Red ProEducación (II etapa).
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Esta segunda etapa del proyecto, se planteó como objetivo general, la modernización de la enseñanza del
Cálculo, enfocando prioritariamente en el curso Cálculo II, impartido como curso de servicio por la Escuela
de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica y cuyos estudiantes provienen de las distintas escuelas de laFacultad de Ingeniería, de Física y de Química.
La iniciativa surge del deseo de resolver el problema de baja promoción que afrontaba históricamente dicho
curso, mediante una reforma integral del mismo.
La reforma integral propuesta abarcó diversos aspectos, entre los cuales se pueden citar como objetivos específicos
los siguientes:
• Aspectos curriculares. Revisión de los contenidos del programa, revisión del énfasis y duración dedicada
a ciertos temas.
• Aspectos didácticos. Revisión de diversas teorías de la enseñanza-aprendizaje, elaboración de un texto
adecuado, motivación de docentes y estudiantes, revisión de la dinámica de clase, revisión de los métodos
de evaluación.
• Incorporación de nuevas tecnologías. Presentación de la teoría utilizando recursos multimedia, uso de
la computadora en el aula, promoción del uso de software para graficación y solución de problemas,
utilización de correo electrónico y creación de una página web en internet.
• Detección y atención de problemas psicológicos. Colaboración con la unidad de CASE (Centro de
Asesoría Estudiantil) de la Escuela de Matemática, para la atención más eficaz de los estudiantes con
problemas de déficit atención, problemas de rendimiento, baja autoestima, necesidades especiales.
• Vigilancia estadística. Análisis de las tendencias de matrícula, tasas de aprobación y composición de la
población estudiantil.
Los resultados de esta investigación desarrollaron como producto un Cuaderno de Trabajo para la materia de
Cálculo II, así como un disco compacto de apoyo a ese material didáctico.
ABSTRACT: The second stage of the project, as a general objective, sought to modernize the teaching of Calculus focusing mainly on the course Calculus II taught at the School of Mathematics of the University of Costa Rica, and whose students come from the different schools of the Engineering, Physics and Chemistry Faculties. The initiative stems from the desire to solve the non-passing percentage problem historically faced with said course through a comprehensive reform of the course. The proposed comprehensive proposal covered a number of aspects from which the following are specific objectives: • Curricular aspects. Revise the contents of the program, and the emphasis and amount of classes spent on certain topics. • Didactic aspects. Revision of various teaching-learning theories; drafting an appropriate text, motivating teachers and students, revising class dynamics, revising the evaluation methods. • Incorporation of new technologies. Present theory using multimedia resources, use of computers in the classroom, promote the use of software to illustrate and solve problems, use of e-mail and create a web page. • Detection and attention to psychological problems. Collaboration with the CASE (Student Advisory Center) of the School of Mathematics, for the most effective aid for students with Attention Deficit problems, performance problems, low self-esteem, special needs. • Statistical monitoring. Analysis of enrollment trends, passing rates and student population demographic. As a result of the research, a Calculus II Workbook was created as well as a compact disc with teaching resources.
ABSTRACT: The second stage of the project, as a general objective, sought to modernize the teaching of Calculus focusing mainly on the course Calculus II taught at the School of Mathematics of the University of Costa Rica, and whose students come from the different schools of the Engineering, Physics and Chemistry Faculties. The initiative stems from the desire to solve the non-passing percentage problem historically faced with said course through a comprehensive reform of the course. The proposed comprehensive proposal covered a number of aspects from which the following are specific objectives: • Curricular aspects. Revise the contents of the program, and the emphasis and amount of classes spent on certain topics. • Didactic aspects. Revision of various teaching-learning theories; drafting an appropriate text, motivating teachers and students, revising class dynamics, revising the evaluation methods. • Incorporation of new technologies. Present theory using multimedia resources, use of computers in the classroom, promote the use of software to illustrate and solve problems, use of e-mail and create a web page. • Detection and attention to psychological problems. Collaboration with the CASE (Student Advisory Center) of the School of Mathematics, for the most effective aid for students with Attention Deficit problems, performance problems, low self-esteem, special needs. • Statistical monitoring. Analysis of enrollment trends, passing rates and student population demographic. As a result of the research, a Calculus II Workbook was created as well as a compact disc with teaching resources.
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