Fortalecimiento de los mecanismos de la revista educación
Título de la revista
ISSN de la revista
Título del volumen
El proyecto tiene como objetivo general: ofrecer a la comunidad del área de la educación nacional e internacional el volumen 32, número 2 del 2008, de “Educación, Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica”, en
formato electrónico e impreso para facilitar y ampliar la difusión de la investigación y la reflexión referidas al
campo educativo. Las actividades realizadas fueron:
• Recepción de artículos.
• Arbitraje de artículos.
• Entrega del volumen a la Editorial en CD para la respectiva diagramación.
• Revisión de cada una de las partes de la revista, asegurando el cumplimiento de parámetros de calidad,
devolver cualquier aspecto que deba corregirse nuevamente y que no se ajuste al formato de la revista.
• Cada archivo de la revista se convirtió en PDF.
Los resultados obtenidos se condujeron paralelamente con las metas propuestas, de manera satisfactoria. Este proyecto de apoyo a la investigación, deja beneficios académicos, pues con la publicación digital que sale antes de la impresa (soporte en papel), se acelera la difusión de la investigación que se anida en los artículos que conforman el volumen. También permitió mantener la periodicidad, cuyo parámetro nos permite continuar en el Catálogo Latindex y Redalyc, que son hemerotecas electrónicas, que divulgan internacionalmente la difusión de la investigación, para los usuarios que consulten Internet en el tema de las revistas.
ABSTRACT: The project has as a general objective: to offer the community of the area of national and international education volume 32, number 2 of 2008, of "Education, Journal of the University of Costa Rica", in electronic and printed format to facilitate and expand the dissemination of research and reflection related to the educational field. The activities carried out were: • Reception of articles. • Arbitration of articles. • Delivery of the volume to the Editorial on CD for the respective layout. • Review of each of the parts of the journal, ensuring compliance with quality parameters, return any aspect that should be corrected again and that does not conform to the format of the journal. • Each journal file became PDF. The results obtained were conducted in parallel with the proposed goals, in a satisfactory manner. This research support project leaves academic benefits, since with the digital publication that comes out before the printed one (paper support), the dissemination of the research that is nested in the articles that make up the volume is accelerated. It also allowed to maintain the periodicity, whose parameter allows us to continue in the Catalog Latindex and Redalyc, which are electronic newspaper archives, which internationally disseminate the dissemination of research, for users who consult the Internet on the subject of journals.
ABSTRACT: The project has as a general objective: to offer the community of the area of national and international education volume 32, number 2 of 2008, of "Education, Journal of the University of Costa Rica", in electronic and printed format to facilitate and expand the dissemination of research and reflection related to the educational field. The activities carried out were: • Reception of articles. • Arbitration of articles. • Delivery of the volume to the Editorial on CD for the respective layout. • Review of each of the parts of the journal, ensuring compliance with quality parameters, return any aspect that should be corrected again and that does not conform to the format of the journal. • Each journal file became PDF. The results obtained were conducted in parallel with the proposed goals, in a satisfactory manner. This research support project leaves academic benefits, since with the digital publication that comes out before the printed one (paper support), the dissemination of the research that is nested in the articles that make up the volume is accelerated. It also allowed to maintain the periodicity, whose parameter allows us to continue in the Catalog Latindex and Redalyc, which are electronic newspaper archives, which internationally disseminate the dissemination of research, for users who consult the Internet on the subject of journals.
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