Desarrollo del pensamiento numérico en proceso de formación continua con docentes de educación primaria utilizando una perspectiva sociocultural
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Este estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar el aprendizaje de docentes de primaria de escuelas públicas que participan en un proceso de formación continua en matemáticas que promueve el pensamiento numérico en relación con las operaciones básicas con números naturales y diseñado con base en postulados socioculturales. Se trabajó el tema de operaciones básicas con números naturales con un grupo de docentes en servicio a través de sesiones sincrónicas semanales. El curso impartido fue dividido en tres partes: al inicio se trabajaron estrategias para realizar cálculos con las operaciones básicas con números naturales que promovieran el cálculo mental y la comprensión de las operaciones y los números naturales de una manera más profunda, sin utilización de algoritmos. También se analizó el diseño de problemas sobre este tema. La segunda parte del curso se centró en el análisis del pensamiento matemático del estudiantado al resolver problemas que involucran operaciones básicas con números naturales. Finalmente, se trabajaron estrategias para promover más participación del estudiantado en la clase, a través de la promoción del discurso matemático al explicar la solución dada a los problemas propuestos. A través de esta intervención se hizo la recolección de la información que permitió realizar la recolección de información a través de la grabación de las videollamadas realizadas. Se grabaron las 32 sesiones de trabajo para un total de 54 horas. Se trabajó con doce docentes de diferentes lugares del país. Del análisis realizado se nota que se lograron los objetivos planteados para este proyecto. Hay bastante evidencia de que se lograron cambios en la participación del profesorado y por tanto hubo aprendizaje por parte de las docentes (Cobb & Bowers, 1999; Horn, 2010; Lave, 1996; Lave & Wenger, 1991). Es importante destacar que la creación de normas sociomatemáticas (Yackel & Cobb, 1996) ayudó a que las personas participantes pudieran empezar a pensar en nuevas ideas sobre temas matemáticos ya conocidos por ellas y se logró realmente profundizar en ideas básicas, pero muy importantes relacionadas con las operaciones básicas con números naturales y conceptos del sistema de numeración decimal. Se observó que había algunas ideas iniciales importantes, tales como que hay un “método correcto” para resolver las operaciones y a pesar de que las docentes utilizaban o conocían otros que consideraban efectivos, no los enseñaban a sus estudiantes. Sus comentarios dejaron ver que normalmente enseñaban una estrategia, la cual se consideraba la oficial de la institución o del aula. Si esa no funcionaba se podría utilizar otra, pero en general no había opción a utilizar múltiples estrategias de solución. A través del proceso, ese discurso desapareció de las sesiones y las docentes comprendieron que había muchas posibilidades de solución, las cuales también observaron en algunos de sus estudiantes cuando implementaron algunos ejercicios y problemas en sus lecciones.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the learning of primary school teachers from public schools who participate in a continuous training process in mathematics that promotes numerical thinking in relation to basic operations with natural numbers and designed based on sociocultural postulates. The topic of basic operations with natural numbers was worked on with a group of in-service teachers through weekly synchronous sessions. The course taught was divided into three parts: at the beginning, strategies were worked on to perform calculations with basic operations with natural numbers that promoted mental calculation and the understanding of operations and natural numbers in a deeper way, without the use of algorithms. The design of problems on this topic was also analyzed. The second part of the course focused on the analysis of the students' mathematical thinking when solving problems that involve basic operations with natural numbers. Finally, strategies were worked on to promote more student participation in class, through the promotion of mathematical discourse when explaining the solution given to the proposed problems. Through this intervention, the information was collected that allowed the collection of information through the recording of the video calls made. The 32 work sessions were recorded for a total of 54 hours. We worked with twelve teachers from different parts of the country. From the analysis carried out it is noted that the objectives set for this project were achieved. There is considerable evidence that changes were achieved in teacher participation and therefore there was learning on the part of the teacher. (Cobb & Bowers, 1999; Horn, 2010; Lave, 1996; Lave & Wenger, 1991). It is important to highlight that the creation of sociomathematical norms (Yackel & Cobb, 1996) helped the participants to start thinking about new ideas about mathematical topics already known to them and it was possible to really delve into basic, but very important ideas related to Basic operations with natural numbers and concepts of the decimal number system. It was observed that there were some important initial ideas, such as that there is a “correct method” to solve operations and although the teachers used or knew of others that they considered effective, they did not teach them to their students. Their comments showed that they normally taught a strategy, which was considered the official one of the institution or the classroom. If that one did not work, another could be used, but in general there was no option to use multiple solution strategies. Through the process, this discourse disappeared from the sessions and the teachers understood that there were many possibilities for solutions, which they also observed in some of their students when they implemented some exercises and problems in their lessons.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the learning of primary school teachers from public schools who participate in a continuous training process in mathematics that promotes numerical thinking in relation to basic operations with natural numbers and designed based on sociocultural postulates. The topic of basic operations with natural numbers was worked on with a group of in-service teachers through weekly synchronous sessions. The course taught was divided into three parts: at the beginning, strategies were worked on to perform calculations with basic operations with natural numbers that promoted mental calculation and the understanding of operations and natural numbers in a deeper way, without the use of algorithms. The design of problems on this topic was also analyzed. The second part of the course focused on the analysis of the students' mathematical thinking when solving problems that involve basic operations with natural numbers. Finally, strategies were worked on to promote more student participation in class, through the promotion of mathematical discourse when explaining the solution given to the proposed problems. Through this intervention, the information was collected that allowed the collection of information through the recording of the video calls made. The 32 work sessions were recorded for a total of 54 hours. We worked with twelve teachers from different parts of the country. From the analysis carried out it is noted that the objectives set for this project were achieved. There is considerable evidence that changes were achieved in teacher participation and therefore there was learning on the part of the teacher. (Cobb & Bowers, 1999; Horn, 2010; Lave, 1996; Lave & Wenger, 1991). It is important to highlight that the creation of sociomathematical norms (Yackel & Cobb, 1996) helped the participants to start thinking about new ideas about mathematical topics already known to them and it was possible to really delve into basic, but very important ideas related to Basic operations with natural numbers and concepts of the decimal number system. It was observed that there were some important initial ideas, such as that there is a “correct method” to solve operations and although the teachers used or knew of others that they considered effective, they did not teach them to their students. Their comments showed that they normally taught a strategy, which was considered the official one of the institution or the classroom. If that one did not work, another could be used, but in general there was no option to use multiple solution strategies. Through the process, this discourse disappeared from the sessions and the teachers understood that there were many possibilities for solutions, which they also observed in some of their students when they implemented some exercises and problems in their lessons.
Palabras clave
Educación primaria, Enseñanza, Matemáticas, Formación de docentes, Calidad de la educación, Primary education, teaching, Mathematics, Teacher training, Quality of education