Central American Free Software Conference.
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