Evaluación de proyectos. Alianza por la educación y programas académicos, el caso de CR :Período de evaluación 2006-2007.
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Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo principal evaluar los proyectos Programa Alianza por la Educación (Partners in learning, PIL) y Programas Académicos (IT Academies), a partir de su puesta en práctica en Costa Rica y desde la perspectiva de los actores: coordinadores, asesores, facilitadores, docentes y estudiantes.
Esta investigación es una evaluación con características diagnósticas y formativas, que persigue describir,
analizar y valorar los procesos desarrollados en los componentes de los proyectos indicados anteriormente. Se lleva a cabo mediante una modalidad de estudio de caso, en el que se abordan las instituciones, las personas responsables y las poblaciones beneficiadas, mediante técnicas que permitan recoger su punto de vista sobre la experiencia desarrollada en el marco de los proyectos indicados. Se realizó a través de cuatro fases: I. Contextualización;
II. Descripción, análisis y valoración de los procesos desarrollados en los componentes de los
proyectos y en relación con la población beneficiada; III. Devolución de la información; IV. Elaboración de
Se utilizaron las siguientes técnicas de investigación:
• Entrevistas a informantes clave
• Análisis de contenido.
• Grupos focales.
• Al menos una visita a una institución educativa (2 visitas al Colegio del Este).
Algunas consideraciones finales fueron las siguientes:
• Las personas responsables del desarrollo de los programas Partners in Learning (PIL) y IT Academies,
coinciden en la importancia del financiamiento otorgado por Microsoft para la incorporación de las
TIC en los procesos educativos, ya que es probable que algunos de estos proyectos no se habrían realizado
en el sistema educativo costarricense sin ese aporte económico.
• El proyecto Partners in Learning (PIL) viene a reforzar el componente tecnológico necesario para fortalecer
la educación en el país. Los responsables de este proyecto consideran que las instituciones deberían,
si no cuentan con recursos propios, buscar financiamiento para equipar sus escuelas y colegios con
laboratorios de cómputo. Esta percepción coincide con las iniciativas para que las Juntas de Educación
y las comunidades educativas, se responsabilicen del mantenimiento de los laboratorios, por el deterioro
de los equipos y la caducidad de las licencias. Por esta razón, el apoyo del MEP y de Microsoft con los
componentes de PIL, garantiza la renovación de las licencias y la actualización del software.
• Los responsables de los programas estudiados, consideran que los directores de centros educativos
deben tomar en cuenta, como tarea prioritaria, el estimular a los profesores para que opten por la
certificación, ya que significa una posibilidad importante para ampliar su currículum y prepararse de
acuerdo con las necesidades educativas tecnológicas que demanda actualmente el mundo globalizado.
Esta responsabilidad también recae en los profesores, quienes podrían fomentar estas actividades en sus
estudiantes (los futuros profesionales), quienes deben ser competentes para rendir en el área de formación
para el trabajo.
• La empresa ITCCS/CTE recomienda el desarrollo de estrategias de labor conjunta para atender
el manejo operacional y de infraestructura de PIL con el MEP y la FOD. Lo anterior necesita ser
fortalecido continuamente, ya que se requieren esfuerzos compartidos para involucrar a la mayor
cantidad de docentes en el proceso de capacitación, para lograr el seguimiento y la culminación de
dicho proceso, de manera que muchos puedan certificarse como especialistas en el manejo de los
programas Microsoft Office.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this project was to evaluate the projects Alliance for Education Program (Partners in learning, PIL) and Academic Programs (IT Academies), from its implementation in Costa Rica and from the perspective of the actors: coordinators, advisers , facilitators, teachers and students. This research is an evaluation with diagnostic and formative characteristics, which seeks to describe, analyze and to evaluate the processes developed in the components of the projects indicated above. It is carried out by means of a case study modality, in which the institutions, the responsible persons and the beneficiary populations are addressed, by means of techniques that allow to gather their point of view on the experience developed within the framework of the indicated projects. It was carried out through four phases: I. Contextualization II. Description, analysis and evaluation of the processes developed in the components of the projects and in relation to the beneficiary population III. Return of information IV. Preparation of reports. The following research techniques were used: • Interviews with key informants • Content analysis. • Focus groups. • At least one visit to an educational institution (2 visits to the Colegio del Este). Some final considerations were the following: • The people responsible for the development of the Partners in Learning (PIL) and IT Academies programs coincide in the importance of the financing granted by Microsoft for the incorporation of ICT in educational processes, since it is probable that some of these projects will not be. They would have performed in the Costa Rican educational system without that economic contribution. • The Partners in Learning (PIL) project reinforces the technological component necessary to strengthen education in the country. Those responsible for this project believe that institutions should, if they do not have their own resources, seek financing to equip their schools and schools with computer labs. This perception coincides with the initiatives that the Education Boards and the educational communities are responsible for the maintenance of the laboratories, for the deterioration of the equipment and the expiration of the licenses. Due to this reason, the support of MEP and Microsoft with the components of PIL, guarantees the renewal of the licenses . • Those who are responsible for the studied programs , consider the directors of educational centers must take into account, as a priority task, to encourage teachers for certification, as it means an important possibility to expand your resume and prepare for. According to the technological educational needs the globalized world currently demands. This responsibility also lies with the teachers, who could encourage these activities in their students (future professionals), who must be competent to perform in the area of job training. • The ITCCS / CTE company recommends the development of joint work strategies to address the operational and infrastructure management of PIL with the MEP and the FOD. The above needs to be continually strengthened, as shared efforts are required to involve the greatest number of teachers in the training process, to achieve the monitoring and culmination of this process, so that many can be certified as specialists in the management of Microsoft Office programs.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this project was to evaluate the projects Alliance for Education Program (Partners in learning, PIL) and Academic Programs (IT Academies), from its implementation in Costa Rica and from the perspective of the actors: coordinators, advisers , facilitators, teachers and students. This research is an evaluation with diagnostic and formative characteristics, which seeks to describe, analyze and to evaluate the processes developed in the components of the projects indicated above. It is carried out by means of a case study modality, in which the institutions, the responsible persons and the beneficiary populations are addressed, by means of techniques that allow to gather their point of view on the experience developed within the framework of the indicated projects. It was carried out through four phases: I. Contextualization II. Description, analysis and evaluation of the processes developed in the components of the projects and in relation to the beneficiary population III. Return of information IV. Preparation of reports. The following research techniques were used: • Interviews with key informants • Content analysis. • Focus groups. • At least one visit to an educational institution (2 visits to the Colegio del Este). Some final considerations were the following: • The people responsible for the development of the Partners in Learning (PIL) and IT Academies programs coincide in the importance of the financing granted by Microsoft for the incorporation of ICT in educational processes, since it is probable that some of these projects will not be. They would have performed in the Costa Rican educational system without that economic contribution. • The Partners in Learning (PIL) project reinforces the technological component necessary to strengthen education in the country. Those responsible for this project believe that institutions should, if they do not have their own resources, seek financing to equip their schools and schools with computer labs. This perception coincides with the initiatives that the Education Boards and the educational communities are responsible for the maintenance of the laboratories, for the deterioration of the equipment and the expiration of the licenses. Due to this reason, the support of MEP and Microsoft with the components of PIL, guarantees the renewal of the licenses . • Those who are responsible for the studied programs , consider the directors of educational centers must take into account, as a priority task, to encourage teachers for certification, as it means an important possibility to expand your resume and prepare for. According to the technological educational needs the globalized world currently demands. This responsibility also lies with the teachers, who could encourage these activities in their students (future professionals), who must be competent to perform in the area of job training. • The ITCCS / CTE company recommends the development of joint work strategies to address the operational and infrastructure management of PIL with the MEP and the FOD. The above needs to be continually strengthened, as shared efforts are required to involve the greatest number of teachers in the training process, to achieve the monitoring and culmination of this process, so that many can be certified as specialists in the management of Microsoft Office programs.
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